I want to get into Civilization. Is this a bad time to try Civ V now that VI is almost out?
I want to get into Civilization. Is this a bad time to try Civ V now that VI is almost out?
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5 and 4 are both good games that are well worth playing even today. 3 has worse graphics and I don't feel it to be conceptually different enough from 4 to be worth the time. Same with 1 and 2.
Yes, go ahead and pick up Civ V complete when it's on sale for like 12$, since it does once every 2-3 months or so
if it's anything like civ 5 (and to a lesser extent civ 4), civ 6 will take at least one or two expansion packs to really be good, so you've got a lot of time to play civ 4 and 5, and thoroughly ignore beyond earth
most people i know want to play civ 5 and not the alien one right now
Civ 4 is probably objectively the best one
Civ 3 is my personal favorite, probably nostalgia talking
I have also played 5 and didn't really like it, also the multiplayer is objectively bad
if you haven't played civ before 5, you're gonna hate making roads desu
>Is this a bad time to try Civ V now that VI is almost out?+ 0 post omitted.
it's a best time to get into Civ V, cause VI will be shit for 2-3 expansions as usual
Not OP. I bought Civ V last night because fuck Steam sale.
So what am in for Sup Forums? Any tips?
I play civ 5 with 3 other friends almost every night.
It's hella fun.
Turn off barbarians.
Make sure you get resources like spices, gold, silver, ivory, furs, etc. so you can maintain happiness in your civ, also have a decent sized military and keep some troops near your civ at all times.
Also don't go into the Honor tree, it's pretty useless unless you're going for a quick domination victory, start out with Liberty or Tradition.
CIV IV with FFE is objectively the best but it feels dated coming from anything newer. 5 with expansions is a good game.
Get Civ V + expansions the next time they're on sale.
Don't worry about Beyond Earth, it's a shitty reskin of Civ V.
Civ VI looks good in my opinion, but it's not out yet, so who knows.
it's on humble bundle for 9 bux
jesus christ, doesn't it take forever?
>Turn off barbarians
m8 they're free experience if you're not shit at the game
Not that guy, but if you have them turned off you can pump out a lot of early game wonders because you don't have to waste production on soldiers, unless you're next to an aggressive early game civ.
CIV V is a great game, get it. VI has awful graphics (imo) and it won't be nearly as good as they always cut features from the base game to add later as expansions or dlcs. You might also wanna try Stellaris, it's a 4X game from Paradox. Pic related.
> it's a raw as EU3 at release, unfinished, buggy mess from Paradox
I prefer 5 simply because I actually like the combat mechanics
Civ 4 Beyond the Sword is best if you want a strategy game with a lot of micromanaging/flexible choice and can look past outdated things
Civ 5 Brave New World is best if you want a board game style of game and want polished graphics with lots of mods
anything before Civ 4 is just nostalgia or retro
Buy it. Civ 5 is finished game, while Civ 6 will likely take a few years and expansions to get good. Also, 5 might end up more appealing to you.
Prepare to get denounced a lot.
>Turn off barbarians
>Not modding in Barbarians Evolved
>Not turning on Raging Barbarians
>Not waging an endless war against the hoarded of crimson darkness and slowly beating back the tide as you fight tooth and nail for every city until only you and a few beleaguered nations that only exist because of your military support are left
>Honor tree is useless
>Free culture is useless
I almost always dip at least one point Into honor for that insane buff vs barbarians and to turn them into a culture farm
finished game with the community patch*
>new patch lengthens weapon ranges, emergency FTL time
>as a result, science ships can't fucking go anywhere the military hasn't already cleared or they die
>as a result of that, the early game is fucking awful because your military is too weak to do jack shit
What community patch?
Because of the scaling costs for policies this actually ends up in being counterproductive past the early game.
It's still incredibly useful for fending off Barbarians with a small military and pretty much necessary if you go Raging Barbarians
It's not like i'm playing a multiplayer game like an autist and saving all of my scientists to pop after a certain age for maximum reward to cost ratio or rushing down certain techs. Sure, there's 'winning strats' but trying to 'win' at Civ V is almost missing the point.
Fair enough, I do mostly multiplayer where you are kind of forced into cheesing things if you don't want to be overwhelmed, but for a game among friends or singleplayer, anything is fine
Right, in multiplayer if you aren't science your dead meat anyway
I never played a mp match, is everyone there super tryhard to win or are people more comfy?
If you're getting Civ V get the entire package or don't even bother. I reckon it's the best Civ game with all expansions + DLC, but the worst if it's base game only.
Check out the community rebalance patch
It makes some really nice changes to most aspects of the game.
>with lots of mods
Civ V modding community still hasn't even come close to catching up to IV after all this time. Probably because what's the point when the game blocks you from playing multiplayer with mods.
It looks unfinished. Can it end up screwing up my impression of the game?
Oh reading now you're only starting.
Don't bother modding until you've played a fair amount of regular BNW.
Can't say about how it'll compare to 6, but knowing Firaxis (especially after Beyond Earth), usually new releases aren't as good as the fully expanded versions of their previous games. Plus you should be able to get Civ V gold on the cheap whenever a sale comes about
Call your religion something fun and spread it around the world. There isn't actually any direct religious victory but goddamn I love the system so much.
There's nothing better than crossing a sea for the first time and encountering new civs that have already adopted the Flat Chest Society as their religion.