Minecraft and Wind Waker HD, sir.

Fuck you nigger I wont do shit you say fuck you!.

>Star Trek Elite Force 2

Not quite as good as Republic Commando but it's alright. The guns all feel weak as hell but the story and character are classic trek.

D2, T. It's a classic and never gets old. And you're on my celebrity death pool this year, so go hard on the ribs and fried chicken.

>Posts Mr. T
>Doesn't add "fool" to his post

what does the T stand for?

Ah, eat my balls, Mr. T.

Just rolled some scrims in TF2

yo where you at in the game? I think I made it to the temple where you take Mr. Dragon Boat into the temple and do water puzzles.

League of Legends has gotten somewhat better in recent months.

Fuck Kled, though.

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 for the vita.
Finally got it very cheap before it becomes too rare /expensive where I live.
Been trying to git gud but probably never will, still love the game tho'

Prototype 2. I wish it didn't dumb down the power list, and that Mercer wasn't a stupid-as-shit villain in the game.
Excuse me but that's no nigger. That's Mr. T and he's a night elf warlock.

guitar hero 3

it's good, simple, and fun

PLaying Pokemon Gold. Dont know what to do...

Final Fantasy XIV and Tactics.
Playing Tactics during the XIV downtime while I wait for groups to form and maintenance to get over with.

Rainbow Six Siege, why does Ubisoft hate this game so much? It could be good with even the barest amount of dev support. Instead a good concept is left to die so they can keep supporting the gigantic turd known as the Division.

Clash Royale
I'm having a great time.

inFamous 1 for PS3.
Game looks like fucking shit for a PS3 game.
You also don't get that hover ability until the second island which makes traveling faster.
I also don't remember Cole sounding so raspy and deep.
Most abilities suck or consume too much electricity.
Also there's a useless cover based system I never use cuz it's better to peek around corners than behind cover due to AI having pin point telegraphing accuracy.
You're better off moving around so they miss.
Fun game though.

>BamHam City
Can't really say much. I'm having more fun in this than in Arkham Knight. I might play Origins later since the multiplayer servers are back up.

Playing Pokemon Gold. I went to that tower and all those dogs ran away... the fuck?

Hated it when it released because i was underage and retarded, now im older and even more retarded and having a blast

Balance is shit and is not likely to become any better after the beta ends, but it's still fun

Pretty difficult when your only experience in the genre is GoW and DmC

>Azure Striker Gunvolt

It's neat. I got it since it was on sale for 9.99 and have enjoyed it a lot since it was done by the same people who did the Zero and ZX series.

>League of Legends has gotten somewhat better in recent months
i don't believe you

I'm almost about to save Zelda. There's no milk in the game, but I do have gram-gram's soup by my side.

I'm trying to use SFIV to get a hang of fightan games but it's just not clicking yet. It's getting there though.
>tfw it took me 45 minutes to beat Ryu as my rival on medium as Sakura

Skyrim on PC with mods
combat is a joke and every encounter is maybe 1-4 enemies. quests are either
>go to this cave, pick up this item
>go to this cave, kill this guy
>go to this cave, kill this guy, pick up his item
>go to this town, talk to this guy (with optional go back to first guy and kill him)
horses are a waste of money, so travel sucks no matter what. I'm always near my carry limit because I can't sell anything to anybody.
I'm level 30 and it isn't getting better

Maintenance for Tree of Savior just started. It's the first mega-patch since launch, tons of things beind added.

My classes are all getting buffed. Shit will be cash.

Play Witcher, it's better in every single way.

basically my experience with Skyrim every couple of months

I'm playing Skyrim for the first time.

What a buggy fucking mess, I imagine it was even worse at launch, and somehow people praise it like it's the best game ever.

Physics tied to the framerate, so if I'm over 60 fps the water bugs out and starts flickering, my character swims in mid air and shit starts floating. If I want to be able to actually play the game, I have to turn vsync on and live with the worst fucking mouse lag I've ever seen.

The Dawnguard expansion is spawning vampires in all over the place who fucking kill people I need to talk to for side quests. So I get to look up a bunch of stupid ass console commands to respawn NPCs or setstage to advance the quest.

Lots of the quests are straight unfulfilling to do. I help Ulfric Faggotcloak become the king and what do I get? A couple swords, a shield, and his thanks. Eat shit.

Game fucking sucks.

just got done playing some SFV
I'm shit, but it's fun to occasionally body someone with Cammy

Hi I'm To- I mean Rod Broward.
I am currently playing Skyrim Remastered. It was definitely worth the price of a new game. You should all definitely by it.

