Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 6

>20 years ago, a psychotic master of dark magic attempted to open the Dragon's Gate and summon dragons into this world
>thanks to the son of the marquess of Pherae, the brother of the marquess of Ostia, and the granddaughter of the marquess of Caelin, his goals were stopped, and they sealed the dragons away...for what they thought was forever.
>now, however, prince zephiel of Bern has been crowned king, and is making all sorts of aggressive movements.
> fire emblem: The Sword of Seals

as with previous playthroughs, I'll be taking inputs on you guys. Who I use, who gets stat-ups, will all be decided by you.

>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR/MAG- how much damage you do with attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's defenses and your own weapon's MT
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, and if your CON is too low, you will suffer SPD penalties while using heavier weapons.
>Why are you so shitty?
I'm impatient

and here he is, our boy!

he'll be our star in this playthrough, with his totally incredible growths and his sensible story-based promotion that happens at a reasonable point in the story.

goddamn eliwood, I think all of ninian's special dances have sucked the youth right out of you!

I mean you're only 37.

for those unaware, lyn will be playing the role of 'sir not appearing in this game'.

>this whole post
Please don't lead astray the poor sods that haven't played this FE yet

hector, meanwhile, is looking great despite his cancer.

Dammit nigger, I have stuff to do and you're just posting a new playthrough

Why do they look so OLD


Hector really looks off with a beard.

Blazing Sword is a prequel, and making 10 year Olds mcs would've been weird. Small mistake from their part

plot hole, I guess. it's not the last one.

if blazing sword had been set 30 years later it would be more understandable, but goddamn. 20 years and eliwood looks like he's in his 50s.

Oh shit nigger here we go

You better not kill all of the good people off like you always do.

Because in Anime, anyone older than 30 looks like they're actually 65.

You mean bad-ass, right?

goddamn merlinus, dat fucking mustache.

don't get your hopes up. 6 is stupidly hard compared to 7.

Eliwood has inferior genes, thanks to his shit growth. His son inherited those shit genes. Maybe if he had bred with Hector, Roy would've been good. Lilina is amazing.

>both look 50
Those wives were the end of them

but Eliwood can't have children with Hector.

Rev up your fatty pics guys, we're gonna get some Doofus Emblem flashbacks here

They must have married succubi.

Says you, Hector would've fucked dat boipussy pregnant in no time

Is this Vanilla 6 or the rebalance patch?

oh look, it's not-abel!

and not-kain!



Considering the cock hungry sluts they married, pretty sure they'd be dry by now


a lot, and I mean a LOT of units in this game are pretty shameless references to FE1.

Emiya Shirou?

not-jagen...I mean marcus!

Shit, did you finished the TLP play already, Nigger?

>20 years pass
>he looks 70
Did he marry a succubus as well

yeah, I finished saturday night.

Hector is manly enough to fix that problem

What the fuck kind of name is wolt

marcus was already pretty old in 7

you think that's bad? there's a guy named bath later.

Fuck, Time to catch up then.

alright, here we go, chapter 1.

here's our starter units. is anyone getting immediately benched?

yeah Marcus was like mid 30's, so now he's mid 50's, so he's pushing close to what'd be a normal time to die.

unless you use magic, then you can live for ages.

use them all unless they get bad levels or die.

But he wasn't 50 old
Give Marcus' weapons to someone else and make him tank blows

I'll never forgive you for my husbando Rex Nigger.

I'm drinking bleach tonight so I can join him in the afterlife.

Ditch everyone but Wolt and Marcus

Your playthroughs are terrible. Please go learn how to play the game before doing another awful LP.

Thanks, Nigger.
Good Luck, mate.


what's the rebalance patch?


Bench Alance
Or only one of the two.
You don't deserve good units

Fatty promotes earlier, some growths are fixed iirc

>not running a country each
Ever look at what that does to someone?

is it meant to make the game easier?

okay, just because you told me to!

and here's our first level.
the game as it is renders several units near-worthless because of their join level and/or the stage you get them in. You basically have to arena grind or baby several units, and because this is 6, we get crappy growths anyway.

Solid start

for crappy growths, this is a great level, Alan might have a spot on the team.


Good start.

This is most definitely going to be one of those patented Nigger playthroughs. I can feel it in my bones.

roy here is a frontline fighter in the making!


the meme that markyjoe created in all its glory.

not a bad start, Roy.

Enjoy this good level up, it'll be his last

I'm ready how many memes do you want senpai?

>+1 hp and def

not bad at all.

is priscilla smiling up at us from hell?

just ebin XD my shit up, fampai.

could be better, but str is always good.

how many res level ups is he gonna have im betting 3 res at lv 20

>Alan gets Speed
>Lance gets Str

He's training to be the best punching bag in the land.

>could be better
what game do you think this is?

also, I'm going to take some advice from the shitposters and post more than just levelups.

i beat this game, 3 still could be better but i'll happly take HP, STR, LCK, any day.

also good idea

just let Roy (OUR MAN) solo everything

alright, here's the boss. who's getting dat sweet, sweet boss xp?

marcus, somehow, has found himself disarmed, so he can't.

all of them

Alan has impressed me the most with his level.


Our boy


>using a sword

>post more than just levelups
Good. I feel like I didn't recognize half the characters in TLP. Bits of story and dialogue is the way to go, like you did in FE7

Our boy needs to prove himself.

theyre all at least 40

Every time.
Every fucking time Roy is discussed, some shitter thinks it's his fucking growths that are the problem.
No, his growths are fine. He still focuses on skl and lck like his idiot father, but for FE6 they're alright.
It's the fact that he's both a required deploy, and doesn't promote until the very end of the fucking game. The very end of the fucking game where everyone else is promoted and he can't do jackshit. Also his Rapier has the same might as an iron sword, but that's a different problem entirely.

3 votes for roy it is!

and oh god, I'm now remembering the absolutely ludicrous throne bonuses in this game.

>at least 40
eliwood is 17 in blazing sword, and sword of seals is set 20 years later.

Oh shit we hopping right in
Prepare for mediocrity

holy fuck wolt.

we might have a successor to CIA

this is gonna be his last good level up

especially considering growth rates in this game

this post right here, truth


but this spoiler might be the case.


our fucking boy

what the hell?

>2nd panel

perhaps war/the stress of lording has a way of aging you

damn son you're getting a good start


Are you really sure it's vanilla FE6?


not taking after his father i see

also worth noting: roy is 15.

and he looks like he's 9. at least eliwood looked like a teenager.

pretty sure. I didn't get a patch or anything.


yes its me dad

>Eliwood is so old he can't recognize his own son
