Zero Escape Zero Time Dilemma

Are threads finally dead?
Have we run out of memes?

Thank fuck. I just want to forget ZTD ever happened.

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The memes will never die, but I think the threads will.

>Zero Escape will die in our lifetime

Just finished this yesterday. Made sure to avoid Sup Forums before, because of spoilers.

Well, what can I say. I didn't mind the budget graphics, reused music and simple animations or nonexistent lip sync.

But the storyline execution just went 'meh' for me. There were some exciting moments, but they were dropped. For a while I thought we, as the player, were Carlos' sister that suffers from the Reverie Syndrome and cannot exit the morphogenetic field (hence why we have info from 3 teams), but this syndrome was dropped entirely, among with other things.

Also, mind hack sounded extremely cheesy.

I brought very important information from another timeline i accidentally cringed myself out of
you are NOT going to marry Carlos

I've missed out on all the memes.

Why was Gab shot

Anyone else pissed at the Junpei x Akane end? I guess this is just another "Uchi is a hack!" thing to add to the pile

When the american 999 Q & A came out, a lot of people kept asking "d-did Junpei and Akane ever got together?", Uchi always responded no, one time he even said that Junpei spent all his life looking for Akane but never found her

I really liked how they handled it in VLR, Junpei becomes an old bitter guy and Akane goes to take care of her own shit, they still liked each other but went on different directions, then we get the biker story and it was fucking perfect

Then ZTD comes in...

Akane goes from a moraly ambiguous sociopath to a shitty yandere, Junpei becomes a complete faggot... and at the end they get together in the fanfiction-tier happy ending, fucking hilarious

I'm pretty sure Uchi didn't intend for a Junpei x Akane end during 999 and VLR, but instead it's just a smoke-screen fanservice to please the western fanbase (he said in the 999 Q & A that nips didn't care much about Junpei x Akane and were more interested in All-Ice)

It's already dead

Two reasons and one theory.
First is that Delta didn't want Gab to be part of the morality choice to shift to CDQ-END:1. Sure, everyone would be fine with killing themselves from an alternate reality, but lord help us if the dog dies.
Second, he didn't want them merely shifting back to before they activated the FQB, so he killed Gab to make that an unappealing option.
Finally, it's possible that Gab is a shifter. If he isn't naturally one, then he shifted via resonance effect. So it makes a more happy ending.

Why did they hype up Gab anyway? I remember reading that the team was "excited" about him for some reason, i thought he would end up playing a bigger role/be part of the gameplay... but he was just there

People just can't wait to apply some derogatory term to Akane for not being happy end princess cakebutt
I never understood it. I liked when they were these two hearts aching for each other but unable to be together
Isn't it the best love anyway? At least it never degrades into mundane everyday banality like relationships tend to

>it's possible that Gab is a shifter



Why is /v hype for such a shit game? I never got this meme. 999 is a pretty standard VN at best. VLR is just a terrible VN with some puzzle and time travelling plot. As for ZTD it is pretty much the same as VLR except this time it is some mindhack and terrible ending.

Yeah I don't get the hype for this series.


I wish to forget ZTD

>some childhood friends
>lose all contact for 9 years
>meet up one night during death game
>said girl planned the game herself and even got people killed

No, this is your typical anime crap.


VLR was a better and more polished VN than 999.

Oh no, i don't hate Akane, in fact, she used to be one of my favorite characters before ZTD

I guess calling her a sociopath isn't entirely accurate, but you get what i mean

>there are people who believe this

still, great characters

Well it might be more polished, I give you that. But in VN I care more about stories. And VLR story is just downright terrible. It is so ridiculous compare to 999

Cause Sup Forums enjoyed the previous 2 games?

What was so good about 999?
A villain with terrible, non-sensical motives and the whole story was just to, uh... help a girl with a sudoku in the past so she doesn't die, but the girl is actually alive in the present... and that's it.
It wasn't really interesting at all.

That was the theory part. I'm sure all will be revealed in the QA and ZE4.

>There was zero escape all along.
>It was a zero time dilemma all along.

And somehow VLR stupid plot is any good? Look 999 is pretty mediocre VN too but VLR is terrible

>muh cliffhanger
VLR actually knew what it was doing with its plot

When you oversimplify things like that of course it's not going to sound interesting

Now, if you change it to "There are 9 people trapped inside a cruise ship, they have 9 hours to escape and to do that they have to go through 9 doors by solving puzzles" it'll sound at least more interesting than what you described

Of course, a lot of that was a ruse, but still, after hours of build up, tension and mystery it turns out to be a pretty satisfying experience

I see, so you are those people that enjoy terrible cliffhanger like that? Then I have nothing else to say.

