I love Kingdom Hearts! The story is so awesome!

>I love Kingdom Hearts! The story is so awesome!

Other urls found in this thread:


>not enjoying the ride
>not putting all the pieces together and crafting theories
>not letting a game's story be as fun as the game itself

It's like you hate fun

I was down until time travel. Time travel so rarely works well in a story.
But yeah, Kingdom Hearts is fun just to see how crazy it gets, it's a silly, over the top story with some awesome shit and spectacle in between. And every once in a while, you even get a decent character.

>Time travel so rarely works well in a story.
I'd say it works well in this one. In that it's designed more as a tool to a specific end than an actual plot element.

Like we aren't about to hop across time fighting Xehanort, it just exists, and has rules in place, making it only useful for the exact thing Xehanort used it for.

Every single kid I know who played kh in its youth grew up to be a fucking retarded sperg
This game is worse than mlp or Steven universe

haha user you musta played a lotta kingdom hearts then xD

Every single kid I knew played Kingdom Hearts.
Even the popular ones.
Why do people act like KH was only every played by autismos. It's like pokemon. Everyone played the first one.

What is her expression trying to convey?

I only got into KH cause FF crossover, but the moment it lost its charm, I abadoned the series. Oh, and them shilling with side games instead of making 3. It should have ended with KH 3.

Not really, almost no one played it here
The few who did are now genderfluid, trans, ferries or worse
I remember buying it for my kid back in the day, he expected a cool action ganme with Disney characters, he played it for a few hours and dropped it because he made him feel "embarrassed"


But Birth By Sleep is great and KH1 has aged pretty badly.
So it's better than at least half of the main games.

Because Sup Forums is a bizarre mix of Sup Forums and /r9k/. A majority of Sup Forumsirgins are incredibly insecure with what they are try to act like Chad.


BbS is terrible on high difficulties. Not hard, just fucking unfun.
And I've played KH1 like 9000 times and I haven't really noticed it aging badly.

>Disney with generic final fantasy foddler
It's like it was created by autists, for autists.

>this fucking thing

I wouldn't say awesome but I do like the characters and I want to see how it all plays out.

They turned into boats?

>A majority of Sup Forumsirgins are incredibly insecure with what they are try to act like Chad.

They'll find out who they really are eventually. Age catches up with everyone.

>It's like it was created by autists, for autists
I don't even think most of the fanbase would argue with that.

>It should have ended with KH 3.
It will
The first saga, anyway

Most of them did

KH1 just feels kind of clunky compared to 2 and the worlds like Deep Jungle, Monstro and Antlantica are all such fucking chores to go through.

>got into KH because my friend brought the manual to school one day
>knew nothing about FF and had no hardcore interest in disney
>loved the atmosphere and gameplay, story was interesting and had left things to speculate on
>kh2 came out and was a little bit flustered that I didn't understand anything about Auron or the other ff characters
>people online start bitching about "fake ff fans from kh"
>play the entire FF series from 1-14 including mmos and spin-offs.
>I know know more about ff than most ff fans thanks to KH
>playing the series never made Auron's appearance make sense

Just because they weigh one or two thousand extra pounds is no reason to be rude.


I wish user, the Internet has made us all fucked. It's so easy to find websites and other groups that belive and think the way we do that we never get exposed to outside ideas. Even in the small chances we do our echo chambers push them out and continually reinforce our current ways and thinking.


>said no one ever

Though I definitely got appreciation for his limit.


What's confusing about it? He gets Sent to the Farplane at the end of FFX. In KH2, they swap out the Farplane for Hades. It's a pretty straightforward and reasonably clever tie-in.

He was clearly said to be "The mother of all badguys."



Well, alright, if you say so.


As in, is Auron bad enough to save the president?



remember that time christopher lee shot a lazer at kingdom hearts to try to store it on his computer but it failed and he broke the moon in half?

>never played kingdom hearts
>best friends love the series
>have me play the first one
>get to the Tarzan level and get bored, never touch it again

I just dont see the appeal unless you're some preteen weeaboo. The combat was okay I guess.


Honestly ansem the wise is a fucking weird character and I dont know why he exists.


when you kill the dude and he splits up into two monsters and if you kill the monsters the dude somehow comes back to life and there was like 13.5 ansems running around doing things and the moon is shaped like a fucking heart for some reason and heartless are still around even though you shut a giant door to keep them out and you have to buy 4 different fucking consoles just to get all this you can see why I abandoned ship by 358/2 days.
games were still really fun tho.

don't mind me; just posting best woman.

when does this game come out

Hopefully SE is working on polishing her model because the E3 build doesn't cut it.

