Welp, I'm done with online gaming now. Either the community is incredibly toxic or I'm completely useless...

Welp, I'm done with online gaming now. Either the community is incredibly toxic or I'm completely useless, maybe a bit if both. Regardless, my self esteem is low enough without people constantly telling me I suck when I already know I do. I'll stick to singleplayer games for now, maybe the occasional card game.

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Overwatch got to you too?

>I'm bad and a complete sissy

But seriously, it's sad this is what replaced couch co-ops.

Yep. Worked up to rank 60 thinking people would get nicer, especially since I try to fill out the teams comp with tanks and supports. Nope, just more toxicity. I lost it when I was forced to play mercy in a losing match, and then got yelled at by a belligerent roadhog, before some other people at rank 69 told me to stick to quick play, and cursed me for the derank. If it was just one match I'd shrug it off, but every match, regardless of how many medals I get or how far I move up the ranks, people meet my polite and casual interest in playing the game with total hostility.

Maybe. I just don't care anymore. I'm done. You guys go be pros. It's like to indulge myself in the hobby, but the other hobbies I have just generate way more positive feedback, and I feel at least a modicum of accomplishment with them. I used to be excited with the idea of playing with other people, but now I'm just frustrated and disillusioned with the gaming community.

You think you're mad?

You want to know what rank I am? I'm rank fucking 21 ( t w e n t y o n e ).

I would be rank 19 but I just won the last match against all odds. The enemy team got all four cards. They were the better team. I have been consistently put on the losing team for the last few days. Earlier today I got play of the game three times in a row, and we lost all three games. I almost always have four gold medals. I'm really fucking letting my team down, aren't I? I'm such a fucking shitter. If only I could help my team some more, maybe I might win a few fucking matches. God fucking damn it yes I am mad.

Online gaming is for underages and losers.

>played GTA Online until level 63 or so, whatever level unlocks the Lone Wolf leather jacket
>realize I haven't had any real fun with it

Just give up. These people don't want to play cooperative games, they want to play competitive games where they can blame their losses on other people.

I don't know, I just feel like I've been sinking ridiculous accounts of time into a community that I hate to play games that barely entertain me.

This. I have no problems with competitive gaming. I have no problems with tryharding. I do have problems with communities of players with egos so paper-thin that they have to make everybody else's time unpleasant, god forbid anyone think they're BAD or something. If I play competitive games I stick to 1v1 shit or turn off chat completely so I don't have to deal with the average OW thread poster/ex-LoL/ex-Dota2 player.

It's possible to not be a whiny cunt without being a scrub.

I think this is going to be my approach from now on. I'm fine with losing, I'm just tired of being blamed and harassed by people who should be my allies.

I played GTA Online at least twice a week after work for about 5 months. I drank a lot at the time too.

Been unemployed for nearly a year now.

Online communities are almost always the same. The only one I've every found to be decent was in RE6, and even that had it's exploit-using, underage shitters.

Been unemployed for nearly a year now.

Oops. Disregard that last spoiler.

I normally just stick to myself and not play games whose communities are innately toxic. Online, if you play it right, will be like playing with slightly smarter bots.

It actually had good comedic timing, so I won't ignore it.

Yeah, I don't care who I'm playing with as long as they summon up a shred of decency. Good luck with the employment thing, that's a whole different kind of toxicity.

I could do this, but there are a lot of games which require coordination, it be nice if I could just tell my teammates about what I plan to do, and hear what they intend to do, but inevitably the mechanisms put into the game to facilitate this are used by people to go full asshole.

Co-op/PvE > singleplayer > PvP
PvP stuff can still be fun with friends
spergs need to calm the fuck down though, one person says ez and everyone starts freaking out


I'm fine with the enemy shittalking. That's actually kind of fun, is just when teams go into full blame mode and just flame against one another or a scapegoat that makes the game feel awful.

Why are people even playing season 1? The first competitive season is always trash. Wait until season 2 when sudden death is removed and they fix most of this shit matchmaking.

But who knows, it took HotS over a year to get a decent competitive system.

wtf I hate online now

Grow up. I call my little brother a shit cunt and he loses all the time to me but he wants to keep playing to win. Either you're a beta numale cuck or a beta numale cuck

I doubt they'll fix a community of whiners and narcissists in a patch.

Your brother will eventually end up like OP.

I want couch co-op to make a jolly comeback. Some of my best memories are of playing co-op with my friends, brother and/or mom.

Good bye and good riddance, don't even deserve the (You)

May as well quit gaming if you can't cope with faggots. Unless you're one of them, in which case good riddance.

