Just ordered this game, what am I in for?
Just ordered this game, what am I in for?
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A lackluster Mario Kart clone with worse controls and level design. And a flying gimmick tacked on. But everyone claims its the best game ever just because it has 'Rare' on the cover.
A wild racing adventure.
Imagine being this gay
Pretty good, and surprisingly original. Not really the Mario Kart clone you think it would be.
better than mario kart 2bh
>Better than Mario Kart
One of the best kart racers of the gen besides Mario Kart 64 and Crash Team Racing. I personally like DKR better than MK64.
Crash Team Racing is 10x better
Poor mans Mario kart
>I own both
When I was a young lad playing this game for some reason it glitched out and unlocked the space levels - mind you I had no idea there was an entire new section of the game and my mind was blown. The next day the glitched fixed and they were gone and I eventually figured out how to unlock them but that was one of the coolest gaming memories I have.
"Select your veeecle"
Crash Team Racing>Diddy Kong Racing> Mario Kart 64
This is an objective fact.
What did he mean by this?
>buys game
>goes on Sup Forums and asks what it's about
Do you even google?
a fat pig's dick in your anus
also tentacle porn
Hot top volcano best theme
I played the fuck out of it when I was 12, my friend had an N64 and we played it after school. So much fun. There's loads of tracks ad secrets and stuff. Oh man can we play this shit online yet, what year is this
A hard game. Maybe I'm just casual.
At least Diddy Kong Racing has content and a sense of progression.
You don't earn shit in Mario Kart 64.
I'm spent more time in DKR than I ever did in MK64
>being this desperate to criticize
As a single player game, DKR had so much more content than Mario kart. The adventure mode, boss races, TT's time trials and the fact that all the courses had slightly different routes depending on vehicle choice made this game more replayable imo. The battle mode was better than MK64 too.
>tfw no Mario Kart vs Diddy Kong Racing game
>tfw will never have any DKR characters come back
It has more content, but a lot of it I didn't care too much for, like the hovercraft sections. Also didn't really like the forced time trials in order to unlock TT. Battle mode was pretty cool.
Oh and, inb4 CTR autists come in to crash this thread like they do with every other racing game thread.
>Also didn't really like the forced time trials in order to unlock TT
>I don't want to work hard to unlock the fastest character in the game
Come on user, please tell me this isn't the reason
I don't mind having to work hard, but I find time trials to be rather boring. I liked the main adventure better.
Mash A to Win
I did do the time trials mind you. I even beat the game for my cousins, who gave up on Wizpig long ago. I had no trouble doing this. I just find time trials tedious, never did like them.
I can see why in that case. It's especially annoying that you have to do it twice.
Yeah, I think that was the annoyance for me more than anything. I can handle time trials, even though I don't like them, but doing it all twice seemed a little tedious and unnecessary.
TT is a great character though
>That kid in your class that would always pick TT
>then would beg you to come over and unlock TT for him
This same shit happened in Goldeneye as well, I was the only kid in the grade that unlocked Egypt.
Fuck Control on any difficulty
I never unlocked Egypt, but I did always unlock TT for my friends.
The coin challenges were fucking god awful. Fuck whoever came up with that.
The absoulte hardest level in Goldeneye was Aztec on 00 Agent but Control wasn't far behind.
Caverns was also hard but mostly because it lasts fucking forever.
its fun to play with other people in local multiplayer, but the single player story mode is ridiculous especially the cheap cheating boss races
>Hot Top Volcano
>not Spaceport Alpha
thinking about this game makes me wish I could kill myself and start over in NG+ as a kid
Man fuck that, you wanna pick the most broken character in the game in multiplayer you better unlock him first. Like a man.
What's it like being the second worst human being on Earth?
Well, at least you're not Anthony Burch.
I don't know why, but I always enjoyed beating games for my friends. I think it was the bragging rights I attained afterwards that brought me satisfaction.
That being said, I always fucking picked TT. I insisted on it. That was the deal, I unlock him, I get to use him.
coin races were good because you couldn't be fucked over by rng in dkr. It was an extra challenge that came down to pure skill. It would probably suck in mario kart though
Are you me?
I was obsessed with this game, sometimes I'd just drive around the entire overworld while I was waiting for friends to finish their classes so they could comeover and play.
My favorite race track was that winter-themed one at night.
