>translate their comments in google
>a little autistic
Full autism, OP.
Translate their comments in google
b-but I don't know japanese
used to that before stopping to care about western games entirely
Why do they look like aliens in wigs? People don't find that attractive, do they?
Honestly sounds kind of interesting. Google is not a reliable translator at all though.
That's what makes it autistic.
why dont you learn?
Nah, I do it too. Just nice to have a little global perspective. It's really not often you hear game opinions from japs, let alone see them acknowledge western games. When they do, and they make fanart or something, it's just pretty nice.
not really, it's only dumb if you have no idea what their typical phrases are at all and expect it to make 1:1 sense
I'll do that after I get a job.
I made a Twitter account to stalk japs who livetweet their games and opinions and shit. They draw really kickass fanart of stuff like Fallout and Borderlands, and in all honesty it looks baller as fuck. Rare shit.
So never
Japanese people play fallout? Are there, like, three of them?
That's a good idea, I'll try
hopefully it'll be soon!
Favorite K-On?
Mugi, she is cute, funny and perfect
Ritsu of course
I like doing the same thing OP, except mostly not vidya stuff, like Japanese productions of western musicals/plays
Us autists have got to stick together!
Who has the cutest dick?
K-On single handedly destroyed the anime industry for decades. On top of being a terrible show.
>step by step carefully goes over just about all mechanics and notable elements of the actual in game content
>western trailer
>loool this is our game's thematics and this is our characters!
Good to know I'm not alone :)
This is a pretty good fucking trailer. I would even confuse this game to be a Japanese game.
Can we really call Witcher a western series after this?
so did any succesful anime ever.
youre a retarded hipster.
It's funny how shit started getting worse as soon as that showed aired. Weird coincidence.
Nah, anime wasn't good in the 90s either. So whatever shonen trash was released near those ages also successfully killed anime as I knew it.
90s and 00s anime was trash, 10s anime and 80s anime is where its at.
i like your taste
Yeah I do this sometimes, I've copypasted amazon.jp reviews for things like harry potter books and breaking bad dvds into google translate.
As a weeb I find japan's culture interesting and so I'm also interested in how they interpret our culture.
You're uguu anime is garbage son.
Japs can be good fun, but their elitist attitude can shine through from time to time no matter how polite they act, which is annoying.
They love looking down on stuff not made in Japan, and then they go and rip off that same shit to make something similar, and suddenly its cool because it was made in Japan.
>he thinks there are uguu animes in the 10s and 80s
lol, stupid shonenposter.
I watch a Japanese LPer, interesting to see him play western games, his PC is kinda shitty though, so he mostly plays rpgmaker games. He played the Walking Dead though.
No matter how much you deny it. K-On started the crash, and is overrated shit.
>but their elitist attitude can shine through from time to time no matter how polite they act, which is annoying.
Why? I praise it.
They love looking down on stuff not made in Japan, and then they go and rip off that same shit to make something similar, and suddenly its cool because it was made in Japan.
So do I with stuff not made in my country but made by my neighboring countries. And so do americans.
And so does any selfrespecting society (romans, greeks, etc). Its called pride, you beta autist.
Eyebrows is best girl!
I don't know about any crash or any "overrated" shit. I haven't even watched K-On.
All I know is that the quality of 90s anime is absolutely disgusting, and the amount of anime worth watching is barebones, and the 00s were just like the 90s. Glad they picked themselves up in the 10s and are slowly going back to the 80s masterpieces.
>And so does any selfrespecting society (romans, greeks, etc). Its called pride, you beta autist.
Yeah well you know what they say about pride..
No, I don't.
'ts the greatest sin.
That's beyond autism.
What are you, a christfag or someshit?
Sins are fun.
Not habitually but when there's a video posted in a thread I'll watch it. Last one I saw was an excitable girl playing Overwatch as Dva.