Don't worry OP. Modern retarded gamer children consider public lobbies as a competitive environment. These people that take the game so seriously should be organizing custom games or servers, but instead they just go into standard matchmaking and get buttblasted. Just remember that you have absolutely no obligation to do ANYTHING in random matchmaking, spend the rest of a game pulling off retarded plays. Unless it's League they can't do a damn thing to stop you.

Wow someone you have a deeply invested personal relationship with outside of videogames is definitely comparable to random strangers over the internet and how each reacts to people insulting them.

Get a thicker skin, I get cussed at a lot.

Who gives a fuck, they're merely words.

This. I enjoy the banter with an enemy team. Makes it way more fun. Shit hits the fan when the team starts shit talking each other and throwing the match when something meaningless doesn't go their way,


Don't remind me OP


Oh shut the fuck up. I don't play to win, I play to have fun. Unless your getting callbacks for a job interview or fantastic sex from your gaming, then you're probably doing the same. I don't enjoy games where my teammates are constantly berating me. Maybe you think the average player can make clear headed judgements and deliver constructive criticism. I don't think they can. I'm fine with losing, I just don't like being yelled at. Go get your brother and constantly insult and yell at him while you're playing, see how it turns out.

I feel the same way after a few years of league and playing overwatch since it came out

I don't have to deal with them if I avoid games where I'm teamed up with them. That seems like that would be relatively manageable.

How can someone online saying shit mean anything to you? I don't really give a fuck what people say if I don't respect them.

>it took HotS over a year to get a decent competitive system.
When does HotS actually get the patch that makes it a game, though?

It's gotten all kinds of tweaks like adding a real scoreboard and shit. It's definitely more of a game now than it was a year ago.

When I join a team, I want to feel like I'm on a team, not just an assortment of strangers who all think their the mvp.

I don't know which game rustled you, but I'm sure its better off without you.

Is it still some kind of weird "push units around and whoever has the most units grouped is the winner" simulator? Is it still not quite a MOBA, but not quite anything else, either?

Fine, call it a mutual break up then.

Get friends?

No, its a traditional-ish MOBA in that, unless you're TLV or Chen ulting, you control a single unit.

theres a reason i've gone to fighting games.

Quick play is where you want to be anyway. Ranked players are going to break an arm jerking themselves off. Remember were playing games to have fun.

Why can't there be a game without a bottlenecking meta?

No. It's far more balanced than it used to be. But grouping is essential in every MOBA for team fights.

You can win games even if you miss the objective. There's a lot more room for different strategies now with constant map tweaks and hero re-works.

because ever since league took off everyone is focused on winning. im guilty of that too but again

Good riddance, less of you worthless faggots who pick shit heroes and can't aim for shit in my games

I have a few, but we're ask poor college students, with a lack of time and money. The few times we all have both simultaneously we tend to go out rather than buy games together. But what games I do share with friends I enjoy playing with them.

Fighting games have bottlenecking metas too.

>No. It's far more balanced than it used to be.
Doesn't Tracer still have an 85% win rate in ranked? I refuse to play that game anymore because of how blatantly OP they made her to advertise Overwatch.

Beats me. I rarely see her.

So what you're saying is that Blizzard accomplished more in less than two years in what is essentially a side project than Riot has with their one and only game over the course of nearly eight years?

Which is honestly hilarious.

Get off Sup Forums loser.

not as much. i play KI. i play fucking spinal. the only reason people think spinal is good is because of bass. before evo i saw 1 or 2 people play spinal in ranked or even on streams. fighting games can have their meta broken with enough skill and balance. unless your smash then you're just fucked.

Except I play tank and support, regularly winning with gold medals. It's people like you who figure "oh I died, someone else's fault, better span the chat." That's what pushed me out of the game.

i think that there's a really huge problem with developers and trying really really hard to make their games "competitive".

there was a time when games were made to just be games, and competitive scenes naturally grew out of the mechanics and potential of the game. now games are designed from the top-down to the be competitive because league of faggots has completely changed the market for the worse.

i remember when you used to boot up cs 1.6 and find thousands of servers full of people just playing the game. no ELO, no rank, no leagues, no skins or ingame currency. just playing multiplayer games for fun.

Dota? Meta evolves over time naturally.

>Because Sup Forums is for successful people.

She got nerfed, but not enough. She's down to 49.3% which is still better too high. If she was around 30 or 20% it'd be OK. Fuck Tracer.