Greenwood Village was just absolute horseshit in SCC though
No but if the same thing happened to you then that's cool and we should fuck eachothers butts
DKR is one of those games that reminds me how shit I've gotten at gaming since I was a kid.
I used fucking Tiptup to unlock TT. He was like the worst character! I just used him because his voice made me laugh!
A good OST youtube.com
I'd agree with you if half the dam coins weren't put in really dumb places that only make it harder for you by taking extremely slower routes.
This. CTR is GOAT and DKR is fun.
I burst out laughing like a moron.
Thanks user.
Holy shit this.
I'm awful at DKR these days, used to be great.
DKR > memekart64
also, Timber was always the master race :^)
Can't unhear
Is DKR David Wise's best work?
>go back to DKR
>I'm still so good at it with Tiptup that I have to turn on the rubberbanding AI cheat so I don't lap the CPU players
>still nobody wants to play because I finish miles ahead
Good opinion
We took LSD and couldn't get passed the character selection screen. The way they were dancing and the music changed when you hovered over made me laugh non stop for almost an hour. Once the gameplay started I realized my drugs were not compatible with the graphics
This was problem the only reason I didn't like DKR and it wasn't even the games fault. After playing a lot I was just naturally better than my friends and there weren't any "please help me I'm so shit" items to help them catch up.
No, because Tropical Freeze and DKC2 exist.
This is literally the best kart game ever made
Its beyond sad to me there's never been a real sequel
How do you know that?
Seconded, my friends are shit even in Goldeneye 007 kek
>no crutch items
>being a bad thing
should have told your shitty friends to get good
good choice op. a lot more challenging than retarded mario kart 64
>no ''daisy's destruction''. Bad filename bro.
Good Times
Honestly a lot of MK8's faults could be fixed by just having an 8-player cap.
>Miyamoto drones still mad that a bunch of foreigners took an IP he created and made games that are better than any of his with it
I have shitty friends when it comes to competitive play. Fuck I have shitty friends when it comes to coop these days.
I replayed DKR a few months ago with a buddy and once he realized he wasn't winning races he'd just drive into walls and shit on purpose.
MKWii was such bullshit, I don't know how people can say it was better than Double Dash
>tfw Banjo & Kazooie Nuts & Bolts would have had near universal praise if the main character was someone who originated from DKR like Timber or TT
Friendly reminder that Timber is the best character & any other opinion is wrong.
Thats why I love shroom, you can still be functional as well as being high as fuck
>playing 4 player game with 2 friends
>have to team 2v2 with AI on easy to give them a chance
One of the best and funnest kart racers and the only one I know of where you can use any of the 3 vehicles for any course at any time.
Superior taste friend.
>not playing on hard mode
You wish fag MK64 is a steaming turd compared to DKR.
No you're all wrong.
Even the baddest of the bad could win with the easiest fucking strategy. Spend your first lap doing nothing but gathering all the coins and spend the other two laps pounding the rest of the racers.
Frankly, that isn't even necessary if you were good at the game, they can all easily be acquired if you had enough skill without slowing you down much. They were designed to be picked up a few per lap.
Honestly man, I figured this out when I was still a kid. How could grown men have this problem?
That is high quality meme art. I like that someone here took the time to put that together.
God Bless America.
The phrase "Mario Kart Clone" has been used, but is quite disingenuous. For starters, there is an overworld and a story mode. Battle modes aren't straight up last player standing, but each has an objective.
The main downside is that when you unlock planes, choosing anything else is objectively a bad decision. This makes multiplayer a bit of a drag late game.
Otherwise it's pretty darned fun and I'd certainly suggest a playthrough.
one time I accidentally glitched through a wall in the ice cave track with the loop and ended up in placeholder space
blew my fucking mind as a kid. I unwittingly did the same thing again on DK64 recently, where I glitched through the floor of the rotating cabin in Crystal Caves and fucked the whole thing up.
Timber is shit. Mouse 4ever.
DK64 is full of bugs. The fact that you experienced only one gamebreaking one is amazing. That is why the dong expands.
I never experienced any because I don't do random stupid shit in games.
>beat boss
>get told you now have to go back to all the tracks you just played and get silver coins as well
Good game but goddamn that padding.
this is one of the best games ever made have fun, dude!
Did anyone ever play the DS version? I'm tryna play this game RIGHT NOW