This game is SJW as fuck

This game is SJW as fuck

>hot scantily clad anime babes


>transgender director
>literally gay quest npc
>splattering girls all over the boxart and promos
>bisexual president

take that (you) back right now

>all those gay date scenes
Im on chapter 5.1, how far am i from the end?

>Being a SJW is bad
Nice bait.

>This game is SJW as fuck


Were those in the original JP version or is that something that was changed by the localization team?

>trap thread on the front page

Sup Forums is sjw as fuck

>Ending has you retcon the rest of your team, a whole race of qt beast girls, dark elves, two continents and best girl Chika
I did not fight for this future

>tfw I pirated the undub
>tfw I wouldn't care either way because it's just implied through dialogue

2 chapters away

What is with all these falseflagging lately?

I guess Sup Forums is filled with SJWs because gay people post there.

Is there a meme where you post random things full of half naked anime girls and call it SJW? Because it certainly looks like one


there is no english dub

Original jap version. No sjw would make jokes about a character being gay. They'd just praise them for being brave or some shit.

Dumbass, the game isn't even voiced outside of battle yelling.

Daily reminder that Persona 2 had gay romance, a tranny, a crossdresser, a fat girl accepting herself, and one of the main villains is literally Hitler.

Yet SJWs only played P4 and swear up and down Kanji is gay when he wasn't.

Then it's not SJW. If the localization team changed it to be diverse and all of them were originally straight then it would be SJW shit.

So you pirated the regular English release?

No just newfags trying to fit in by throwing around meme words in the wrong context. They mainly do it with edgy but SJW is the new reddit go to word.

Sucks that you can only have three in your team, rather than five. Had to settle with Yuuki Aoi, Akio Otsuka and Sawashiro Miyuki.

>Aoi Yuuki
>Miyuki Sawashiro

Oh shit son, I guess I'll have to get around to playing this. Do I need to start with the fan translated DS and PSP games, or can I jump right in?

That's japan for you bucko. They've been weird as fuck for a long, long time. Doesn't mean they're fighting for changes and laws and policies.

Don't ever play killer7 or No More Heroes, OP.

Because Persona 4 came out around the time AFTER they had been bitching, and thus is CLEARLY evidence that their movement is making a meaningful impact on the world.

All that stuff that came before? Nah, that's nothing.

If the characters don't make you want to pour soap into your eyes, I don't think it counts. Relationships between cute girls and funny bishounen dreamboy implied romances is pretty standard stuff in anime games, and is not SJW at all.

>wanting safe spaces in your games where no one thinks differently than you
No user, you are the sjw

You're the newfag because you can't even spot trolling, false-flagging, and people posting obvious bait because your thread doesn't get replies unless you put something retarded or controversial in the OP. Instead you instantly assume it's legitimate.

The previous games do get referenced in the new one, but if you don't want to play them, you can probably just jump right into it. It's more like Persona 3 and Persona 4 kind of connection.

you can jump into VFD no problems

but you will miss out on callbacks/fanabse of the other games.

you can get multiple teams

my first team was Godhand Aoi Yuuki / Samurai Nana Mizuki / Duelist Miyuki Sawashiro

>"meme words"
>SJW is "reddit"

Tumblrite calling anyone newfags.

Julietta isn't even trans, he's just faggy as fuck.

That's sweet. Need to include Nana Mizuki as well, but Akio Otsuka was just too tough to pass. Need my Large Leader in my team. Though I figured I'd make a Black Jack joke by making him a Duelist (even though BJ is a surgeon)

There is one fight in the game that has a lot less impact if you didn't play the other games. I would guess the DS one is the most important one for that fight since nothing much happens in 2020 with those two.

Julietta is literally a trans. Did you not play the game?

Someone please fuck my boy pussi

the skill system of the DS one is so agonizing since at later points it requires more than 1 SP to get a skill and you get like 1 SP a level up. Plus 666 dragons when 2020 only had 200 and VFD has 256

>Julietta is literally a trans. Did you not play the game?
I am playing the game and I see nothing that backs that claim up.

>shipped today

Oh fug. And then there's still the rune knight, godhand, samurai, and another 2020 samurai coming

>director uses she pronoun
>immediately says sorry and says he

Stop trying to prove this game isn't buying into the SJW agenda.

>Stop trying to prove this game isn't buying into the SJW agenda.

I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight

>they never make any of the male characters

I fucking hate this world

this post is biat as fuck

Too bad the PSP remake removed half of those things.

You mean the one where he calls himself a man? Yes.

Japs don't do that kind of shit the way we do. Over there a man can call himself by a woman's name and just be a really flamboyant gay.

>be OP
>finally succeed in making a thread about this game
>people only want to talk about the bait

She was making a joke you thick idiot.