I get that in Rocket League a lot. A match is 5 minutes. If they score or you miss or something bad happens before even 30 seconds pass by your teammate might rage.

It's uncommon but it happens. It happened today and cost me a rank. He missed a save that was entirely on him and I was out of position. I got back just in time to make a really gutsy attempt at blocking but I didn't pull off the hero save.

This guy immediately starts cursing me out in team chat then in all chat, presses forfeit and expects me to do the same.

I ask him to toughen up and we're only down 0-1 with 4 minutes left there's plenty of time. He quits. That's an auto 15 minute ban from matchmaking for him.

There are people who just get

Team based games have it a little worse than 1v1 games because they can blame you for their mistakes. Sure I make mistakes now and then but I usually carry and progress up the ranks at a steady pace with my developing skills. But no matter how high I get, I will always run into a guy once or twice a week that is ready to blow and costs me a rank or points towards a higher one because he fucks up and instead of accepting that, he points that anger away from himself and towards me.

In fact saying that, just three matches ago in 3v3s the third guy with the least points raged at the other two of us for perceived failures. As it turns out he missed 3 straight saves which sent the game from 2-0 to 2-3 with the loss coming in overtime. It was bitter but I felt good, I got one of our goals and an assist on the other. That dude got none. No saves, no goals, no assists. Mad as fuck at us for not doing more.

There's only one thing to be done OP.

Hit mute and ignore them.

It's impressive how much work went into HotS despite it's mediocrity. If it keeps up, it may turn out to be one of the better alternative MOBAs out there.

New heroes every 3 weeks, Gul'dan came out not too long ago.

At the risk of sounding retarded, what is a bottlenecking meta?

Brood War? The meta for TvZ is changing to mass queens to counter tanks and it's 2016. The game is older than posters on Sup Forums.

Maybe play a real game? Most online communities are fine when you get the right people. Stop playing moba shit.

>mute mics
>go into game
>mute chat
>win or lose

Its that simple, boys. Don't get buttmad because of your teammates, but because you suck, like I do.

How far can I get if I literally only play one character? ETC is by far the most enjoyable character in the game for me, nobody else compares. I have friends as good or better than me that can fill in other roles too.

pretty sure hes saying a metagame that is shoved around the community to restrict various elements of the game. like how theres a good chunk of 'useless' heroes in overwatch, or dota, or league, etc and becomes so prevalent in the community that its the standard by which everyone plays.

and god fucking forbid you try to have fun with something that sucks.

ETC is a high tier character. So pretty far.


I quite LoL forever ago. I realized the hours i spend playing long drawn out matches full of assholes that don't want to admit defeat could be better spent doing literally anything else. I'm learning how to draw, but it's been slow going.

I don't try for ranked so I stop at when I get rewards, as a result, I stopped at rank 10 last season: ETC is fine. A well timed, well placed mosh pit can literally change the entire game and he has trouble getting knocked out of it creating a "fuck off" zone of death.

I can not speak for Overwatch or DotA, but I know League actively changed the game to fit around its perceived metas and said metas literally only changed during tournaments to which Riot would then go about changing the game to fit that meta.
I'm also still salty at how badly they nerfed Janna for like twenty patches in a row.

This. My life has been considerably more positive and productive after I uninstalled League.

Its funny I grew up playing BW and waking up at 5am to watch ESPORTS. I never really experienced this shit you guys did.

The difference between 1v1 and 5v5 is weird, and vast.

1v1 is raw skill of one guy versus another.

5v5 allows those to blame teammates.

1v1 > team based

Oh there's plenty of blame to be had in 1v1. Map hacks wall hacks cheating of every sort, unfair play pub stomper smurf account faggot rusher.

The hardest thing in life is to look at yourself and say you were bad.

Why does Riot have to be so shit, anyway?

Get reported by 9 people because you 'ignored your teammates and cost them the victory'.

>Map hacks wall hacks cheating of every sort,

>unfair play

>pub stomper smurf account faggot rusher.

thats skill related. exactly what im talking about.

>using the term toxic unironically

Go make a post about it on Tumblr and git gud, faggot.

Most people won't bother. Just say you're muting beforehand and ping lots. Play your best and dont be a total feeder and they won't care.

You also cannot be punished unless you say something inflammatory in chat. That or you have to be so consistently bad that you're reported for trolling by 4 people a game, in which case, you are a troll.

I've been doing the mute tactic for months and not one ban. I never tilt either.

I can speak for Dota. Difference being that instead of trying to force a strict meta, they went in the polar opposite direction... strictly as long as your hero has an execution floor of licking the keyboard while slamming the mouse on your desk and is a carry.