He had a different voice actor in the second game.

>tfw the original Hipster Starbucks Cole art came out, and Sup Forums shit itself along with the rest of the internet

I'm still surprised enough noise was made to change that.

The last game I played was broken age with my lil cousin. It was fun

Sounds like a great game! Definitely buying it now. Thanks, Robert!

Gat Out of Hell

It's not anything special on the GTA front but the setting is kind of different and really the game just shines through the neat weapons and the fact that you can fucking fly. Nothing I love more in a game than that sense of freedom that flying grants you.

Dirty Bomb
Because I'm too cheap for Overwatch


Fucking glad I was banned from that piece of shit.

I wish there was more to that game. It was barely worth the $5 really, as barebones as it was.

The flight mechanics were great though, along with the rest of SR's take on superpowers. They really need to put that shit to better use.

This man know what is good! I'm currently playing it and it's great!

I remember thinking what the fuck when they showed up that new Cole.
Literally no one liked.
Seriously, why change the character in the sequel?
At least they made him look more like Cole from the first game.
I never played 2, cuz reasons, but once I beat 1 I'll get a chance to finally play it.
I guess I'm in for a treat.

Cities Skylines

I wasn't thinking when I put my sewage pipe along a river and it's now dumping shit water all over my luxury beachfront

Why does he wear the chains?

I've been playing eso because two of my friends asked me to play with them and it's like 10 bucks on g2a

I won't call it a good game or recommend it, but like anything its fun with friends, and I do actually really like the crafting system and crafted gear actually being good

mah nigga, I've been playing GH2. I beat my old Jordan high score high as fuck on expert. I was happy as fuck and I'll never do something that cool again.

Rainbow Six Seige. I love this game. There are tons of maps, and tons of ways to approach a situation, along with all of the different operators make every game feel fresh and intense.

what the fuck is mr. t up to nowadays

If I take them off will he die?

Champion diversity is the highest it's been since Season 2. There are strongest champions, but you're not actually at a disadvantage for playing anything but them anymore with very few exceptions that're on perma-ban status anyway.

Riot's started completely overhauling entire classes of champions instead of just kicking one or two up or down depending on patch cycles, adding and removing and changing items and abilities so that all of them are on the relatively same level of power while having their own niche. Mages got theirs awhile back and are probably on the most equal footing they've been on in years, and assassins are next.

They've also slowed champion releases somewhat so that they can overhaul and redo old champions that need visual and gameplay updates pretty badly. A few have fallen flat, but ones like Poppy, Shen and Sion are some of the most well-designed and balanced champions in the game, now.

It would be extremely painful

2's fairly solid. At least I never fell through the geometry just running down the street, like I did in 1 sometimes. Fire and ice powers coulda used a little more work though.

Just don't bother with the user generated stuff. The UGC system is shit, and as a natural result, everything ever made with it is shit as well.

By "won't call it a good game or recommend it" you meant "It's the best online game right now and you should play it", right?

I had my first WooHoo in Sims 4 yesterday

Warthunder trying to figure out how to use the TA152 H1

Perhaps he's wondering why you would pity a fool before teaching him some basic rules


999. I dont know what was pseudo science and what wasnt

The Crew, using a T300RS wheel

only have a couple of hours on the clock, but it seems alright.

Battlefront now that it has a single player mode.

Now it's entertaining, but would still be better with classes and vehicles on the map. Not being able to hijack a walker is gay as fuck.

i don't play video games

Just got done playing hydro thunder hurricane

OK pal, is monster hunter generations it's pretty good. I'm not good at committing to a game and farming tho so all my friends are hr5 going to hr6 soon. And I'm still using my first armor set.

I haven't played the game in a while but if I remember correctly, side climb, go fast and dive through the furball then regain altitude in safety. Also joust because dem MK103s

Also stop playing War Thunder, it's a shit game and you should uninstall it now
t. 1100 hours and Tier V in 5 trees

Is the SP fleshed out like a traditional BF game?

I-i know but its the only active ww2 flight sim that i know of. Do you happen to know how to use the HO229 jets just are not fun

You're a black guy!

At least you can rap! Who taught you?

I finished this game off yesterday. I don't hate the idea of creating a more involved linear story within the common atelier systems, compared to something like Meruru which just says "ok come back in 5 years with 100k population", but the story in this game was poorly executed. Important story triggers followed no logic, specifically at the part where you're gathering flowers. It really shit up my opinion of the game. Aside from that issue, I liked the setting a lot, the characters were fine, it was an atelier game. The other negative thing I'll say about it is that I don't like how you just gather random stuff at gathering spots, unlike past games where you get to pick what you want.

