Released to universal critical and user acclaim

>Released to universal critical and user acclaim
>Ended with a cliffhanger
>Sequel coming in 2 years
>Not a single thread or peep

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

>no new info
>no remasters

there's nothing new to talk about

What kind of game is Shenmue even? I honestly have no idea.

Not that many fans. It's niche like Yakuza. Big fanbase, but still small in grand scheme of things.

Because they haven't released any info on it and it will probably be delayed to 2018

>shenmue 1 was released on the dreamcast which became an unfortunately irrelevant and forgotten console as soon as the ps2 was launched
>shenmue 2 sold like shit primarily because it was an xbox exclusive in north america and no one really owned an xbox at the time and it had little to no advertising
>shenmue 3 is a kickstarter game we havent seen any gameplay and most kickstarter games are really hit and miss

QTE slice of life sim aka garbage.

>It's niche like Yakuza
Yakuza still gets threads nearly consistently every other day or is at least mentioned in random threads.

Shenmue is never brought up ever on Sup Forums. No one ever manages to discuss the tragic story of Ryo Hazuki

And you don't know what you're talking about. Shenmue is one of the most groundbreaking games of all time. It had more world interaction than any other game at the time. Even GTA couldn't compete until 7th gen.


The series ended on a cliffhanger. I would expect people to speculate.

Its like GTA but bad

Ryo isn't a killer, so why would he be given or be able to use weapons and firearms? The story doesn't allow itself to be like GTA. Shenmue is the greatest open world series quite frankly. It's detail and world interaction is unrivaled.

Forklift simulator. You think I'm kiddin' don't ya.

its kinda like half life its just been so long

Whats a good emulator for shenmue? I always wanted to play 1 and 2

>emulating Dreamcast games


If you always wanted to play them, you would've bought them, asshole.

But there was a sequel.

about 15 years passed. thats what happened.

the second one was a bit of a let down too

Sequel was better in every way. More interesting characters, more fights, more things to do, and so on

How are you on Sup Forums of all places and don't own a fucking dreamcast?

Go back to facebook or wherever you came from.

not him but i have a dreamcast, i just dont leave it set up

Yakuza gets games every 2 years including spin-offs. Shenmue 2 was 15 years and there is no continuation afterwards, except for some weird mobile shit in japan and that try of Shenmue Online.
I love both series, but fuck, neither of them is something that will get the attention of the bigger gamer crowd, both series are for a smaller fanbase despite being good and fun.

Because people already discussed everything during 2001 to 2004, there is nothing else to add or secrets to find since shenmuedojo already did everything.
You are also on Sup Forums and this is not the type of game that the current Sup Forums like as others of younger generations.

Because I'm not a poorfag who can't afford a rig that easily emulates the sixth gen.

It has the same feel like Animal Crossing really. But its not like Animal Crossing at all.

No one has a fucking dreamcast retard, not even people who played video games at the time

You really should at least own the greatest game console of all time. It was lightyears ahead of its time and was the last bastion of pure arcade quality gameplay and supreme innovation. You'll never see a game like Seaman, EGG, or Space Channel 5 again.

I dont doubt it, I'm just saying most people dont have a dreamcast. I would love one but they are expensive.

Post your face when in 1 you took the good picture of you and that one girl and left the girl with shitty one where you're both apart.

I ended up resetting and letting her have the good one because the sad look on her face destroyed me

I remember going to a second hand store and picking up a copy of Shemue 2 on Xbox for like $3.. One of the best purchases I ever made.

Who fucking cares.. Bitch

>deliberately chose the bad one so nozomi would get the good one
>ryo gives her the shitty one anyway

>really hit or miss

You mean like a Lucky Hit?

>this thread

>enjoying Shenmue
nice bait m8

and all the combat, and most actions, are done through QTEs, so he's still right.

Yakuza shits all over Shenmue.

There've been a few Shenmue threads and they're almost always amazing. Populated pretty much entirely by us older lot so there's a lot less shit flinging and more happily talking about our experiences with the games.

>all the combat

It had bloody Virtua Fighters combat system.

In what way? You're full of shit. Even the story and how it's carried out in Yakuza is plain horrid. It's so wacky and tonally inconsistent. All the assets are copypaste, you can only interact with things that have a glowing symbol flashing. It's nothing like majesty of Shenmue. Sega should've fucking cancelled it a long time ago.

>win a tomato mart raffle
>got a saturn game
>go home to play it
>disc read error causes game to hang on a loading screen
>mfw i didn't quicksave

They're totally different, Yakuza feels more like a classic Sega arcadey experience. Shenmue has you waiting for the bus to work, it's almost a sim.

ah, you youngin's and your memes

Does Yakuza even have a dynamic day-night-cycle and weather system? God, playstation consoles are such fucking garbage. Dreamcast did things playstation could never do. Sega even had better online.

Is this game any good?
What is it about?
Is it possible to play it for free now?

It emulates pretty well on my non-gaming laptop so yeah, just get nulldc. You play as a Japanese teenager who's dad gets murdered by an evil Chinese martial arts master. You then wander round your stunningly realistic town (even to this day, it's the most intricate game world that's ever been created) investigating and sometimes getting into fight (with the virtua fighter combat system) or chase/action QTE's (long before they were commonplace, this game coined the term). Plus you do forklift races every morning at your job.

1. It's one of the greatest, most ambitious, groundbreaking games of all time
2. It's about Ryo Hazuki avenging his father's murder
3. No, you should own a Dreamcast. If you don't, then I don't know why you're here of all places on a video game enthusiast board. Perhaps r/gaming would be more your speed.

I've been wanting to give these a go for a while. Does the Dreamcast emulate well, or are you better off getting a used console?

>asked 3 times already
How do you not own a dreamcast?

>no xbone version
>no hd remaster of 1 and 2

I hope it bombs hard, sonygger scum.

Joke's on you, I have 3 if them.

It's a role-playing game in which you play the role of a regular chinese bloke.

Demul is where it's at.

It wasn't even that good. Ooh you mash buttons when they appear on screen, excuse me while I call the fun addiction hotline because I'm having so much fun it is bad for my body.

Shenmue is only still on people's minds because of the laughably bad voice acting.


>I hate games because you have to press buttons Xddd

Quick reminder that Dreamcast fanbase is literally autistic:

I cant wait for 3

Just shut the fuck up, you insufferable cunt.

atleast he wasnt looking for semen

I still have mine with shenmue 1 and 2, it's probably my most used console overall.

>Lucky Hit
underrated post

It's nothing like GTA, good job showing that you've never played it.

>saviour of the industry