What is the biggest trainwreck of a video game you've ever seen?

What is the biggest trainwreck of a video game you've ever seen?

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Probably Battleborn or Evolve, those games just lost all hype and player numbers so quickly.

Also, pretty much any mmo that tries to even slightly emulate wow in any way.

There's been a lot of games that have fallen on their ass but Battleborn really takes the cake on this one


Resident Evil 6 by a mile

at least it TRIED to be faithful to the original 3, even if it was incredibly bland and cobbled together

everything after that was 100x worse

Mighty Number 9.

The end result doesn't seem like a complete waste, but the hype coupled with the management of this whole process was most certainly in trainwreck territory.

Remember Sonic 4? Imagine if that was kickstarted, and under the guise of a true successor to S3&K. And after all the buzz we got what we got. That's what happened with this game, but for mega man.

final fantasy 15

EtD was literally an unfinished broken piece of shit. Several minigames do not even load, depending on the version you have. Concepts are introduced only to be completely forgotten about the minute after they enter the picture. There are only 9 levels in the entire game. The controls are ass, and the performance is absolute shit. You can beat the game in literally less than a few minutes thanks to it's awful glitchy nature.

A Hero's Tail, and even the fucking Legend Of games were more fun and engaging than this fucking trash, even if you might not consider them to be Spyro games.

>You can beat the game in literally less than a few minutes thanks to it's awful glitchy nature
I did this by accident as a kid

infected taint

Is there a video game where you play as a manchild who pierces his taint and gets it infected so bad that it forms an abscess? Then that manchild believes said abscess is actually a vagina formed from watching YouTube videos and taking hormones.

Someone post the pic. I'm not strong enough to.


you're right


Is it true what happened to Chris Chan?

SWTOR of course, even though it actually turned out to be too large to sink.

what happened?

I watched thesw1tcher's playthrough of this game, and Ride to Hell is definitely the buggiest retail game I've ever seen.

Holy shit thas the worst final boss i have seen in a lot of time

He's probably going to die because he refuses to see a doctor and thinks he's just experiencing "growing pains".

Also, he's got some old sperm in his fridge for the sole purpose of impregnating himself.

>Referring to SBFP/TBFP as "thesw1tcher"
Fuck off Matt.

I the folder where you can see the pictures of it on the CWCki. Nothing short of a cash prize is going to make me open it.

I saw* the folder. I don't know how I missed that.

I know it's possible to not use the swimming glitch to beat it.

It's also the only boss in the game if I'm remembering correctly.

>tfw Chris is going to die in your lifetime


>tfw you actually played the game the whole way through


I don't even care about him I just want my sonichu comics

The blizzard LoL clone

Someone will surely take up the mantle in his honor.

>realize I only had one spyro game as a kid
>run starts and hear that select sound
>recognize all the levels
>suddenly realize the only exposure to the series I had was that pile of garbage
>and I had loved it

That sounds similar to my experience.

I remember one night bringing my friends over to play it because we wanted to laugh at how bad it was.

It was the best night ever.

>tfw Chris can actually draw better than you

Battleborn seems like it flopped harder.

All rides have to end sometime user
unless it's Mr. Bone's Wild Ride

Mercenaries 2

I seriously can't decide which was worse, the PS2 or PS3 version. They're both so gimped and it's such a disgrace for a series that held so much promise in its debut.

Apply yourself, frogposter

Draw more

You must have to suck really bad at drawing to go even lower than Chris-Chan

I still give him points for trying

>yfw Chris Chans life will get made into a Shonen anime

same here user

I didn't even know it was shitty, I loved that game.

Star Citizen

>having player numbers at all

>tfw chris chans life has been better documented than major historical figures

Cr1tikal does speedruns?



He's been doing them for a while actually

i think i might pick this up just to fuck around with it

>people will write books about Chris-Chan's life
>those books will most likely contain pictures of Chris's abscessed taint vagina.

>his delusions are the action sequences
>the actual life he lives is the filler.
>Mary lee Walsh is the enemy he secretly loves
>liquid Chris has the best fight

Book it

>that utterly baffling intro sequence
I managed to play up to the part where he shoots the guy in the plane, but I just could not continue after that. The gameplay was too shitty to force myself through another ten minutes of it.

The high point of the game was when the protagonist decides the most expedient way to get through an electric fence is to drive 20 miles down the highway and blow up the dam powering it.



its for the best, shame it won't happen sooner

Why would he shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

I've been off the internet for a few days what the fuck did he do now

He's likely to die of sepsis.