Jets suck and unless they moved the HO back to 7.0 it's useless. You're supposed to turnfight people and hope you don't snap your wings, but that's pointless when fighting Mig-15s and F-86s with a 200 mph+ speed advantage.

Fantastic tower-defense game with tons of play modes. R.I.P. PopCap
>Fallout 4
Getting ready for Nuka World. The RP is bad but the gameplay is good.
>Tropico 3
Make way for Presedenté! More fun than "Cuban SimCity" sounds.
I like it but RA2 seemed more... focused, maybe?
>AoE2 HD
Great skirmish mode, which is great since I don't play RTS campaigns

Yes and no.

You don't get to use your own loadout, just two predetermined ones, and you can only play Walker assault and squadron instead of anything resembling conquest.

It's still a lot more fun than MP and made me consider the severely overpriced DLC though.

The lack of vehicles on the map is what really killed it for me. Made it feel kind of soulless but then again


Skyrim, it's a solid RPG with simple combat but really fun missions. People that complain about being able to do everything in a single playthrough are silly.

doing the free return days
PoTD is pretty neat, I wish it gave actual experience though

Oh also if you insist on getting jets get bombers, the cat and mouse games you can play with them is kinda fun.

Chronicles of Riddick Escape From Butcher Bay.

First time playing it, about an hour or two into it. It's pretty good so far, if a bit glitchy. Had to restart from a checkpoint at one point because of an unwinnable situation.

Also I probably should have started on normal because I can't get past this one fucking guard who sees me every time I enter the room no matter what I do.

Eternal Ring. I remembered playing only a small bit of it as a kid and decided to pick it up for 6 neet bucks.

It's pretty stale so far.

Finishing SOTFS, only one I haven't completed in the series. Open to suggestions on what to play next though. Money is no issue and I'm an idort Mr. T sir

Renowned Explorers: International Society
It kinda tries to be like FTL

I just finished Witcher 3: Blood and Wine

That final boss battle was pretty fucking hype. Also Syranna a turbocunt, seriously, if you fucked her you're goddamn slime.

Its at 7.0 the guns are so shit i only flew it out 16 times and just said fuck it because all it does is rip you cant hit shit

Ori and the Blind Forest

Played it once and loved it to death, playing through it again cause its really fun, but some sections are really bullshit

JA2 1.13, I keep restarting because I keep learning new shit to use at the start. Also I think my IMP mercs aren't properly built.

Dragon Quest 9, its a shit game with a horrible story, gameplay is ok though.

>night elf warlock

Oh if it's back at 7.0 that's easy, just genocide tanks and club props, it was overpowering at 7.0 but thanks to Gaijins retarded insistence on having all jets be at even BRs there's no way to balance it.

evolve: stage2

not trash for free

destiny sir, having a good time while sniping scrubs on the iron banana.

4 uuu

I just started SMRPG this afternoon. Played like 15 minutes, then I got to a boss who immediately 1HKO mario from full HP. cool game

Project Diva Future Tone
Can now manage to do 80% of Two Faced Lovers on Extreme, aiming for perfect.





I played Card Hunter this evening. It's a cool strategy game with a card system for combat attached to your equipment.

It's enjoyable enough and challenging, but you can see the game just barely containing itself from forcing you to spend money to get decent content. I bet if I bought the premium chests and got the high level equipment out of the bat, I'd find it boring as hell.

Another pay to skip game, but worth the time if you are hungry for a traditional tile-based strategy game.

Phantom Brave since its on pc now i guess

nice blast to the past

They moved down the meteors and a a few other jets though

Godzilla for the ps4.
I fucking love it, but that's probably because I'm a whore for godzilla.
Certainly not as good as Destroy all monsters or save the earth, but it does a good job at capturing the feeling of being a lumbering kaiju.

Fuck generators though.

Gundam EXVS Force
Simpler than Full Boost and no online, but it's still fun. Nice to play in bed. Force mode is surprisingly fun and I'm working my way through the arcade courses. F91 is fun as hell.

Fatal Labyrinth

I hate those fucking bugs that can melt your gear, and I hate those green crystals that can put your ass to sleep.

It stands for Tureaud, which is his last name. He changed his name to Mr. T because he was tired of people skimping on the respect because of his blackness. You can't call a guy name Mister Tee 'big nigger,' or 'that guy.'


I didn't even realize and stayed up until 4am resolving the 3rd case.

People on Sup Forums said it was a weak game but I'm enjoying it a lot.