>6.81: Push-heavy early game fighting meta. A little stale, but it's Dota at least.
>6.82: Okay, so we know this game's economy has literally existed for over a decade in its current state, save some numbers tweaks... but we're mulching the whole thing and replacing it with a really hard rubberbanding mechanic and inflate the shit out of hero kills in general.
>6.83: We know we completely ruined the game, so instead of reverting this, we'll make the problem slightly less bad. Commence 8-9 months of HO HO HA HA.
>6.84-6.88: We know this shit is still making the game dumb but let's keep buffing good heroes that aren't braindead easy yet until they are.
>Nerf Earth Spirit again.

OP has a point. Online communities are full of cancer, they always have been, it's not a recent thing.
However this doesn't stop me from playing online. Honestly some games have worst commutes then others (i.e. Overwatch, LoL, GTA Online, etc.).
It's best to just have thick skin and learn to give and receive shit talking.
If you're being hounded by your team for sucking then just tell them how they aren't and will never be professional gamers or e-celebs. This triggers most competitive people.

if you're done with overwatch, can i has ur account? i'll only play quickplay and i won't even open le loot boxes in case you come back

plz message me on reddit xDD reddit.com/user/PlzGibOverwatch/

What is with you faggy Tumblrites and making Sup Forums your personal blog?

And don't try to fucking tell me I'm baselessly accusing you lot of being Tumblrites. I've seen plenty of you fucking manchildren and attention whores talk about Sup Forums and Sup Forums in hushed whispers among your cringeworthy blogs. Some of you either directly screencap threads so that you can throw them on your Tumblrs or complain about the conversations you've had with people on here, especially when your spergy asses decide to tag your bitching under certain games or anime.

/r9k/ exists for a reason, take your shit over there where it belongs.

>tell them how they aren't and will never be professional gamers or e-celebs
This sounds like fun actually.

I should add that Dota is (was?) a completely different monster than a lot of its spinoffs in terms of power curves. In Dota, your average support's utility generally lasted until about 25 minutes or so, then dropped off hardcore. Hard carries on the other hand would take 40 minute to properly come online. Everything else was largely in between. So in a game with such huge economy-based power spikes, the fuck are you inflating everything with no compensation? Hell, if anything they buff carries more than supports. Sniper, Troll, Jugg, Lesh, Storm, Lina, Tusk, SB, Invoker, OD, Enchantress, all of that bullshit from 6.83-6.86 is a result of Valve being shit at actually testing/theorycrafting shit and just going on Reddit poll results + rubberbanding.


>good post
good post

Play fighting games instead?
I can't handle team games at all, pressure and fear of fucking up crushes my will to play. Both with randoms and friends.
But in 1vs1 I'm cool. Every victory is my victory, every mistake is my mistake.

Seriously though, anyone that complains about a "toxic" community is frankly just a bitch. Harden the fuck up. Grow a thicker skin. Fire back and stop being everyone's bitch in your life. Maybe then people would like you.

Nobody likes a whiner and a lot of people are assholes, so get used to it or get lost. Good riddance to you.

Then why the fuck are you playing the "competitive" mode, moron?

only thing that triggers me in fightan is tbagging. taunting is alright though, some have pretty cool taunts.


It is. I've had some of the best reactions from people when I've used it.
If you do decide to do it expect paragraphs a mad.
I good follow up is, "sure thing sport."
It's not as obvious or overused as nub and scrub.

Yes, and some people play competitively because it's fun for them.

If you can't hang, then don't fucking play ranked shit. I don't understand what you mouthbreathers can't comprehend about this when most games in this format DO have a more casual-oriented matchmaking option.

Speaking from LoL and HotS, there's nothing wrong with a degree of rubber banding. In League, something like 90% of games are determined, at a pro level, within the first eight minutes by these 3 prime factors:
>Whoever got first blood and its bonus;
>Which ever team is ahead in 1000 gold at minute
>Whoever is 2 levels ahead

If any of these two conditions are met, the team with them has a 90% or greater chance of winning. It effectively turns a ~30 minute game into one that is decided at the 5 minute mark, leaving the last 25 minutes to almost literally not matter.

On the flip side, HotS has a much more lenient rubberband system. Picking off two heroes in a team fight and losing 3 while behind by 2 levels means you pretty much closed the gap to 1 level, in a game where there are no items, just talents and levels. As a result, unless you have all of your keeps(barracks) down, you can usually still come back if they get caught being stupid.