>what is a sex change operation

Otherwise no one will talk about this game and it'll die before it reaches 100 posts

His original name was male too retard.

>one of the main villains is literally hitler
where do I sign up?

Serves the idiot right. Sup Forums needs to get out of the habit of using bait to try and start vidya discussion.

Fuck yeah. I just ordered this, too.

Kanji is bisexual

Maybe he should have started the thread with waifu posting instead of SJW baiting. In any case, both of you guys are retarded.

>Sup Forums needs to get out of the habit of using bait to try and start vidya discussion.

No, Sup Forums needs to get out of the habit of only being able to respond to bait. That's what leads to people using those tactics to get replies instead of their thread 404ing in 20 minutes.

It gets better. They tried to "hide" Hitler in the English version by giving him sunglasses.

So now we have HITLER IN SHADES.

If you want, you can start with the PSP version of P2 IS.

>Just beat eden
>will never hear the eden battle music again


Different guy here but every non b8 thread I've started on this has died pretty fast

So I just started chapter 5.1, I hear a lot of weapons are missable in this chapter, supposedly the dates. I assume I get the dates with all the major NPCs unlocked in this chapter? I have been doing all the quests diligently and unlocking all constructions.

That wasn't for the English version, just the PSP remake from what I understand.

There's nothing missable. It might seem like it once you get past that chapter, but you'll still be able to do everything

Don't bother, they only say lines you can't understand anyways.

>not knowing that anyone in Japan will stick their dick into anything as long as it's cute enough
>not knowing girls in Japan also have dicks

Fuck this faggot

Thats even better holy shit



Yeah, and Etrian Odyssey is feminist propaganda.

OP, if you wanted to have a 7th Dragon thread, then just say so.

Who's ready for the final DLC's release tomorrow?
>Quest to get best weapons for all classes
>Boss Rush Quest that has you face amped up versions of all High Dragons, VFD, and Nodens


>Who's ready for the final DLC's release tomorrow?

what other DLC is there besides the stuff that was free when the game launched

>trying to start thread with worst samurai girl


OBJECTIVE best portraits for each class

Long-haired female

Blonde Butler

White redhead shota

All four of its portraits are shit pick another one, grab hacker girl from 2020 or something

>Rune Knight
Generic white-haired elf male is literally the only decent portrait

The cute long-haired loli with bored eyes

Manly male elf dude

Either of the Lucier portraits

This is so lewd

I sure am. I stopped playing because I wanted to have the lucier girl in my main party, but I was going at a fast enough rate that I would have beaten the game before the DLC came out. I can finally start playing again tomorrow.

Any banisher
>Rune knight
any banisher
Short haired rune knight lucier
Rape face lucier

>Successfully hack dragon
>Tear away it's defence and have it beat itself up while my God Hand wails on it
>Finally gets to attack
>Agent counterattacks and seals its turns

I fucking love Agent so much.

It's the worst


You take that back you fucking cocksucker, she's literally perfect

It's time to make your choice, Sup Forums.

>I'll fight it.
>I won't fight it.

I have no idea who this person is and what little Japanese I know I can only read out 真 (True) on that name

If you don't know who he is then don't worry about it

The first true dragon Iod.

Life finds a way

is there a picture of the panties? previous katanako has the most amazing vagina lips

I saw this game on the Nintendo channel and liked the music, is the game itself fun?

it's okay but a bit easy

Nah, that's stupid. From what happens in the end, and what you learn from the post game, you're just playing hot potatowith other universes, and the potato is dragons,

Speaking of which
>fought every dragon there is
>still one Dz short of accessing the postgame dungeon
What the hell, do I have to fight VFD again?

Did you finish all the quests? Though the maps will still show that there is a dragon left even though you can't access it without the necessary quest.

Every single one, even got best girl's number and Rika's.

So I got this game because I love dungeon crawlers and cute girlsor boys fagging it up, but I've been sucked into MH and haven't even cracked open the case yet. Help me to take a break from MH so I can enjoy this.

>music by

Great OST and Art Design
Good Voicework and Customization
Unique Classes and World
Okay Story and Battle System

It's relatively short in length (I've 100%'d it at 35 hours), but it's a fun RPG that's deep enough to be satisfying without being overly complex

Also you get to pop the cherry of a 14-year old girl so that's pretty great

Hm... is there anywhere on your World Map that shows up as purple instead of green? That'd be helpful to pinpoint the last one.

Not the english version, Japan too.

There were new Cero rules about using historical people, aso they had to change it.

Anna smoking cigarettes was cut out of the Japanese PSP version too because of new Cero rules.

Only last dungeon with only VFD left.
Again, that is.
And Koshiro Yuzo

And you have beaten VFD, right? In that case, you're probably going to have to make another trip through there just to make sure you've gotten everything. It's very possible you missed a Dragonfly or something.