Monster Hunter

Your favorite weapon a shit

my favorite weapon isn't LBG though

Well your favorite girl a shit.
Not really, they're all pretty cute.

Aisha a shit

Aisha a best

someone needs to draw a brachy in a japanese highschool uniform

How is it that a pompadour can continue to look cool even when you're balding? By all means, it shouldn't.

Few years ago, mate.

Why are LS absolute cancer?

>japanese highschool uniform
Not him, but that's an American greaser jacket.

Can't let you gather that, hunter.

>brachy got un-fucked
Noice. He was an animation-clipping piece of shit in 4U.

How do I claim the Baby Tigrex save data palico armor?


Poor LBG, its only saving grace is ruined by HBG having adept style

Oh yeah. That picture came to mind immediately so I guess I didn't look at the details. Oh well, there's also this, I guess.

I want to get into bows? Any tips?
Never used one b4.

What should I aim for in the weapon? raw? elemental? status?

What about armor skills?

>You will never be cucked by a Brachy so hard that you end up with hot monkey dickings as a consolation prize

Go to palico armory, check armor. Baby Journal and fur scrap are needed, just trade for scraps at the palico armory last option.

>Any tips?
Yeah, they're on the arrows. Aim them at the monster a shoot.

Why is it only 2 million?

It can still do hame shittery, I guess. Although without relic grinding I have to wonder how popular hame runs are going to be in MHG.

They pretty much keep remaking the same game. They don't need gangbuster sales to make a profit.

because it's most likely MHXG
they specifically say the hub is the "gate to the wycademy", they even have the zone-line to the main guild for XG next to the arena instructor

That's some eggtastic pun if I've ever read one

Does the bomb boost skill increase power on GL shellings?

Anyone got a Generations version of pic related? Or do we not have that yet?

probably going to be a NX title, unless capcom finally got over their hatred for sony

I hope there's an explanation in-game for why this particular felyne looks like an idiot.

Sales expectation != ROI although they are closely related.

It's the arena, user.


Only Artillery does

Artillery, food and one of the skills (wyvern something) are the only ways to increase shell damage.

Bows require you to look at:

>The raw (obv)
>element (maybe)
>highest level shot type (VERY IMPORTANT)
>Coating compatability (depending on what yo uneed)

Shot type is the most important really. You'll ideally be doing level 3 (or 4 if it has one) charge shot so that's what you look at.

Spread is close range and ideally used as close as possible. It shoots its arrows in a horizontal fan. It's better used on wide monsters

Rapid fires a mass of arrows in a straight line. This is the standard go-to for most players. This is used at close-mid range ideally

Pierce fires a single arrow that hits multiple times as it travels through the body. This is a long range shot that is ideally used on large monsters or through the length of a monster's body.

Heavy is a new shot type that shoots a single, arcing arrow that is heavily affected by gravity. It does more partbreaker damage though.

Each shot has critical distance, which is a certain distance away from the monster where you do 150% damage. If you get too far away you do less damage. I'm too lazy to give the specifics but Spread = Close, Rapid = Mid and Pierce = Far. Heavy's critical distance is also close/mid but doesn't have a fall-off distance for its damage either. So you'll almost always be doing crit distance damage unless you're point blank.

Old news! These are the new hotness.

I want a Zinogre plush.

HH user here. anybody interested in helping me do a Blangogola

all the randos online keep carting. i wanna get to HR2.

ID: 33-1529-2854-6153

Pass: 1234

>you will never je suis monte this


Arena is in Dondruma

How's Aerial Pellet 2 rf? Shouldn't it be better than HBG's since Aerial should cut the rf recoil?
Focus on raw with good 3rd shot, with power lvl 1 (2 for late game). Element is just a nice add and status are come in form of phials (think of SnS or BG ammo).
Aim for either rapidor spread type shots as they are far the most usable ones, rapid being the most usable one.
Skills are Focus, load up (if needed for a decent 4th level shot), Normal/Spread/Pierce/Heavy Up, TrueShotUp and anything else that stacks attack.
Adept is cheese mode, Guild is practical mode.

>leviathan monster

>it's another Fagalos flying around for the whole hunt and only landing to spam charges and tail spins episode

Can't even fucking flash bomb Dreadking out of the sky like a normal Fagalos.

Holy crap SnS is fun now.

Shoryuken, Round Slash, and oils do so much for the weapon.

I know hunter arts will probably be gone in the next gen but fuck I need something to replace that shoryuken it's too fun.


Question about LBG/HBG, since Capcom's gone and screwed up the attack values again (like P3rd).

If we have, say, a LBG with 100 attack and a HBG with 100 attack, and they both fire a Normal S Lv1, do they both do the same damage, or is the HBG higher? If so, by how much?