I want to say Ritsu but I think she's actually be annoying to hang around. So, none of them. Unless we're talking about fuckability, in which case all of them except Mugi.
>he doesnt want to fuck to those brows
why live then?
>Last one I saw was an excitable girl playing Overwatch as Dva.
It was either during the beta or the game launch, so I don't remember.
What western games do nips like?
There was a bunch of shit in the 80s as well as in the 10s.
Anime has always ranged from garbage to good, you just haven't seen all of it
Ritsu > Mugi > Yui > Mio > no fun allowed Azushit
No one is generalizing, I'm talking in a good to bad ratio.
good taste!
CoD, GTA and Skyrim.
No, you're just Finnish.
But there is a ton of bad anime in the 80s and 10s, youre not taking those into consideration.
Yes, I am.
Poland is considered western?
Then its improving.
Youre retarded.
Eastern Europe is still Europe, doofus.
Nah. There weren't as many "master pieces" in the 80s as you think and there are a ton of bad ones in 10s to even consider "it going back". Quit being a nostalgia fag about it.
That's what I said? Anime is improving right now.
There aren't as many bad ones as you thinkg in the 80s. Quit being an underage fagget that never gave himself time to actually watch them.
I think boning her would be too normal, or lack surprise.
With Ritsu, she'd be demure at first, counter to her usual genki, but eventually you could transform her into a real beast.
With Mio, she'd be really nervous and still only do it reluctantly after she's used to it. She has this porcelain, sexless image that will never be unfun to break.
With Yui, you get to fuck a retard. It will be amazing to see her eyes widen the first time she sees your dick, stopping her inane babbling with fear.
With Sawako, you get to fuck an inexperienced cake.
With Ui, you get to corrupt a pure and innocent girl.
Mugi just doesn't have any other sides to her I want to see. I feel like sex would be ho-hum aside from the jugs.
>Anime is improving right now.
Nah, there is too much garbage being made every season. And crying underage doesn't help your arguments much.
>Nah, there is too much garbage being made every season
As usual. You don't analyze improvements for the amount of shit that comes out, you analyze improvements by the amount of good shit that comes out.
And these past 2 years I have watched more anime than the entirety of the 90s. This is a golden age slightly inferior to the 2007-2008 one. Hopefully this sticks for the rest of the decade, thus making this decade as good as the 80s.
Crying nostalgiafag doesn't help your argument either.
Weebs should be culled
If you play games in a different language without speaking that language you are autistic
No it isn't the same as a foriegn movie because those last at most 3 hours and JRPGs are usually 20-30 hours minimum. And if you are playing a game made in the west with a jap dub you should accept that you will die alone never having reproduced or found any modicum of happiness.
What are you talking about? Most of the remaining console/pc gamers in japan love western games like Skyrim and think the Japanese market is boring and dying. I have literally not once seen a nip complain about western games and compared them to jap ones. Most Japanese games have gone the way their anime went, entirely otaku focused pandering.
This is full blown autism, holy shit.
I like watching cute Japanese girls play geimu's, any good channels?
Stop posting, digibro.
You're right though
I like to follow japanese interest in American cartoons so that's kind of the same thing
Japan is one of the most xenophobic countries.
The government, maybe.
No, Iraq is.
my dudes
>japanese trailers for western games
No user, you are not autistic. You are disgusting weaboo scum that cannot appreciate anything
unless it has shitty chinese girl cartoons on it.
I own several anime figures, even a miku one and I think you're a degenerate.
Damn everything is better in japanese.
Adventure Time in japanese is pretty cool
I'm more interested in (and concerned with) the Japanese perception of western opinions in regards to video games.
Like they look over here and see normalfag mouthbreathing retards and disgusting Neogaf losers and think they represent all of us.
Sadly, they do represent us. And deep inside you, you know it. Which is why this bothers you.
You sound like a dork OP, maybe we can watch those videos and you can translate them to me while sitting on my lap?
Mio is so boring though
She's the generic character they want you to like