His taint piercing got infected and created an abscess between his asshole and ballsack. Chris has also been listening to magical wizard binaural beats to help his transformation into a real woman, so he thinks the abscess is a vagina naturally forming. He's now trying to impregnate himself with his own frozen sperm in order to create the ultimate life form and bring about the end of humanity.

Long story short, there's an infected wound on Chris's taint which has been there for nearly a year. He thinks that it's a vagina growing out of his scrotum due to him listening to a hypnotic track for several months.

The wound is likely going to kill him because he isn't seeking any treatment for it.

He said a couple years ago he got rid of his infected taint piercing and that was only half-true. The wound split open into a cut that looks like what he imagines a pussy looks like. Since he's been listening to binaural youtube vids promising to grow a pussy for him, he thinks they're working and he has a vagina now. A lot of people suspect this could kill him. They fail to understand he is a human cockroach who will never die so long as SSI is sending checks to him.

I love life

I'll never unsee what you typed

>tfw I genuinely can't wait for Chris to die

It's gonna be a fun few days on literally every board.

I thought that pic was a joke. It wasn't a joke?

>dying of an infected piercing

I guess the saga has to end sometime

Someone post the picture for this user. I'm not man enough to have saved it.

Wasn't the taint piercing thing last year?

>shitshow compared to the past 2
>the second wasn't even that great
>botched Evangelion wannabe ending
>fanbase cried so hard it probably made national news
>completely alienated old Bioware's old fanbase
>only game is history where the outcry caused a free """""""extended""""" ending

I didn't play a game for months after ME3.

Disregard that, I'm retarded

To be honest this would be the kind if crazy end that would cap it off. Short of him having a moment of clarity, cutting all his hair off, going to the hospital to get treated and hitting the gym, it's either death by misadventure or a slower descent to insanity.


>everyone in thread trying to be edgy.
>no one mentioning true shit trainwreck games

That's fucking CWC? What the fuck did he do?


I think I get that reference.
Why would you spoiler it otherwise?

I really wish that I could unsee that.

Op was just a disguise for a CWC thread


Oh my god.

Barb's going to die, and then he's next from this fucking thing.

This is it.

This is the endgame.

>cousins get game for ps2 on release
>for some reason my parents refuse to get it for me despite getting me tons of m rated games like gta and halo, etc
>go over to "take turns" playing it
>the game is so broken if you drive into the wrong parts of the map youll faze through buildings and either get stuck or fall through the map and die
>spawing anything has a chance of it falling right on top of you and killing you, regardless of where your signal flare is placed
>random enemies pop out of nowhere and blast homing missles at your ass
>textures constantly fail to load and half the time everything is baren, missing animations, or looks like a playdouh blob representation of what its supposed to be
>driving too quickly makes almost everything vanish besides the road texture and a handfull of buildings

That game was so bad

Why the fuck is this a 3.3MB png?

Looks like an eye socket

>implying this shit isn't going to go down End of Eva style

Chris is going to give birth to a Lovecraftian beast out of his woundgina and it's going to turn us all into tang


He tore his taint and believes its a vagina. He says he's experiencing "growing pains" and is attempting to impregnate himself to create "the ultimate lifeform"

He's doing damage control and deleting everything but the pics are still out.

PNGs are not compressed. It has a large resolution.

Would you fuck bizarro Chris

Star Ocean V
Director made it even worse by saying he didn't care about making a good game or respecting the Star Ocean series, he just wanted to draw boobies.

Then why is it not a jpeg? You know what, I need to stop. I shouldn't care about this.

Battleborn. They really shit the bed with this one.

What was wrong with the first Legend of Spyro?

I liked it aside from the awkward voice acting

When was the last time you played it?

Nu Evolve is doing fine

Bizarro Chris actually exists and her name is Asha. I'd sooner fuck a fire ant hill.

>pokemon and sonic
>not digimon and mario

This game was like a long term girlfriend broke up with you completely out of no where and gave you bullshit excuses that didn't make any sense.

As a youngin

But then I ran it in an emulator and its ok

you can only appreciate spongebob's yellow head contrasting the vast blue ocean behind him with a png

Different strokes I guess. I hated it as a kid, and I played through it a year or two ago and I hated it then too.

It was the single biggest disappointment of my life and I honestly can't say I've ever played a game as bad as that.

>no alternate universe where adorably autistic cute brown girl cwc is universally adored by he Internet and she goes on to save both the sonic franchise and video games as a medium

There is a bad ending to the universe, and we are in it