Which one was cooler

which one was cooler

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Zero, he even had his own games which were great

Protoman is way cooler and he has an awesome theme that plays before he shows up.

Protoman. The way they rewrote Zero's story left and right to keep him around was ridiculous.

I love both.

Zero became annoying when he hijacked the plot.

Well, one's not wearing spandex nor has a dorky helmet, but said robot is also donning robot undies and boob lights.

Still, Zero was cooler.

Protoman is a vigilante with an indestructible shield and what's basically robot cancer. Zero was cool at first but he soon overshadowed X, and the more screen time he got, the angstier he became and his homo-lust for X more blatant.

tl;dr Hope rides alone


I agree Bubbleman.exe is the best

>One of the very first robots with true free will. Did whatever he wanted to do
>Helps his bro
>Is fucking dying but doesn't let that stop him
>Got his fucking body cut in half but still came back to fuck king's shield up

>Dies some more
>Dies again
>Has a harem of bitches but only goes "MUH IRIS"
>Has free will too but only willing acts like a tool for others like Ciel and X

>has a shield
>has a sword
Embellish Protoman all you want, faggot. Captain America can't even make shields good, so how can Proto do it? He can't

>Implying his Shield isn't indestructible
Literally never been broken or even dented.

>Hating on Megaman Zero Zero
Dude was literally MD Giest.

>tfw he finally has an answer by megaman zero 4

kek, Zero needs a sword. Fucking lmao. Protoman is so fucking beastly that he nerfs himself by using a shield.

>inb4 he needs protection
The nigga is wearing spandex and Zero is wearing a mini mech suit.


Zero, no contest.

I will admit that's where all the really cool Zero stuff happens.

Protoman was sort of just "that red dude that looks like zero" because he wasnt ever the worst bad guy to look out for or the best good guy. Zero was both of those things.

>needs protection
They are both robots. They are made of metal.

i originally thought zero was a girl when i first played MMX, so I would pick Protoman based solely on that

The only correct answer.

Protoman has a shield and is never mistaken for a girl. Also doesn't have a faggot jewel on his head.

>Hackfune's gay character he tried to make relevant at every possible chance

Never really cared about Zero and I'll forever associate him with his disgusting MMZ design.

Protoman.EXE is essentially both, so him

Personally preffer Protoman as I like his design and character more, Zero is cool too though.
>no mega man proto/rock man blues series
Kill me.
Man is that movie gorgeous. Is metropolis actually good? I never saw it, just short clips and gifs but it looks spectacular.

>she gets raped and killed by Serpent in the end

wew lad

The one with no angst, of course.

Protoman is way cooler, but Zero's cool in X

Proto Man.

I like Zero but his type of cool seemed more tryhard. Proto Man is just naturally cool.

>People still think Zero is angsty
Zero in Megaman Zero maybe, but OG Zero was cocky as fuck. Look at Bass if you want true angst.

>but OG Zero was cocky as fuck.
Keyword there. He stopped being cocky after X4.

Bass is ironic angst, no one likes Bass. Bass's existence is only because Proto Man became too much of a good guy to be a rival of Mega Man.

He was still pretty cocky in X5 and X6.

Not really. He was a lot more serious in those games.

I mean come on. He even stopped doing thumb ups at the end of a level.

Protoman is a much cooler character, because he's cyborg 009, and has goals, an agenda, and you don't know what he's gonna be doing in every game he appears in.

Zero later gets pretty cool, but at the start, he's just fucking pic related. You're guaranteed to see Zero die in every game he ever appears in.

He still does the thumbs up in X5.

>Zero dies meme
Zero and X both get killed in X5, really Zero has only died one time more then X in the whole series.


Yep. X got lucky just because he was Dr. Light's babby.

Why does Protoman have the best fan art?

What this guy said

He isn't really angsty in the first 3 games. Then they decided he needed to 'develop character,' which culminated in the whole WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!?!?!?!?! Darth Vader cry.

Did he? Fuck me then. Maybe I'll go look up a video.

I know X technically died too.

But it's easier to make fun of Zero deaths.

Proto man

but only because the producers never had him up stage Mega man with a level of fan wankery that Batman would find ostentatious

>Protoman is a much cooler character, because he's cyborg 009
But he's a CHAR.

because he's a breakout out character that gets little love from the actual series, so fans have a lot more to work with

I like Bass EXE.

His edge amuses me

Yeah, no. He's Joe with a helmet.

