Why aren't you playing a video game right now user?

Why aren't you playing a video game right now user?

no time for vidya. I need time for Sup Forums.

My girlfriend won't let me

I bought a PS3

I got to a 100 combo in xenoverse, and then my game crashed, so I decided to take a break.

Been playing all day, so I figured it was the game telling me to stop.

At work on break

who the fuck plays video games?

Its ma bedtime feggit

Nerds who don't have a life and can't get a girlfriend to suck their milometer peter and still live in their parent's basement.

I'm about to go buy a burrito, then I'll watch ESA some more.
>playing games

It's almost 4:00 AM over here, i'm way too tired to play games.

I honestly don't even know why i'm still up.

Good night Sup Forums

user, it's a multi billion dollar industry. You seriously think that could happen off of the wallets of anti social NEETs?

Autism money goes a long way

Im shitting. As soon as im done, im playing WoW to do my dailies and farm for a'lar mount.

Im taking a shit

Waiting out front for ups. Fuck ups.

But user, I am.

Cause I moved back in with my mom and I live in the garage, it's a fucking gorillain degrees in my room so I don't even bother anymore

I have to wait 8 more hours for its players to wake up

I am too tired to play after going to work on 3 hours of sleep because the previous day I closed my department.

I'm at work

because i got matched against a 5-man premade for the third time today in Battleborn and it made me alt+f4

Just got home form work. Also, I wanna talk about Danganronpa