Great atmosphere, great story, great setting, good puzzles, great music, likeable characters, twists that weren't complete bullshit (hurr you're on the moon, oh and also in the future, oh and also you're perceiving world at slower rate because you are infected, oh and also you're old, bet you didn't see that one coming).

999 was really nice mystery/survival/thriller VN with a hint of supernatural (final twist, morphogenetic fields, All-ice).

VLR went full retard with the supernatural, lost almost all of the mystery/thriller atmosphere, but still was good game.

ZTD... don't get me started on ZTD...

It's not like you can expand on "dumb stupid plot" either without filling it with some arbitrary "i don't like this and that so i don't like this story it's dumb" anyway, so why shouldn't he trivialize 999 and throw it back at you?

I am glad that this user got it. He explained it so much better than me what is wrong is VLR. And yeah let's not mention that abomination called ZTD.

>Great atmosphere
>great story
Hardly. It was a mediocre story.
>great setting
Boring titanic with hallways everywhere, got old fast.
>good puzzles
This must be bait. They're fucking shit.
>great music
Ok, VLR was better.
>likeable characters
Literally only Seven. The rest are either bland assholes or just bland.
>twists that weren't complete bullshit
hurrr you're in a desert and actually you didn't have bombs in you oh and actually the bottom screen was Akane lol flip the DS for EPIC TWIST

Sorry, nah. Even with being a sequel, VLR had an actual better mystery than 999 and didn't have irrelevant pseudo-science info dumps that weren't touched upon the game like 999 did.
>waaah but muh descriptions of brains that look like spaghetti!

I dislike it when there are multiple protagonists.

That's why I couldn't get immersed in GTAV's storyline.

It's similar with ZTD.

In the end in turned out we, the player, were an old guy that nobody mentioned that was always there? Which team was this old guy on?

For me 999 was really good with the memory of different routes mechanic and I had a blast with thinking up theories while playing VLR. Of course to Sup Forums everything is just shit.

>seeing into many possible futures while being paradoxically present in them until the point where paradox must resolve and fix you in or out of existence is a ~hint of supernatural~
>switching your conciousness between two points in time is over-the-top dumb full retard magic dragon ballz whatever
nice arguments i guess

Nah I wouldn't call them shit even though I don't like that series very much. They are just mediocre vn and get worse each time a sequel come out.

Gee, why don't you oversimplify it further?
> A thing happened.
> The end.

>Boring titanic with hallways everywhere, got old fast.
>concrete bunker where every room looks literally the same

>>good puzzles
>This must be bait. They're fucking shit.
Maybe they were easier than what VLR had to offer, but still they were all unique. VLR introduced re-use of puzzles, ZTD was one big case of re-use.

>>great music
>Ok, VLR was better.
hard to choose tbqh, both titles had great music

fine, then both went full retard with supernatural. still, it was better explained in 999 IMO.
but yeah, whatever floats your boat anons, I liked 999, there are people that enjoyed VLR more, and I'm sure there are even people who like that abomination ZTD most...

I liked VLR's approach to the mystery genre. That whole thing about how the clues are the same even if Sigma experienced it in another timeline.

I like to know what other series has a similar approach.

I suppose you can make any plot sound retarded, but i still think it's not very honest boiling the entire thing down to the very last twist

>The Sixth Sense is retarded, it's about some guy who didn't realise he was dead

I do like VN that don't always tell what the main character currently thinking. Just give me character interaction, I don't need to know every single thought of the MC. A lot of of VN was like that.

What do I call this VN genre where it doesn't tell me every single stupid things that MC thinks?

>VLR introduced re-use of puzzles

It was literally Q room and that was the gimmick of the room. You had to do puzzles Sigma did in other timelines.

>Great atmosphere,
Not really, only people that don't play many VN are impressed by it. 999 is babby's first VN
>great story,
Nope, extremely generic even by the author's standards
>great setting,
See the line under "great atmosphere"
>good puzzles,
Extremely easy and nothing special, VLR and many other puzzle games have better puzzles. But I guess you are stupid so you found them "great" because you were able to solve them without a guide for once.
>great music,
People literally remember a single song from that game
>likeable characters,
You mean extremely generic characters that you can find in every other japanese production
>twists that weren't complete bullshit (hurr you're on the moon, oh and also in the future, oh and also you're perceiving world at slower rate because you are infected, oh and also you're old, bet you didn't see that one coming).
Yeah, because morphomemetic field and needing a Q&A to cover the obvious plot holes was so much better.

