
>live at home
>trouble finding and holding a job
>unresponsive or incompetent in the majority of social situations
>unkempt hair
>often smells
>addicted to instantly gratifying chemicals in the brain

What's the difference between gamers and burnouts?

Nothing really. It's the side-effect of letting a short-term pleasure activity take over your life and prevent you from doing less exciting, but ultimately more rewarding things.

Although we're all just kind of here so do whatever makes you happy when you look in the mirror

My hair is not unkempt, I just got a haircut and washed it last night

my love for you is like a

Because not all "gamers" fit that description but many burnouts play video games

OP stop being a Porch Monkey

That's not what it is.



What? It's cool, I'm taking it back



>live at home
Where else would you live?

Your mother's husband's home.

> live at home
Where else should I stay nigga? Should I sleep on the streets?

I liked Dogma.

I live alone though

I have two jobs and I'm going to school full time while pursuing a double major,and I still put like 25 hours a week into gaming. Just get motivated you lazy shits.

Sucking your 2 uncles' cocks daily =/= two jobs
Watching gay porn all day =/= going to school full time
Practicing with your dragon dildo =/= putting in 25 hours a week into games

All you motherfuckers are gonna pay, YOU ARE THE ONES WHO ARE THE BALL-LICKERS

What do you think it is?