Do I have every PSX game worth owning?
Do I have every PSX game worth owning?
adventure of little ralph
>no gundam battle assault 2
>no twisted metal
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino.
Vin Ribbon.
So you have Parappa but not Umjammer Lammy... are you retarded?
>Vin Ribbon
Meant Vib Ribbon you Goddamn piece of shit autocorrect phone.
Also Gunner's Heaven.
I may be blind, but where are Medievil and sequel?
>medal of honor underground
>twisted metal
>bushido blade
>no one can stop mr domino
>lsd dream emulator
also I just realized you don't have medievil
Monster Rancher 2
Ogre Battle (port of SNES version)
LSD is more of a curiosity than anything. Headache to actually play, just check out the music album
>no vigilante 8nd offense
>not a single King's Field
Git gud, faggot.
>ultimate battle 22
Jesus christ, why?
>No Skullmonkeys
Fuck your ignorant ass.
>No Wipeout games
Correct yourself man.
Deception 2 and 3
Castlevania Chronicles
>Darius and R-Type
>No Gradius Gaiden
What the fuck my man?
>Vanguard Bandits
You don't have brave fencer musashi. You are a waste of life
>no jet moto
>no tail concerto
You're a waste user
Treasures of the Deep is pretty underrated
>Tomb Raider 3
>Tomb Raider 4
>Not the original Tomb Raider and Tomb Raider II