Be American

>be American
>get shot

Other urls found in this thread:

omg this is the best thread ive evers seen

>be japanese
>get stabbed

Your comment has nothing to do with video games.

Also, people get shot at other places in the world. The first death with pokemon go was in a 3rd world shithole I believe.

Lots of blacked and america hate threads lately, is sweden's Sup Forums offline? aka neogaf?


>american level
>wife gets fucked by obese niggers


>be european
>get head cut off for being in sharia zone with the infidel's demon magic

Don't you mean european level?

>Be Brazilian

Just put your hands up baby hands up and you won't get shot

He said nigs, not muslims.

Sup Forums is this way

"a cops not just gonna come up and point his fuckin' rifle at me" - man swatted

>be brazilian
>guaranĂ¡ antartica with biscoito vitarela

>maybe we are going to have guns pointed at us, thats not good
Balls of steel.

I'm not black

>that codec call
summit? Summit?! SUMMMIT!

>be brazilian
>get deformed zika children

Your trip code has nothin to do with video games yet you refuse to take it off so who are you to criticize?

>be European
>get halal'd

>people would rather shitpost than report shitposters

golly I wonder why this place is full od shit

>be American
>want to play Pokemon GO
>wife doesn't
>have to look on Craigslist for a black bull to babysit her while I go look for Charmander
>finally find one for $150/hr.
>he arrives one hour later and both the huge nigger and my wife go straight to the bedroom for some reason
>step outside to finally find Pokemon
>get shot

>Your trip code has nothin to do with video games
How to spot a newfag.


Be European
>Get raped
>Blown up
>and called Ciscisist.

>you will never get married to the love of your life and have her cheat on you with ripped, shredded hoodlum niggers with chained jeans, sideways caps, and sunglasses
Just fucking kill me.