Kingdom Hearts has the shittiest world building I've seen. Where the fuck do people live? Where are all the NPCs in the game beyond KH1 Traverse Town? Does a world have an edge? How do people travel between worlds? WHAT DO THEY EAT? I'm not gonna even mention the disney worlds.

I used to like the Kingdom Hearts games. But the games have become so fragmented and put on so many different platforms that I gradually lost interest in the series.

Birth by Sleep, 358/2 Days, Dream Drop Distance, Final Mix, 2.5.
So many titles that I never had a chance to play. I don't even know what the games are about anymore, and KH2 came out in 2006.

She's the only original character I actually enjoy.

>But the games have become so fragmented and put on so many different platforms that I gradually lost interest in the series.
1.5, 2.5 and 2.8 turn like 8 consoles into 2.

Honestly, one of the main reasons I like Kingdom Hearts is because it's so convoluted. Nothing makes sense, and the mere premise is absurd (Whoever thought mixing FF and Disney simultaneously is fucking autistic and deserves a goddamn medal). And the gameplay itself is both fun and satisfying enough to make me keep going through the series. It's not the greatest, but it does enough to be enjoyable.

When I play games, I like to imagine the characters are pooping during the loading screens.

She's lovely.

I like to believe that Namine has a dick

>believing the gameplay will remain good
Watch vid
Lel every fucking time.

>the time has come and so have I
>she sees your dick

I like to believe that you are wrong

I want a big poster of her in my room.

What exactly is Kingdom Hearts anyways?

>Nit Picking: The Video

You visit parts of the worlds ,its insane to thing that you must have 20 open world levels in a game like that

Imagine a cross between Disney and Final Fantasy, but it has combat that's akin to an ARPG rather than turn based. The story is also ridiculously confusing, especially if you don't play the games in chronological order. It's as autistic as you think, but also fun

I meant the actual "Kingdom Hearts" referred to by some characters in the games, not the games themselves.

Actually, playing in release order is recommended.

Kingdom Hearts...

The heart of all worlds, and thus, of everything. Think Eastern Spirituality.

cringey mmd

Oh shit, sorry. You can understand the confusion. It's essentially the world before worlds that was more or less destroyed by a giant war. All the bad guys want it as a source of power.


No, she's just being cute.


How did it work again, I think he could only go backwards if a vessel was there and he couldn't go forwards because the future didn't happen yet.

>his nitpicks of Aqua's VA work only include one line that was actually delivered poorly

You can go backwards or forwards but only to where you leave a vessel of yourself at. That's why Young Xenort is there as Old version went back and brought him forward.

Honestly it's still convoluted as fuck but since we know the heart can break and the body can be separate I'm assuming the copies of himself (Xemnas, Terranort, etc) can stay and be active cause he split himself between his time traveling parts.

I feel like with as convoluted as time travel is there is some kind of horrible consequence that's gonna come back and bite Xenort in the ass during the final battle.

I think Willa Holland is a good actress in Arrow, but didn't really like her as Aqua, I think it was the voice director.

Do you guys suppose Willa herself is worth a fap? I've never seen Arrow.

Maybe he splits from Terra and as no body to go back to? Fuck I need to replay BBS and 3D. I can't remember a lot of things. It is pretty silly though, but I like how silly the storyline gets.

Most of her poor lines were towards the end of the game, since that was the very first scene they dubbed so it could be in trailers.

She was fine for various parts. Sounds much better now though.

It's a kids game for kids, I don't think it needs a particularly deep story.

According to Nomura, it's actually not aimed specifically at kids, and that if it were he would have made the story simpler.

Aimed or not, you surely can't imply that Donald Duck in fantasy land isn't a childish concept?

Childish =/= only for kids. Disney in general does tend to be mostly for kids as a business but if you look at the stuff the company produced as a whole (contributions to the art of animation and shit) there's stuff for "everyone" (as in everyone who would appreciate it). Take Fantasia for example. Plus it's a nostalgia thing for plenty of people too.

At least parents can enjoy the movies, it's not like taking your kids to some dreamworks shit.

I'd take Shrek 2, HTTYD, and KFP2 over Cars any day.

>Parents can't enjoy Dreamworks movies

>Naruto is the gateway anime of the worst kind. Anyone who watches it is an idiot
>Kingdom Hearts has such a deep and engaging storyline! I can't wait for the next 4 spin offs!