As usual, casuals that play ZE because "omg is not overtly japanese in its style!" overhyping 999

> The Planet of the Apes is retarded, it was Earth all along.

I preferred VLR narration over 999 because of that.

It trimmed the unnecessary descriptions to short monologues Sigma had when it was necessary, and the rest were characters interactions.

>fine, then both went full retard with supernatural. still, it was better explained in 999 IMO.
Both are just supernatural, out of the same sci-fi pile. The problem VLR had was with _delivery_. 999 did it once, so it didn't rub it all in your face, VLR closer to the end used jumping a tad bit too much making it look more ridiculous than it actually is. They should've just been a bit more reserving with, present it as extremely stressful and hard to achieve or something, but it wasn't really all that over the top.
I love both games equally, i just hate this shit flinging

>People literally remember a single song from that game
Chill & Rigour, Trepidation, Quietus, Riddle & Puzzle, Senary, Quaternary (i think), Who is Zero?, probably forgot something else
For me 999 has easily best soundtrack in the series.

Telltale games

top tier memes in this thread lad, keep it up

fine then, whatever

if you like VLR, then that's great for you. I just liked 999 more, but I'm not going to argue with internet strangers over which is better...

goddamn Morphogenetic Sorrow, Septernary Game, Digital Root

I only can remember Blue Birds Lamentation from VLR...

Okay, i never watched Planet of the Apes but i do know about that meme, what i'm saying is to take into consideration everything that happened before, it's not always going to be better but still

If you take into consideration how much time the game spent explaining to you the morphogenetic field, the nonary game in the past with the kidnapped children and how the esper thing works then "you have to help your childhood friend solve a puzzle in the past through the morphogenetic field" won't sound that ridiculous

If you didn't like it then fine, but there is more to the game than just that


I think a lot of us remembered Quietus

I'm not the guy you were talking to, I was just being cheeky.
> Citizen Kane is retarded, it was his sled.

Any words about a sequel?


A sequel to what?
ZTD wrapped up all the loose ends and tied up the story.

>check for a thread earlier today looking for fresh edits
>no thread
I didn't know what to do with myself quite frankly

>Game is about escaping puzzle rooms and death traps through wit and logic with a bit of scifi/magic shit at the end to tie it all together

>Game is about escaping puzzle rooms and through tests of wit and morality with a bit of sci/magic shit at the end to tie it all together


What the hell happened?

There was this, i guess it was just the announcement of the 999 and VLR ports, but it could still be something

>Trust no one, not even yourself

Uchi getting too much hacc, it was all too much for in the end.

Uchi tried to appeal to a wider audience

>ZTD wrapped up all the loose ends

Outside of kyle, it did.

When you 100% VLR there's also something other than Kyle, a new conciousness that's an after effect of all those VLR timeline jumps.

Not him, but it definitely broke Akane as a character and how shifting worked in the previous games.

>1) In VLR, none of the characters know about the events of ZTD, other than that they cause Radical-6 to be released. However, ZTD’s Radical-6 ending does not result in the characters’ memory loss, and it is implied that the young Akane who appears in VLR’s true ending has just recently finished conversing with Delta. How, then, does no information about the Decision Game exist in VLR?

This one is particularly erroneous because Uchi went out of his way to explain why Junpei doesn't have his memories of ZTD, but never bothered explaining why Akane and Sigma never think twice about it in VLR. You'd think they would be suspicious of whoever orchestrated it, no?

SHIFTing is still the same.

Yeah that's what I was referring to

> 9) ... Why, then, does he send Dio to disrupt the Ambidex Game?
Because bootstrap paradox. Delta needed VLR to happen the way it did, so he sent Dio. Also, Dio effectively helps them training their jumping powers.

>11) ... In addition, if Radical-6 is directly responsible for all of the casualties in that timeline, does that mean that the detonation of the antimatter reactors claimed a negligible number of lives?
That's literally explained in a file.

Bootstrap paradox doesn't work when infinite multiverse theory is established.

Is it just coincidence Spike Chunsoft make two similar series with killing game themes?

Of course it works. It's just another loop.

