Why is Sup Forums the worst board on Sup Forums by a wide margin?

Why is Sup Forums the worst board on Sup Forums by a wide margin?

>what is Sup Forums

Sup Forums is despite how much the filth from there defend it.

Sup Forums is just as bad as well. Its literally just cuck porn threads.

>butthurt redditors

Sup Forums is worse

Shills and westernfags ruined the board. And incompetent moderation made Sup Forums a shitposting dumping ground while deleting the fun threads.

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

This is just off the top of my head OP, cmon.

>average trump supporter

>everyone has to agree with my political ideology or they're from Reddit
Kill yourself nigger

everyone thinks they have the correct video game opinion

Here they are on cue.

Because people like you come here to shitpost and rile up the idiots we've lured here

tv at australian times

How much?

Sup Forums is a great normalfag shield and Sup Forums possess the meme magic.

Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the unholy trinity.

There are no shills on Sup Forums, for fuck's sake
People who want to talk about lesser known and lesser talked-about games are not shills
What killed the board is people like you who kill game discussion and contribute to 30+ Overwatch/Dark Souls/Metal Gear Solid/whatever AAA game of the month threads on the board at a time

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the worst because everything good and hilarious is off topic.

That also makes them the best boards. Debate me fags


haha trump for presidnt man

Sup Forums probably has the highest normie concentration outside of Sup Forums and is purely a containment board

Pretty much.

If you wanted to post off-topic like a fucking retard, you should be in Sup Forums.
Debate over.

>There are no shills on Sup Forums
Enter a Witcher 3 thread and come back and say that with a straight face. Polacks are using Sup Forums to market the shit out of their games.

Nice meme mate.

But you are correct.

>go to Sup Forums for shitty discussions
>first thread is a thalassophobia thread
>spend an hour reading spooky things about the sea

Same thing with space exploration and other OT stuff

Honestly there are some off topic threads that are almost always good and worth keeping
Dumbass politics shitposting threads and other shit like that is not among them, but we have space, deep sea, mineral, nuke, dinosaur, etc threads that are almost always really civil and fun, and they hurt no one

Sup Forums has had a topic of porn and traps since /s4s/ came around.

Sup Forums is literally the worst and will always be the worst. Weeaboos are fucking cancer.

It's been proven time and again that companies shill on Sup Forums. You're full of shit.

If a normalfag shield is what you want, bring back /l/. Anyway, Sup Forums wouldn't be nearly so obnoxious if it just stayed in Sup Forums. Sup Forumsfags are like furries in the sense that their entire fucking identity revolves around the fact that they're Sup Forums and they figuratively cannot chime into any sort of discussion without going HEY HAVE I REMINDED YOU THAT I'M Sup Forums REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR TRUMP LIBKEK SJW MUSLIM NIGGER KIKE CUKC KEK WHAT GAMES DO X PLAY XD LMAO KEK
What other board does this?

Unfortunately Neo-Sup Forums is real.

That's killing this board more and more.

Sup Forums used to be about life from the perspective of a Sup Forumsirgin but now it's strictly games even though Sup Forums sucks talking about games.

videogames cover a wide audience ranging from weebs to "i have 4000 hours in tf2", that creates an actual debate, yes even those JRPGS vs WRPGS threads full of shitposting are discussion

Sup Forums covers from edgy 12 year old my mom just grounded me im gonna kill myself kids to 40 year old basement dwellers that never actually left home. Thus creating a massive circlejerk because no one has a different opinion


You sound triggered as fuck. Is Sup Forums leaking again?