You will never be cocoon man and morph into a beautiful Bnahabra
Thanks Capcom.
You will never be cocoon man and morph into a beautiful Bnahabra
Thanks Capcom.
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Looks pretty neat.
Question, I skipped out on 4, last MH was 3U on Wii U and 3DS. Is 4 basically the same as 3U on DS with hunter arts added?
I can't imagine putting so many hours into it without the Wii U option.
where can I find more of these concept pages?
4u doesnt have arts, that's generations which is a spin off game.
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4U adds verticality and mounting. It also adds some hitbox/latency(wrong word) fixes to the game and just honestly way more content than 3U.
Gen/X is the spinoff with hunters arts, and it's good, but it offers no G rank and quite a few of the additions/changes just feel kind of shallow and lazy. 4U has an obvious amount more effort put into it, but either is good to play.
>mfw bringing a lance to a Gendrome hunt
Shit I meant Generations. So it's just a spin off? Still fully fledged though right?
Big problem is that Gen will have online players. 4U will not.
Hey bro, you fighting a large monster over there? Let me knock you into its attack.
Where were you when the ship carpenter could have been a CARPenter?
no g rank
gathering quests out the ass
bullshit early gen monsters
but it's all worth it for the styles and arts
just pirate it
The wikis are shit. They were five years ago and still are. Find it dead odd for such a series.
>try aerial SA
>mount Najarala 4 times
>never run out of energy
Back to SnS it is.
What's the difference between the lvl 2 and 3 charge for aerial hammer? Just damage, if even that?
Our tools aren't nearly as sophisticated as we think they are.
post the punch-leviathan from Encyclopedia 3, I don't have the scans on this computer
All these designs and somehow the pants never made it into Tri
Aren't origin stones referenced in Bherna?
The Ancient Armor you unlock from a high rank village request says it was made from something similar
>always wanted a falconer with a based bird bro, would fit perfect in a hunting game
>will never get it because it overlaps with frenchie bug stick
just fucking end my suffering
didnt post my image for some reason
the Kinsect works so much better, Raptors are cool but kind of glad they didn't go through with it
>Aerial SA against Daimyo Hermitaur
I keep hitting his stupid fucking shell goddammit.
How much should I realistically drop on a Wii U? I'm really itching to play some of these games, but I don't know how good their black friday/cyber monday deals will be. It's not like I can't afford it, I just know I'll be annoyed if I find some crazy bundle for 200 come black friday.
you only get 2 on the Wii U
Tri and 3U, the majority is 3ds/psp
wich is actually a good thing because you can get neat materials from it, i always go for his shell and i remember back in 4U you could get a rare drop from monoblos this way.
for MH? 2 dead games but since the third gen still has some monsters that are absent on both 4U and Gen i guess its worth the shot for offline to kill Qurupeco/Gigginox/Barroth/Barioth.
Also underwater combat.
The artist have much more imagination for these games than the actual game devs do. Why don't they let them design the games?
isnt it a bit redundant? glaive already has a fuckton of aerial combat.
>Hunt Bulldrome
>Subquest none
Last time I saw a subquest none on a monster I've killed a million times I got caught in a laser light show. I think I might just start carrying around bombs and everything already, I usually wait until high rank.
>actually getting sick of HH after 3 games of using nothing but it
>no other weapon interests me any more
please send help
i really hope they add a couple new weapons next game
No, it's fucking god tier
Hey bro, I see you managed to stun and knock a monster down, lemme help you out
What is the health/defense mod for Hyper monsters?
because great artists do not necessarily translate into great devs.
>hunt Bulldrome
>subquest mount 2 times
I can barely get one mount on him before he croaks.
I got it with air DB, unupgraded so he didn't die right away.
how so?
let him sleep for some time, that should help.
So manage them. Still would rather use their ideas. The shit can be implemented with proper management.
>was losing interest in DBs for the first time since I started
>those arts
>air duals let you bounce around like a maccao
how can you play a game that depicts violent animal murder?
Have you tried it yet? Or watched a video on it?
Aerial IG loses nothing but the A forward lunge that no one wants anyway.
But it gains a fucking insanely cool forward leap through the air and a great aerial spinning attack
they don't know what a spin off is, its like a compilation game
4U has serious endgame problems (GQs, Relic Gear, fucking Apex) and shitters think that Gen is worse because it doesn't have a "G Rank" label on it even though the endgame is just as hard.
It's called containment.
>Walking around picking herbs
>asshole monster comes out and picks a fight
>kick his ass and use him as armor
They drew first blood.
how can you post on an anonymous image board with a user name?
male armor is fine a it is, sometimes they get dangerously close to being overdesigned. Female armor is needing more thick armored sets, they have way too many light armored designs.
sometimes we are the dickheads
>Doing a quest to gather some shit from small monsters
>Suddenly an Arzuros drops by, but strangely he simply ignores me and goes straight to the honey spot, even passing right next to my side.
>I throw a paintball, he still ignores me while eating honey
>One of my palicoes hits both a hostile monster and him, making him aggressive and forcing me to kill it.
