Oh wow...well this is awkward for everyone but Instinct

Oh wow...well this is awkward for everyone but Instinct.

Other urls found in this thread:


>clear cleavage
>no crotch bulge
>female name
>long eyelashes

Why do people still think Blanche isn't a girl?

U jlly cause we have sweet choco.

Spark looks like a fuccboi

thats not delicious brown, its plain niggerish which is not good

>clear cleavage
I don't see tits
>no crotch bulge
Neither does Spark
>female name
I'll give you that one
>long eyelashes
Doesn't necesarrily mean girl, also it's hard to see anyway

Careful now, that's the face of a man who is ready to fuck your bitch

because he was already confirmed to be a dude?

She doesnt have nigress features. Plus her name indicates shes latina. Keep on hating we chocos are the very best.

I was expecting Spark to look more cocky and less...feminine. Looks like a straight up twink. Not that I'm complaining, just surprised. I uninstalled the app anyway.

Spark is related to Lt. Surge?

This is as manly as it gets with Japanese designs

>because he was already confirmed to be a dude?

>4chin said so


Get your eyes fixed. There clear elevation on her chest.

Spark's not wearing nut hugging pants, Blanche is and she has no bulge down there.

>they didn't pick the sexy chocolate team


>worst bird gets a black as their leader
Loving every laugh

Blue team leader looks straight outta The Walking Dead

>Worst team gets a tranny


>yusuke kozaki is 4chin
you kys

>named Blanche
>White Hair
So she's a granny?

wheres my candela porn lads

>poo in loo
>pangendered transfluid non-binary oogaboogakin
Holy shit am I glad for dodging that bullet

No one wants to do porn of black girls

Either way you lose
>sjws say blanche is trans
>sjws say spark is homosexual
>sjws say candela is a strong black female

dont know why sjws are picking what goes but it seems the majority are repeating this as fact


>haven't played pokemon in like 10 years
>shit talking the teams because friends are huge pokemon fans
>sent this to them on skype a week ago

It feels good being right.

I wanna fuck that spark

Congrats fellow chocolate.

k e k

>Valor is female nigger
>Mystic is musrat
>Special snowflake is white
God I feel so conflicted.

>not liking delicious brown Candela

You're looking at it wrong, do you see any "nigger features" other tyhan the brown skin?

That lack of black features is what turns something from disgusting to delicious brown.


>Lack of black features.
She has the features of a small lipped small nose black woman in her 20's with short hair.

She doesn't have the Caucasoid facial structure nor does she even have the eyes or nose of a Indian or Arab girl.

It's interesting that all three appear gay or queer in their own ways. I guess that's the type of characters that appeal to people these days.

Not even Ethiopians have her facial features you delusional nigger.


pot calling the kettle a delusional

you dont see many black in real life do you?

>the only difference between whites and blacks are the color of their skin, nothing to do with the facial features!

Time for some coco lovin

Still not Candela nice try nigger.

>inb4 pokemon go gets an anime adaptation

Holy shit africans really do look like monkeys.

why its always the NEED of a black char? where is the latino, the asian?

haven't you heard

Legendary Pictures is going to make a Pokemon Go cinematic universe

first movie is confirmed for being Detective Pikachu

Fucking pol fags trying to ruin sweet coco. Fuck off back to your containment board.

where the MC is a trainer and each team leader wants you to join them. in the end the MC doesnt join any of them but becomes TEAM GREEN's leader, which is then sold as a microtransaction

Candela is not a nigger shes is Indian end of discussion.

detective cuckachu literally has nothing to do with pokemon go though

Does it matter? Who gives a shit. I just want to enjoy my sweet chocolate pokemon queen.


Ew. A Nigger.

well, all the normies are now on instinct

TWO niggers.

>Valor gets spunky brown tomboy
>Mystic gets stuck up ugly old fart
>Instinct gets a chad

Yeah man, sure sucks *rolls eyes*

>She is Indian.
You couldn't be more wrong faggot. Holy shit you are in mad denial about her being black.


It's anime nigga, she's a pacific islander from not-okinawa

>delicious brown with qt anime tomboy hair, tits and ass included

Gelbooru. Dont let those blue genderfluid memesters from reddit deter you from waifus.

Legit if you don't have a fetish for delicious brown you are 1. a newfag and 2. don't belong on Sup Forums.org
Thanks for visiting, goodbye

yellow looks great
Seriously I think blue is worst tho. At least Red is clearly a girl and yellow is clearly a dude

>Eroquis is already drawing Pokemon Go stuff

Blance are slippin' man

Spark ain't got shit

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with your blacks? see this behavior in every country you exist in.



>Your team is led by a nigger.
At least it isn't a tranny.

Blacks once again proving that only blacks matter even though Candela is a latina.

They're just desperate for even the slightest ounce of representation they can get

>Majority of Sup Forums is white.
>Majority of comments regarding Candela are people dismissing her for being black, or loving her for being black.
>Black anons have no distinct voice in anonymous.
>Statistically speaking, the majority of posters aussming Candela is black, are white.
>Still somehow blame the reception on BLM

Nah the majority of brownfags here have shown several times to mostly be black/brown themselves

Nice cover up darkie.

>mystic isn't a cute feminine boy

god damnit

Why did Leon change his look? Why is he smiling?

Oh shit, she's bringing back Trauma Team vibes in the best way

Why would having a cute brown girl as a leader be awkward?
It's just awkward for the ones who got the mystic fuccboi

Tumblr was a fucking mistake

I... I picked red because I like fire pokemon.

>We caught a nigger.

>delicious brown

that's a funny way of spelling white pride worldwide

>You'll never be as BTFO as Valorfags


Because he looks nothing like one at all. If you don't know a bishonen when you see one then you may have brain damage.

Xer's effort in trying to come up with this and delusion are genuinely impressive, not gonna lie

Isn't Blanche wearing high heels like Candle?

Black people are literally a majority in the world. Brown skin is normal, white skin is weird and rare.

I thought you were memeing, too. Fucking kill me.

That's exactly what he is, it's been confirmed.

I bet Rebecca Sugar is gonna see this and roll with it, taking all the credit when she hadn't even thought about it for 2 seconds.

Fuck off nigger.

Is she really that type of person? a tumblr dumbass I mean

Blacks were endangered before we stupid white fucks decided you wild animals were people and helped you build countries out of the wilderness in Africa.

Brown people are, not black.

I think the fact that blacks literally haven't brought anything good to the world except for peanut butter makes people extra annoyed that they get so much undeserved representation because boohoo my ancestors were all slaves and I'm embarrassed by it so you vidya devs need to make up for it for us.

>all the valor and mystic fags salty because of their shit-tier leaders
>trying to drag down spark with weak "muh white male" or "muh stoner chad" comments
>meanwhile instinct is rolling on cloud nine not giving a fuck and doing what they want, as always

>d-don't join Team Instinct guys nobody wants that team.

Why does Blanche look like she just walked out of either Fire Emblem or BlazBlue?

>peanut butter
They didn't even do that. Some nigger just got the patent.

Blacks have done nothing good for the world.