Bethesda doesn

Why is bethesda so retarded? Are they trying to appeal to 13 year olds who have never shot a gun in their life, and in a shooting game? (it's about as much of an RPG as Far Cry).

Even CODfags have proper firearms in it. And the combat rifle bolt is on the left handed side too, and doesn't even move when you shoot it.

I'm not even going to get in to the fact that the combat "rifle" shoots .45 rounds, it irks me quite a bit.

What the actual fuck

Other urls found in this thread:


sir this is a mcdonald's drive thru

Every single sentence in this post makes you sound like a retarded 14 year old.

t. 12 year old who doesn't know shit about guns but insists on playing shooting games, you're probably a Eurofaggot.

oddly underrated

A lot of times the reason a game has reversed weapons is because it's kind of a leftover from Counter-Strike. When the mod was originally released it only had left-handed viewmodels, but then it was added to make it right handed simply by flipping the model. And even in CS:S did they continue the tradition of the flipped left-handed viewmodel. So a lot of those flipped weapon viewmodels are actually because of a sort of cultural influence from Counter-Strike.




>Are they trying to appeal to 13 year olds who have never shot a gun in their life, and in a shooting game? (


It's a left handed rifle, whoop de doo.

Now if you want to be pissed, look no further than Fallout 4's level action rifle.

Other games at least try to get them right. It takes 2 seconds in google to see that pretty much every bolt action rifle in the world is made for right handed people.

How did this get through testing let alone into a finished product?

Fallout 3 got it right. Why did they have to change it?

This may be a shock to you, but the international audience for these games is usually bigger than the American audience (same with movies), and yes, most of these people have never even seen a firearm in real life let alone shot one.

Bethesda doesn't know anything about guns, and isn't willing to learn. They don't do live firing recording either. Check out the Making of Fallout 3 documentary. They recorded the gun sounds by rubbing garbage together.

Compare that to Obsidian. Josh Sawyer obtained a license and personally bought several firearms to understand guns better for New Vegas. He didn't even like shooting. They also did some live firing recording too.

I laughed, have a fit chick from my fit chicks folder.

bethesda are incompetent
in fallout 3, when you looked down a scope of a gun, the player line-of-sight and guns line-of-fire were off by a foot. that's how dumb they are.

>bolt on the wrong side of the weapon

welcome to every shooter since mw1

>bolt on the left
this irks me. i'm sure legit left handed rifles can exist but, weird.

shes not fit shes T H I C C

Ah man I guess you're right, I'll make it up to you.

desu i've never seen a left handed rifle in my life

Hey Autismo, if you want to take a break just pick up my new DLC on the Steam workshop.

That way you can sperg out about it instead.

It's a 'style' choice; a left handed bolt gives the player more animations and feedback to see. Other games did this like Far Cry 2 and STALKER.

I think it's a dumb decision, personally.

Oh wow, I think i still have this issue of sports illustrated

The question is, if full-dive VR ever becomes a thing, how would a left-handed bolt action differ from a right-handed for a right-handed individual?

The same way real guns affect left handed shooters
Everything is slightly more awkward which isn't good for a firefight where you can die in a wrongly times second
I mean you just get used to it but running a bolt with your non dominant hand means you're gonna hold the rifle with your trigger hand, at an awkward center of balance, while trying to run a sliding metal part back
It's just not good

>ejection ports all mirrored because phwoar lookit them moovey bits!
>minigun spewing hot brass directly into my face

ITT: dreamboy

bethesda is up there with rockstar in being (((aaa))) companies.

I mean it isn't first post but I'm feeling generous today, so good on you, user.


Someone please explain

they wanted it on the right side of the screen to match what people are used to, but they also wanted to show off the sweet bolt animation. its videogames chill out

>OP probably did this in real life because he was lonely, he wasn't even in a car


There are plenty of rifles that shoot .45

>report OP he's actually 13

Left-handed rifles don't exist unless they're custom. Nobody makes rifles for left-handed people because left-handed people learn to shoot with right-handed weapons anyway.


>The .45 rifle does more damage than the 5.56 rifle
t. Bethesda

Or they're just retarded and can't take two seconds out of their life to look up pictures of an actual gun.


Gonna need a google drive link of that entire folder user

you are the one having an autistic outburst about fictional guns in a video game.


Me on the left

>Are they trying to appeal to 13 year olds who have never shot a gun in their life, and in a shooting game?
>Even CODfags have proper firearms in it.
>get in to the fact

English cannot be your first language.


