What's the rarest thing you own in your video game collection, Sup Forums?

What's the rarest thing you own in your video game collection, Sup Forums?

I need this thread like I need a hole in my taint.

ur mom's pussy

Game gear stuff and a few obscure ps2 games

Holy fuck is that you OP? Please kill yourseld

It's an e-celeb or some shit that gets posted here a lot lately, newfags love him for some reason.

>not knowing cwc
please just get out

I think it's the Collectors Edition of World of Warcraft Classic.

north american ps vita

I don't give a shit about your favorite let's player, cunt.

Pokemon Red, Silver and Crystal bootleg carts. The crystal one is the vietnamese version with the pokemon referred to as ELFs.

Problem is both the Silver and Crystal carts refuse to boot nowadays and the Red one's battery died so no saving capabilities.

Nothing exciting. Maybe something like Turtles in Time or maybe the gba micro?

It's pretty hot during summer, isn't it? That's why you're inside and on Sup Forums for the first time?

A Vita

GBA micro isn't worth more than 50€ on ebay i think.

I've been on here for years, discussing video games, not whoever the fuck this guy is.

Like i said, nothing exciting.

If you were a fish you'd be dead by now.

Fuck off you newfag

Based on going price.

Probably some Dreamcast game that nobody gives a shit about.


Thinly veiled Chris-Chan thread. Why does that fucker have Metroid Prime? But maybe Ogre Battle 64 or the two Lunar games on PS1. Nothing too rare.

I know people shit on CWC a lot but I'm jelly of that vidya collection.

>Iria had a SNES game

I don't have a collection, but my rarest game is probably tombi, near-mint

A working dreamcast

Pal TurboGrafx-16

Probably my copy of the Neverwinter Nights Complete for PC. It was a relatively limited release and copies go for $100+ online now.

Or my copy of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

I own one of these at the moment

I think his collection burned up in the house fire

Sega Channel promo cartridge

A prototype ps2?

>"You don't watch my favorite Youtuber so you're a newfag!"
Sure thing.

What is the appeal of collecting these old cartridges?

>claims to be a oldfag
>not knowing who CWC is
Sure thing buddy

Not even that good. It's an action/platformer with some bad jumping mechanics. Killing shit and getting weapon upgrades is fun, like old Contra games.

Was no point, I liked the animated series and bought the game, it just happen to become an expensive item.


Don't know if these are considered rare:

Digimon World DS
Monster Rancher DS
Japanese Playstation 4 MGS:TPP Edition
Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition
New 3ds Majora's Mask Edition
3ds XL Link Between World's Edition
Zelda Link's Awakening DX CIB

Found an NES cartridge of Robocop in my uncle's garage. Assuming it's in good condition, what kind of cash can I get from it?

high quality bait

bout tree fiddy

Why does he need signs saying those are his video games?

You know there is people that isnt a fucking weeabo like you and just play videogames instead of fucking caring about the life about a loser on the internet

Stubbs The Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse or maybe Alien Versus Predator: Extinction?

Have you seen the animu? It's pretty fun.

Sure thing user whatever you say

Nep RB1 LE.
1 of 1000.

My SEGA Dreamcast controller. That crap didn't even reach Mexico as far as I'm aware, let alone my city.

First of all, didnt his house burn down like 2 or 3 years ago? Im pretty sure all this shit got fire damage.

Rule of Rose -$200
Ibara - $180
Buffy GBA - $80
Haunting Ground $80
Kuon $100

the list goes on....

fire emblem path of radiance
metroid prime/wind waker combo

most of my gamecube games are probably expensive as fuck

Yes. Bought the release a few years back that came in a steelcase, own the 3 VHS release also, but it's boxed up with all my Robotech VHS.

>tfw you threw out the boxes and manuals for cartridge-based vidya

Armored core 1 for psx.

Gamecube games tend to get expensive as fuck.

i used to work at gamestop about 5 years ago. saw a sealed copy of rule of rose in our clearance rack for $15. had no idea how valuable it was.

Probably my copy of Metal Storm on NES or Valkyrie Profile, and Tomba 1 & 2 on Ps1

>buffy GBA
Sounds like overpriced shovelware.

Nes megaman 5, scandinavian edition, cib in decent condition

>Valkyrie profile
how the fuck did you get it

Didn't all his stuff go up in smoke?

With money. Saved up for about a month and bought a copy at a local game store. Great game btw

I probably should get rid of it...

>Wanted to keep them but parents and sister threw them away including the console boxes
>Years later mom sees that older video games are worth a lot and asks why I never kept the boxes

I have .hack IMOQ with all the cases/booklets/anime dvds. Thats probly my rarest vidya

Theres a PSP port with some added bells and whistles for $20. Emulates easy as fuck too.

Either my steelbook Metroid Prime Trilogy or my Zelda promotional disk. The one with Zelda 1, 2 Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask.


>not recognizing simple bait
get out

How much would Path of Radiance get me today?

Easily $100, if it's complete in box, no joke

Fire Emblem (or just about any gamecube game) fetches high prices these days. You could sell a copy of melee for $50 for fucks sake.

Complete in a box, Good condition, and manual.

Either the preorder bonus disc for Pokemon Colosseum or the Club Nintendo Platinum reward from 2010 that was the statue of all the Mario characters. I don't know which is rarer/more valuable.

starcraft n64 cartridge

Ace of Spades v.47 on a flash drive. (just before autoclimb was implemented)

Yeah easily $100 right there, maybe a little more


old as fuck picture but i still have it, paper goods related to video games are really hard to find in any condition.

pic related: super old, perhaps one of the very first nintendo power advertisements that i think was bundled in boxed NES systems.

did all of this stuffs burn down ?


Probably something here.

I snagged 2 of those. Using 2 PCs simultaneously in the minute it was for sale.

Steel Battalion I guess.

OP said rare, not expensive, faggot

Some of us are oldfags and were buying games when they were available. I bought a spare sealed copy of Valkyrie Profile when the Sony Store was clearing it out.

Mvc2 and tatsunoko

The rarest game related thing I owned was probably my Pokemon Event Distribution cartridge, since there were only several thousand made. it's not worth that much though.

tatsunoko is $15. $20 for a good condition copy. I doubt its rare, just underplayed

I'm sure I have something that's more obscure, but this is the first thing that came to mind

You better tell that bitch why.

>OP said rare, not expensive, faggot

You realise old games are expensive because they are rare.. right?

Nothing too rare, but for some goddamn reason these games are expensive:

Rule of Rose. I bought this for like $6 at gamestop at the time. I have no idea why the fuck this is so expensive now.

Yakuza 2. Same deal, for like $9 dollars used at gamestop.

Skies of Arcadia for Gamecube but no manual for like $15 I forget the exact amount.

All four .hack games and the gu trilogy. Bought these on release. These are fun games they should be on PSN or something.

All five Suikoden games. I loved the first one on release, and got everything else on release as well. 5 should really be put on PSN but konami doesn't give a fuck.

That's off the top of my head. None of matters because when I'm dead no one will fucking care for this stuff by then. Just play what you enjoy and live the moment.

Depends on the color.

>he is able to shoot semen out of his taint now

Holy fuck what timeline are we in anymore. First I thought him dying from the cut was bad but Chris has now become a whole new creature. He needs to die now

Don't post it.

Post what?

Not exactly. Inflation exists due to popularity.

I'm cooking dinner but maybe someone else will engage this.

It also depends on if there is demand for it. For example, Smash Bros Melee is not rare in the slightest, but still commands a high price.

I have an unopened sega Genesis and Dreamcast, boxes in great condition.

Not worth much I don't think

the tank guy realy had one fucked up proportions