I felt like a dick for the first time in a MH game.
Has anyone ever died let alone triple carted to bulldrome?
Monsters are on top of the food chain. Humans are just doing their best to survive
Do any of you peeps happen to have the Snowbaron Lagombi IV quest?
I wanna solo farm the gear, but I'm only HR3, and I'm afraid that I'll be locked behind the Hunter Rank wall before I can finish it.
Cats are bloodthristy man, I was doing the Moofah fur quest and was getting the fur from them and the Palicos kept trying to kill them all, so I had to leave the area to reset their aggro.
>those village quests where u first encounter each of the fated 4.
>Kill them in the quest
>Village doesn't realize I killed it
>Have to kill a new one later
>village acts like its the same one
we're apex just the same like a misutune to a zinoger.
Is Charge Blade worth using in Generations. I heard Guard Points got removed.
The last levels (5 and 6, or maybe it was since lvl 4) require HR6 yo
Doing the same right now, kinda want to skip the other three since I already killed one but I want to be able to say I did it. Sucks they don't react to you murdering them all in super low rank gear, I had nothing but unupgraded Maccao armor and the base Yukumo blades when I faced my first one.
Fuck Kirin
Anyone have mega links for these art books?
They look really interesting
Fug are you serious? It only starts giving High Rank parts at level 6 from what Ping's and Kiranico says.
I'm pretty sure Mizutsune is beneath Zinogre
in bed
Can someone plz explain how the deviant equipment works? I'm in high rank and I want to know whats the point of levels? Do u unlock better equipment that u have to craft new or do u simply get higher level tickets to upgrade the equipment?
Yeah, I was on the same boat as you, wanted to upgrade my armor all the way to level 6, but I had to grind my HR because I hit a wall
that fucking moofah quest
>Use sharp weapons to get some fur without killing them, hunter.
>Ok i shaved off some fur
>Palicoes what are you doing?
>Stop, please stop attacking the Moofah's
>They butchered every single one i carefully hit with the weapon to not kill them.
>The lady at Bherna tells me that killing the moofah's to get their fur was savage as fuck.
Felynes are the spawn of Satan i tell you.
How many times will I have to gather these abyssal shrooms?
it depends, how patient are you?
/mhg/ has the download links on their pastebin under artwork.
I wonder how the palico scouts keep them in line.
I don't know what that word means.
Well thanks for the info regardless user. I wanted to do early HR while looking cute, but I guess I'll have to tough it out.
thank you friendo
Are the Grudge Match quests supposed to be harder? I can't for the life of me beat the Zinogre one but he's never been this hard before.
Did adept make me a shitter?
may the hunting gods have mercy on you.
I hope MH gets rebooted back to this semi-primitive setting.
The tech shit is getting out of hand.
No problem, shame the 3rd book hasn't been uploaded yet. I really want a HD version of the beta designs for mons like Gore.
>fighting Hyper Mizu
>fuck up and dodge early
>end up in the dead center of the attack and he spins completely around me
Damn son, I never realized how precise this thing's hitboxes are, I thought the entire purple ground damaged you
>gliding bat suit
But yea alot of these concepts seem really cool, another series to implement these would be great, something like a fast paced MH crossed with dragon dogma online.
That's why I haven't even bothered with the arts, outside of absolute evasion, which I already rarely use. I'm going right back to 4U after this. I lost all my save data, so I have to start from the beginning.
honestly as much as "open world" is a meme it'd be really interesting to see a mon hun like that
just you and your friends surviving out in the world hunting monsters. It would work more with the series roots rather than the later games
>there are people in this thread right now that don't own monster hunter illustrations
they are absolutely beautiful books, worth every penny.
Why did they remove the rustshard HBG again? I know it was hot garbage but still
Maybe if they stopped making them FOR HANDHELDS. Being able to play wherever is nice and all but just imagine what they could do with better specs. Also I wanna use charge blade in something other than 480p.
If they ever went full MMO, it'd be interesting if they went with a more Wakfu-esque route. Have a player-run world with one main town maybe bring back Loc Lac but let players make their own caravans, go around hunting things but not to the point of extinction, and have bigger monsters show their heads around depending on what kind of prey or environment is around.
>fighting Najarala
>two bullfangos somehow end up in his coils
>they are still dead set on headbutting my ass
"Extremely territorial" is apparently code for "hates humans and nothing else"
Seeing monsters actually go after each other for once would be cool
Not like it'd do much since they only do like 10 damage, but still.
It was in MH3, removed because Ichinose is amazing and P3rd TOTALLY isn't the cancer of the franchise
I get mad at charging monsters until one of them knocks me out of the way of certain death when I'm stunned.
Have you guys ever thought about how many cat sounds you hear all day while playing this?
It's insane all this permanent meowing, nyaing, purring and the cat puns
MH3 was pretty funny with this. I've seen more than a few people fail the capture Qurupeco quest because Deviljho starts targeting it off-screen and manages to kill it
How far in the game can you go as a prowler?
all the way
There should be an option to mute cat footstep and sounds