How does that work with the physics of the blast?


Isn't he from Wisconsin? I don't think there are any states that you need a licence to buy a gun in.

The worst part is, you can't do any of these without mods.


is the joke that radiation doesn't hurt ghouls?


Yes. 0 * 1.5 = 0


It did bother me that there was no pipe shotgun. Seems like it'd be the easiest pipe weapon to make.

I love that gun

So then why would that be in the list of mods that can appear on a radiation weapon. Except unless you know if it just works or something.


>left side
>ejects up and right

Wrong game, there, user.

.45 inches is bigger than 5.56 mm

A shame Metro did this a million times better and is also the better game.

I know



you posted that three posts in you shameless samefag.

Basically, they locked out a ton of mods in the pools, specifically the "Legendary" enchan- I mean, crafts and some like the 50% to Ghouls for shit like that even though it should be allowed and "If you can't realize it doesn't work, you're a retard," but no.
Crafting in F4 is a joke, really.

You're right. I was running off the top of my head. He doesn't reference a license in the two sources I had in mind.

It bothers me that Fallout 4 raped everything to be more of a shooter, and yet only a couple guns actually looked good. Supposedly Id helped with weapon design, but apparently it was to a very limited amount or Bethesda were obtusely stubborn about doing things their way. I don't mind that double-barreled shotgun, but so much shit is just plain generic or ugly.

>Scrapped weapon ideas because they didn't want to make the extra animations
>Bethesda pretty much admitting that they're lazy fucks
I'm laughing so hard at this thread but I'm really enraged beyond imagination

Now I love New Vegas a lot more


New Jersey an Illinois pull that FOID horseshit, dunno about Wisconsin. He might have been talking about starting a NFA trust for the company an acquiring something with select fire, I dunno.

Then again if he went to Vegas he wouldn't have to, can just hire full autos at the ranges there.

I mean I'd give them a pass if it meant that the other animations actually looked decent but crap like where you have a fucking lever action and don't make that the sweetest fucking animation ever is no excuse. If your lever action or double-barrel doesn't bring tears to the eyes of orphans you're doing something wrong.

Why did it NEED to be shared?

The sad thing is that only very recently did someone finally figure out how to customize and tweak weapon and reload animations for a foregrip. Turns out the Creation Kit can allow for custom animations, it's just a gigantic undocumented mess of horseshit that is downright unpleasant to wade through. Bethesda could've done more varied animations but programmed and keyworded themselves into a clusterfuck corner and refused to do anything about it so they got incredibly lazy.

Jesus fuck my sides. Help me.

Because when you have a AAA budget, you've gotta scrimp and save on art assets.

>ITT autistic kids who think guns have to be realistic

sometimes I want to fucking see the bolt and workings of the gun you cuckolds?

if you want realism, might as well put the view model more down so you can only see the barrel

>best sister

hey i wanna know more

why is it bad taht a rifle shoots .45s?

It's like you've never seen Counter-Strike before, OP

>my nigga

Because it's generally a pistol/smg round.

>Merely pretending

christ what gun is that?

A lot of bethesda designs are retarded, but left handed guns are a thing.

You see with the advent of lasers, which are more accurate over long distances they stopped producing rifle rounds, seeing as that niche was filled, making carbines the most common long guns left
be honest, you wouldn't even be surprised if they wrote that shit into 4 somewhere

What if the charging handle in non reciprocating.

How it ejects and where from, i dunno, but the charging handle doesn't always have to move.

Holy fucking kek

Bad guns are extremely distracting to anybody who knows better. Doesn't even take a gun nut. I can handle stuff that isn't too bad (unrealistic ammo capacity is the most common minor one), but if every time I trigger a reload animation I have to watch my character fumble with nonsense, then I'm being taken out of the game. There's especially no excuse for that lazy shit in a shooter.

Yeah I know user. I mean if planes can go farther than cars then why do people still use cars?

Too bad the actual firing animation is literally the most retarded shit ever because of the left-handed bolt. It looks fucking retarded and I've only fired a gun once in my entire life IRL.

Still pistol caliber with much less powder in the casing.

The engine cant handle looping reload animations. It only allows one animation per weapon reload. Obsidian wrote about it how they needed to go through shitloads of hoops to get the leveraction reloads work in NV.



>Are they trying to appeal to 13 year olds who have never shot a gun in their life
yes so fuck off