Megaman Zero combines aspects from both, and also has a much better game.

Seriously. Megaman Zero shits all over the earlier games.

the movie's pretty much nonsense, some really lame character designs, and has a very unsatisfying ending, but it's amazingly well animated in the few action scenes it has

>that one time Proto Man turned into Liquid Snake
MM7 was weird.

New Zero > Proto > old Zero

>Megaman 20th anniversary was almost 10 years ago.

That fucking unnecessary horn tho

I kinda like 20's look of the character designs, it is metropolis. I hear so many things about this movie, both good and bad, guess I need to say it for myself.

I've played the first Megaman Zero.
Ehhhhh... Does it get any better with the sequels?



Senpai, you're missing out.

That line is such bullshit, in the original Japanese script he never says anything about being Mega Man's brother.

protoman didnt die like a bitch ever game
and had a cooler theme
Im going with him

MM7 had a really really odd translation.

MM7's localization is shit, that's why. They changed a shitload of stuff.


Protoman was apparently a badass in the lore but he was a sub-boss in three stages of one game and a DLC/extra char in a few others. He was inconsequential to those games, and could have been replaced by one of those green Joes who was allowed to move.

As someone who only played the games and didn't get into the fanboy content, Zero is better.

>not angsty
did you play x4?

>Quattro invented sunglasses

>protoman didnt die like a bitch ever game
All he did was fucking job, did you even play the fucking games?

what're you a faggot

You'd be a little pissed too if the leaders of the military started acting retarded for no reason.

Yeah probably the biggest offender is "I'M MORE THEN A ROBOT, DIE WILY!".

Zero isn't a pussy that needs a shield.

honestly i think zero dies more like a bitch in his games though
I wont argue that
but x2 and x3 were a bit retarded
then there is x4's whole campaign
and then x6 where he came back because fuck you he needs to be in the game
it got annoying
plus protoman never actually died as far as i can remember

He got chopped in half and nearly got his revenge but with his big bang shot.

What was the original translation?

literally nothing

>protoman never actually died as far as i can remember
I don't see him around in X and onwards, I really doubt he is sleeping

He died, like, three different times. Maybe he should give it a shot.

quit being a smart ass

it was "..."

>Blues: You finally came here? Rockman! Let me see your skills!

I guess they just wanted Megaman to be little more than a soulless automaton with no will of his own who was merely a tool of a short sighted scientist and would likely be tossed in a dumpster as soon as his usefulness had passed.

The original ending plays out almost the same.

But Willy recites one of the three laws(Can't hurt humans) and Mega man puts down his buster.

Mega man himself doesn't actually say anything either.

Are you kidding? None of them are cooler, this is cooler.

Goddamn why did Dr.Light give a robot that would be sent on an assassination mission the three laws of robotics?

In the original Mega Man still points his buster and begins to charge it, after Wily says a robot can't harm a robot. This is where it changes, originally he simply says "........." while in the US script they make it more dramatic and he says "I AM MORE THEN A ROBOT, DIE WILY!". I actually kinda like the "I AM MORE THEN A ROBOT" line but the "DIE WILY" is pretty angsty.


Proto without a doubt. Always preferred X anyways.

Although the Mega Man Zero games are the shit.

See how that worked out for everyone in the X universe

So, was Mighty No. 9 really THAT bad? I want to play it but I don't want to be disappointed...

His shield is actually really helpful in-game

>no Zero.exe

Beats me. Light's just weird like that.

At worse he just wants Mega man to throw his ass in jail again. Not straight up kill him.

Then he made X who actually does have free will. But then give him a shitload of moral testing in a capsule so he wouldn't do bad things anyway.

the game itself is appallingly mediocre, if it came out without all the drama attached we'd make fun of it for a month then move on.

It's the shit show surronding it that's the real drama

>But then give him a shitload of moral testing in a capsule so he wouldn't do bad things anyway.

That sounds a lot like brain washing. You know what with it being brainwashing.

He is though, Mega Man has a soul and is caught inbetween the petty conflict that is Light and Wily.

Read this interview from Akira Kitamura, actual creator of Mega Man. He talks about his character and gets into some deep story shit.


Don't ever call my son a soul less automaton again.

Yeah, he basically gave him 100 years of conditioning in a capsule, "explained" in the memo written in MMX1

His core is unstable and is a ticking time bomb in the classic games. It's implied that he dies before the X series.