Other urls found in this thread: Bow

dude i got all the achievements 2nd week of release. my advice would be to git gud tbqh pham.

giiiiiiiiiiiit guuuuuuuuud

Either bow and arrow him or re-spec and use Havel's Shield.

What level are you? What weapon?

He was super easy with my bow-only build

>there's anons who still haven't beaten Nameless King

First time beating him I fast rolled with the bloodring on, while it made it tense when I got hit it let me panic roll. after that its pretty much a cake walk. Learn to dodge fuck boi

ITT: pretentious children

I cheesed him with Avelyn.

I doubt arrows will do much damage...and I only have a long bow so it's probably too slow.

SL107...a bit over-leveled but this is my last boss before I go into NG+.
VGR 40
END 31
VIT 25
STR 38
DEX 37

Refined Longsword
Silver Knight Shield

become proficient

>get a quick weapon like a short sword
>Havels shield

Just spam roll like you do against every other boss in any Dark Souls game

This is the key: Bow

His attack timing isn't odd, just keep trying and learn to predict it.
Alternatively, complete other areas first then come back.

>VIT 25
>STR 38
>DEX 37

>Refined Longsword
>they said its best swordo im gamo


You know you're a special kind of terrible at this game when you're overeleveled for the content and yet still struggled.

Git gud actually means "learn the attack telegraphs".

Well you're overleveled and have a great weapon. Git gud is really all that's left

You can stunlock him to death. He actually stuns fairly quickly if you just go crazy on him.

I've already done all the other areas. Just gotta finish this guy and get to NG+ to do it all again.
I just meant I sometimes automatically dodge when I see the wind-up which is too early because he often pauses at the height of his animation before following through. I just need to be more patient with the dodges.

I can fast roll if I lose all my armor and equip Havel's. I guess I'll try that?

Actually I chose the longsword because it's my favorite weapon and I use it in all the Souls games. No need to be rude.

OK guess I'll just go back to trying then.

Yeah I usually can get 3 swings off max and that doesn't stun him. I might just two-hand my sword and drop the shield entirely.

Two handing does a lot more stun damage for most weapons.

You need two more strength for the shield. It's worth it.

I honestly don't know how can people have trouble with this boss and not the others. Him and twin princes have the most telegraphed attack in the world, they are fun but they're pretty easy. Not to mention you can deal visceral damage on the dragon

are you on PC? if so give me a password i'll try to help you out user.

I have no idea how someone who can fight Gundyr melee can have trouble with this guy.

No I'm a filthy console pleb who has to pay for online.

Also I wouldn't summon you anyway since I like to do my first playthroughs solo.

Gundyr was much easier. He has traditional attack timing, no magic stuff in addition to his melee, doesn't have as much stamina.

Switch to Refined Astora Greatsword

No, "git gud" means that you are a 30yo who still watches anime and saltily cries yourself to sleep when I beat you in pvp and use the clap/point down gesture. It also means that you probably summoned for half the boss fights.

Actually you might be a 13yo, I really can't tell anymore because fucking From Software is now making games for edgy teens.

It's mostly because they're almost too telegraphed, both Nameless King and the princes have attacks where the animation stops for a split second and that causes some people to dodge too early and get flattened. It sould only really be a problem for a short while though, after it happens a few times you start to know which attacks have the delay.

It took me like an hour, but it evenually clicks. His whole game is flurishes. Dont panic roll, concentrate and you win.

Project any harder and you could rent yourself out to theatres.

>edgy teens

I just came in to this clusterfuck of a thread to say this:

YOU are the edgy one.

that was new in DS2, you'd think people would have gotten used to that by now. Plus, I don't remember them having very fast attack so you literally just have to pay attention to what they're doing and you'll always have time to dodge on reaction. I found the regular two handed swords knights in lothric castle to be much more of a challenge specifically because he combines very fast and very slow attacks

>I want to cry in my hugbox and be told it's not my fault: The Post

how can you even be bothered
i want the plat but i am too lazy to get it
i have the plats for all other soulsborne games

OP here that bitch nigga is not me.

OP here, no it's not my fault that you are literally retarded. Holy shit, the community of that game is pathetic.

holy fuck i beat him level 68 git fucking gud

Kek, this is fucking hilarious

OP here, please pay no attention to the imposter, this guy is me not me or him

holy shit make up your fucking mind

Carthus bloodring.
You're welcome.

>Before he stabs his dragon, his hands are trembling

DaS3 is the easiest souls game, you should have 0 problems. If you were complaining about the old hunters then that'd be a different story

git gud

just found this guy earlier and killed the dragon after a few tries, i had a feeling that was gonna happen.

but i did not expect to feel when it happened


Fuck no, nameless king always has a minimum pause between his attacks so you can ALWAYS attack him with a fast weapon, with gundyr you don't fucking know, the timing of his attacks are completely different you don't know when he will try to kick or punch your shit in or use a halberd attack, you have to evade entire combos rather than each attack individually.

>tfw beat all bosses in this game in less than 5 tries

Take on Orphan of Kos in NG+ and then tell me DS3 is "difficult"

I've tried around 30 times before beating him

You just learn his attacks by heart, first part of fight is easy as fuck when you know what he is going to do, it gets more complicated when he's on his feet, just wait for the moments and don't take risk or he'll fuck you up in a second

I beat him with my bare fist today. GIT GUD.

I did it with the black iron great shield and washing pole with mourne's armor. Just make it work.




I beat the king before the princes and because of that the princes were easy as dick