I have a LBG with 136 attack and a HBG with 120 attack and I'm honestly not sure which is the better option, not counting siege mode and all that.

Go to bed, code.

I also forgot to hit the save transfer at the new game menu. Thanks!

>buying this

I wouldn't mind hunter arts staying

But oils better fucking stay


Looks cute but sure it would look terrible IRL

If anything is going to stay it'll be arts, they are almost universally enjoyed outside of a few oldfags hating change

HBG and LBG still use class modifiers for the calculation of their raw shots (like in 3rd). So yeah, HBG is stronger but they have different pros and cons.

Well the value shown in past MH games has been the attack value * class multiplier

Which has normally been 1.5 for HBG and 1.3 for LBG; obviously making HBG deal more damage.

The issue now is that only the raw amount of damage is shown, which means we dont know if the class multiplier still exists or not, but the chances of Capcom removing it are slim to none because doing so would make HBG entirely irrelevant and it would be the biggest nerf to a weapon ever.


All me

>want brachydios inside of me
>the Marm wants that too
Why is she so perfect? First time a MH character was actually entertaining and had a personality.

Oh and in your case

LBG; 136 * 1.3 = 176.8
HBG; 120 * 1.5 = 180

So the HBG is better.

>Wanting to be filled with slime until your insides explode

>hes not ranged
Heh, sucks to be you

I want to pet astalos

Good info, thanks.

>Guildmarm reads Brachydios porn when you are away
>you will never cosplay as a Brachydios and squiggle her doodle




Where do you think she got those, user? All mine.

Also, holy fuck, are those really all still in this? I thought stuff like Duramboros, Seltas, and Zamtrios were taken out.
I've only just taken out solo Glav, so I guess I got a lot more to come.

I'm not joking by the way, it is one of her housekeeper dialogues. Marm has dirty Dios magazines on hand

Pellet is a high-quantity, easy-combine physical shot. The LBG's only real value is making shots last longer.

HBG does more damage with pellets due to having the weapon modifier shit still apply.

I'll never get why they do that.

Sadly they kept those shitty monsters and removed nerscylla of all things.

How come its difficult to find rooms for hyper monsters? Almost every room for every rank are for keys&urgents only. Its like people dont want to upgrade their kitchen.

do you think I don't have one of those?

>those monsters

>removed Baescylla
>kept Cancerala


Naja is great too.

Is there a decent Low Rank armor set for Bow? I made the Royal Ludroth set, but it feels like I could do something better to carry me until High Rank.

>Caring about armor in Low Rank

They're not great either. They're boring.

No, Naja is like Lagiacrus in gen 3
you either
A.) stunlock it
B.) Get annoyed to death by their awful moveset

for me Najarala (and sub) is the only bad gen 4 monster

Mosgharl has Focus I believe. Feel free to swap the hat out for something else if you don't need that fire attack.

>tfw got Moga Sweetheart as housekeeper
>tfw no guildmarm housekeeper

Holy shit I just murdered a bear in cold blood.
Man I didn't think committing genocide in the name of fashion could be so fun

Naja is fine. Tidal is the awful one because of scales going through walls or off cliffs and water blasts straight up phasing through terrain to get you.

>bad moveset
The only thing particularly bad about its moveset was the spin attack that took it across the area.

>they never bothered to make a monster symbol for Alatreon even as of MH Gen

it's not like it's that fucking enigmatic

The hell he is.

>flying mountain hump thing
>shark ice beam fucker with ice armor
>insect queen tank

What the hell do you consider good, then?

Nah Naja is fun as fuck and top tier.
Any lagi on land and tidal Naja were bad though, that I agree.

How'd you kill him?

>dat shitty spelling and grammar

im sure its you doing the carting, shitter

4th gen? Nerscylla, gore, naja, seregios.
Tiger zam makes zamtrios not shit, too.

Switch Axe
Though I've just been switching weapons every few quests.
That's probably not a good thing though right?

I can't stop doing charm runs, help.

>Naja good
>Lagi bad


That legit made me chuckle m8.
>now go off and masterb8 I'll start you slow

Lagi is shit on land, everyone agrees.

I don't mind them really.
And if Seltas is still around, does that mean I can maybe make a new Seltios armor?
I remember rocking that shit through Low Rank in 4U for my GL. Seltas parts (I think it was like head chest and faulds) and Gravios extras and I got I think like Artillary and Guard+ easily, then just needed a good Guard Up talisman to rock fucking everything, even a bit into high rank.
Seems Gravios is gone, but I could probably find a good replacement.

Same here bro, what style? I used aerial.

This is my first Monster Hunter, does the Meowstress turn out to be the main villain or something?

I just don't know what I'm doing man

Tidal's a shit
regular is ok