Mfw instead of talking about the games we played and the adventures we had over various genres and games we instead...

>mfw instead of talking about the games we played and the adventures we had over various genres and games we instead shit on each other per genre, game, game entry, and platform game is played on

We could be such great friends if we tried Sup Forums. We could just talk about the fun we had playing video games.

what shit game do you wanna talk shit about?

and still... you frogpost

I see a little bit of myself in every user. I can't stand it, I hate myself. I fill myself with anger. Every time I lash out at someone I'm just mad at myself for being the kind of no-good piece of shit I am, like a father disappointed in his life taking it out on his son. I'm sorry

Post your favorite game then you stupid frog faggot.
Mine's Super Mario 64.

Mines chrome hounds

but people don't have 'fun' playing video games they're what you do when you're a loser and don't have any other life
why do you think everyone's so angry all the time

There are and have been tons of fucking threads about that all the time over the years. Do you want a constant circlejerk over older video games? There's a board for that. You want a constant circlejerk for a specific game? There's a board for that. And any miscellaneous interests you might be looking to discuss pop up on this board pretty frequently.

But instead of trying to be the change you'd like to see, you start a whiny thread with a frog complaining about what you think isn't.

Try reddit, you'd probably fit in.

we know. it's ok, user c:

I'm angry for lots of reasons, it makes me feel alive. But video games make me happy.

Confucius says to have no friends unequal with yourself.

So git gud first and try me again later.

I keep playing Terraria.

Nothing about anger is helpful. It's just fear being tossed in a random direction.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. ..Blessed are those whose delight are in [love]."

Is *

If Sup Forums would actually discuss improvements instead of just criticizing -- if it would produce content instead of just shitposting, we could have at least decent mods, fun servers..


Buddha would say to have no regards to "better, worse, or equal", and for them it doesn't exist.

So, by your very challenge that you're better, are you becoming the least?

Virtue > some gay shit like love

Your god has literally never answered a single persons desire and you know it

The highest virtue is not virtuous.
Therefore it has virtue.
The lowest virtue holds on to virtue.
Therefore it has no virtue.

The highest virtue does nothing.
Yet, nothing needs to be done.
The lowest virtue does everything.
Yet, much remains to be done.

The highest benevolence acts without purpose.
The highest righteousness acts with purpose.
The highest ritual acts, but since no one cares,
It raises its arms and uses force.

Therefore, when the Way is lost there is virtue.
When virtue is lost there is benevolence.
When benevolence is lost there is righteousness.
When righteousness is lost there are rituals.
Rituals are the end of fidelity and honesty,
And the beginning of confusion.

Knowing the future is the flower of the Way,
And the beginning of folly.
The truly great ones rely on substance,
And not on surface,
Hold on to the fruit,
And not to the flower.
They reject the latter and receive the former.

If you disregard better or worse how can you possibly judge anyone for anything

You may well be friends with rapists and murderers and you could not say anything against it

Hmmm. Imma go with Final Fantasy Tactics.

What would the be reason to judge them? Other buddhist texts would say that "this is not me.. this is not of myself.. this is not mine -- be serene in the oneness of things".

fuck you

Kirby threads, MMBN threads, and threads about recent portable non-phone games are usually fine, although there are stinkers.

We did talk about it. You probably just missed the few days it happened. After that, talking about something everyone agrees on is boring. So we disagree for fun.

If you want to "bond" over a game,

Without judgement, there is no way to determine who has done good and who has done harm.

Confucuius would say that by promoting the straight and degrading the crooked, one can make even the crooked straight.

If you make no distinction between good and bad, this cannot be done.

The feeling of degradation isn't helpful. Rejecting somebody has never made them feel accepted. Rejecting ideas has never made them helpful.

Doesn't good lead to good? Isn't that the guidance of everything? "Trying to go toward something, you back away from it." Then, it would stand that nothing is of ourselves, even that "love is that he loved us first".

The noble-minded man seeks to achieve the best in others. The small-minded man seeks the opposite.

Making someone feel accepted whatever their quality is not achieving the best in others. It is allowing them to persist at whatever they wish like an animal.

Confucuius had the following example, posed by a disciple (Tzu Lu, a soldier), "On the hill grows bamboo, straight by nature, if you cut it down it will pierce the hide of a rhinoceros. What need is there of improvement?" Confucuius answered "Yes, but if you barb and sharpen it, notch and feather it, will it not pierce much deeper?"

>Making someone feel accepted whatever their quality is not achieving the best in others.
It is allowing them to persist at whatever they wish like an animal.
Both of these statements have no logical basing.

Experiencing good is the whole of this life. Reward signalling leads to more reward signalling. Smiling explodes, feeling better than sex in some cases. What is refining except what's refreshing and finalizing?

They seem rather straightforward to me.

It's your statements that are basically gibberish. Smiling explodes? Experiencing good? Dude just admit you are on LSD right now.

Doom and DOOM, I love them both!

That's not logic. Sup Forums is a perfect example of how berating just leads to more of it.

He means smiling is contagious, and can elicit stronger responses from our brains than sex, if everyone else is doing it

he real question is how we can experience without preferences if there some things are inherently helpful.

How many A presses did it take you to beat that game, casual?