He'll spend $150 on a keyboard

>he'll spend $150 on a keyboard
>but not $50 bucks for a controller

Autism man.


Using a controller

>not spending $20, tops, on each

Actually, I'm still using the stock membrane keyboard that came with my last pre-built PC.

Yeah fuck the rubber keyboards.

I spent $80 on a pretty good Corsair Mech keyboard I found on slickdeals

>eh doesn't know mechanical keyboards have switches for each key, pays $60 for $5 worth of plastic.


Ok what types of games are controllers better to use than a keyboard?

Sidescroller games.

I spent 120 on my keyboard, 80 on my fightstick, 160 on my flight stick, 0 on my ps3 controller because I'm still using the one that came with it

>tfw 100%'d Super Meat Boy with a keyboard

I beg to differ.

i dont know why people argue over this when you can use both at the same, gta games are great for this.

I use my keyboard a lot more than I use my controller, m8

Platform, side scroller, beat-em-up, fightan, 3PV anything, crazy games, etc.

>tool for working, using software and games
>tool for shitty games and dark souls.
gee bill

>Tool designed for games.
>Tool designed for spreadsheets and shitty games.

>I vape
I see.

i can't program with a controller retard

My keyboard is a decade old and was 15 bucks. It still works fine, so I'm not sure why anyone would spend over $25 for a keyboard when an old one would work fine.


>playing a game that involves driving at any point
>you're either not turning or cutting the wheel 90 degrees
>either you're not not going or putting the pedal to the floor

>assassins creed games
>jumping in only 4 directions and completely fucking up free running.

So basically everything except for FPS and MMOs?

Games where keyboard optimization are hot garbage like Dark Souls

>buy keyboard
>works perfectly out of the box

>buy controller
>sticks are misaligned and jittery out of the box

Not even worth $50 for microsoft's cheap shit

who is this imaginary person you are talking to/about? do (any of) you suffer from schizophrenia?

>spending more than 10 dollars on either

>>he'll spend $150 on a keyboard

Excuse me I think not

>paying anything above $0.01
>not just pirating your hardware

lel plebs

>10$ controller
I can only imagine what that horrid chinese pos knock-off is like.

>50 bucks for a controller
My 360 controller cost 30

>paying for stuff

Console ports
Some RPG's
It's better than a keyboard for some PC games, too, way more comfortable than a keyboard, and I can play from my bed

You forgot RTS

What is RTS?

Waste of money

He spent $200 each
>on a keyboard
>on a mouse
>on a headset
>on a chair
and still doesn't have a single console

Get the fuck out, underaged retard

what the fuck is that dog doing

>He spent 900 dollars on razer periferals
>GPU is a GTX 750 and CPU is an i3
Belive me or not, this is real

Jokes on you I spent 200 for my controller and 170 for my keyboard

I'm quite serious.

>buying either
>not just grabbing one out of the trash
LOL fucking sheeple god i'm so much smarter than everyone

How old are you?

>he spent $1500 on a rig and only players League of Legends

>Actually playing video games
>Not just imagining yourself playing them instead

lmao fucking pleb

Look I don't want to get into a fight with you so can you just tell me?

there's literally nothing a controller can do that a keyboard and mouse can't do better

>analog triggers

Real Time Strategy
think Civilization

Emulated games. Third person action RPG's like Dark souls or Dragons dogma.

Nigger I can use my KB/M on games like that without issues. Get gud

I know a guy who's dad a 3000$ alienware laptop to play LoL exclusively
And another one for his sister, she doesn't even play videogames

Ah that explains it. I've never played Civilzation before.

>I'm considering buying a 1080
>mainly play Overwatch

In my defense I also buy quite a lot of new release AAA games, but I just return to ones I love like Overwatch now, used to be league

Does anyone else feel like driving with a keyboard is easier and more precise than driving with a controller?

That guys just fucking with you, RTS is Starcraft, Warcraft, C&C, etc
How the fuck don't you know these games? You must be really underage

anything thats not a shooter or RTS

I've thought about this. I just spent close to $700 on a graphics card but a $60 video game still feels steep to me.

Whoops, sorry, I don't play RTS either, my bad
I actually realized like right after i made the post that Civ is actually a Turn-based game

I wouldn't spend more than 5 bux on a keyboard.
Mouse however deserves at least 20.

Dragons Dogma plays fine on kbm but I do agree with Dark Souls.

Oh I thought this thread was dead and made my own.

Does anyone know where to get a XB1 wired controller for less than $45?

Because a good graphics card will last you up to 4-6 years and doesn't have a lot of competition while a videogame is replaceable and most dont even last a day.
Videogame price/value is retarded most of the time especially given how much alternatives there are. I could watch a movie or read a book or download some chink porn.

In my opinion most games that do cost 60 dont have enough content/last long enough to justify the price tag.

I know a guy who bought a alienware second hand for 2,000$ and it didnt even have a graphics card in it.

I can agree with this

>tfw clear out forclosed condemned abandoned or otherwise forfeited houses for a job
I don't spend money on vidya, I get paid to hunt for it.

you ever just pocket shit and say it wasn't there?