Yeah I never got this either. It felt like it was done just so there could be a TWEEEST because logically speaking Delta should've just holed himself in a closet on another floor or something and achieve the same effect.

Another one that bothers me. With such a powerful, borderline magical device, Delta should have no problem figuring out the identity of the terrorist or come up with a better solution than SIX BILLION.

Sean shifting was bullshit and just solidified the computer as yet another poorly thought out deus ex machina in my eyes. Who even came up with that shit? It just makes more plot holes than it solves.

I agree, it still went out of its way to answer every single question raised in the previous games. It did it in the most retarded way possible but it still did it. Whoever wrote the pastebin has to be autistic since some of the "unexplained" stuff is really just his own expectations/theories (like Alice and Clover using the alien fax machine, where the fuck is that implied? Akane could have built something similar in VLR, and even then Sigma would still need to transfer his mind into his young body to be any effective. It's also implied in VLR that the only reason Clover and Alice would be able to be sent back in time is because their bodies were in stasis at the time, the alien fax machine ignores time paradoxes completely and creates a copy of the person instead of transfering them.)
ZTD is similar to mgs4/V in that regard, it does answer everything but it does so in a stupid way

It's even worse because Sigma doesn't know how he lost his arms and he lived with Diana for years.

Why wouldn't it?

I liked 999 a lot until the very end, throughout the game there was this fine balance with people trying to explain things with paranormal and scientific theories.

Then at the end there are time travelling thoughts, kinda ruined it

Anyway are there any other games like this?

Danganronpa is murder mystery but without time travel.
But it's also in anime-silly style, so serious things are mixed with stupid/funny shit

The scifi stuff in 999 was acceptable to me because they ease you into it very gradually plus it fits with the whole concept of you remembering things from alternate timelines, and as a concept the morphogenetic field has rules, restrictions and consequences and isn't just a magic time machine

ZTD is another thing entirely

You guys are trying too hard to become video game 'critics'. The game is not a bad game at all. Sure, VLR may have been better, but it doesn't devalue the worth of this game. As for the people that complain why the game isn't in VN format instead, Uchi clearly said that he was going to appeal more to western audience, who, overall, likes cinematics games better than VN-styles.

Danganronpa has a somewhat similar theme of 'group of people forced to play a deadly game against their will' - but tonally it's much lighter and cartoony, and gameplay is more like ace attorney x friendship simulator. Still fun but fulfils a different purpose to ZE

>shitty puzzles (only ayylium room standed up a little)
>shitty story
>shitty music (almost everything is reused and overused)
>shitty graphics and animations
>shitty conclusion to the series
>shitty plot twist for the sake of plot twist (Shyamalan tier)

How is this not a bad game?

hey now come on user, music was reused but that doesn't make it shit

>Stop criticizing my favourite game and stop being mean to poor Uchi-san :(

Also I find it interesting that he pandered to weebs from the West because the series flopped in Japan where sci-fi VNs are a dime a dozen.

The problem is that it took good music that was perfectly used in previous games and placed it all over making you having enough of them

>Akane goes from a moraly ambiguous sociopath to a shitty yandere

Do you have any friends bro? Most people will flip THE FUCK OUT if you hurt their friends, especially if they think you just KILLED them.

Like Jesus man, if you're gonna complain about something, make it worthwhile. Like Akane being nothing more than a sexy wikipedia site in the flesh. Or how she's constantly talking about how Junpei changed, when she saw him a year ago, where he was psychologically and emotionally scarred due to her antics, and before that A DECADE ago, when he was a kid. How the hell can you, a figurative time goddess who has lived for millions of years can't accept the fact that people change when they grow up?

What was the deal with the ancient latin idioms?

Perhaps she has some form of autism, which explains why she can't feel empathy for others and displays common sociopathic traits?

>Timeline where Kyle is relevant

What happened to Kyle anyways?
Did Uchi just forget about him or something?

attacking someone that is hurting your firend is not the same as chasing someone with a chainsaw when you have no actual proof he is the murderer

especially considering you previously organized a crime/game where one of the persons involved made the same mistake

ask Uchi

>Do you have any friends bro
Where do you think you are.jpg

Punchline rotted his brain

VLR didn't have little "scifi/magic", it had a ton.

I've got to say that I really like this steam background that was released for the game.

This can't be real.

It isn't
The original is asking Dawkins whether he would touch poop for $20

it's still funny tho, also in line with all other ztd memes