Nintendo stock dross more than 30% in one day

How long before Nintendo bankruptcy?

how would they go bankrupt if their stocks fall?

Because obviously they are now 30% less money than they were before.



>i dont know anything about stocks
Stay ignorant, OP.

dont talk about stocks if you dont understand them OP
ok thanks bye :)

not op but you should kill yourself

what happened?


Nintendo had to tell the retarded investors that they don't own Niantic or The Pokemon Company fully so they basically have to split the money between them and Apple/Google
Which means that they get 15-20% of money made from the game, which isn't actually all that appealing to investors

Tfw the market is run by trigger happy retards incapable of researching ownership

Idiots overpaid for the stock when they thought Pokemon Go was anything more than a fad. Now they realize that Jewgle is the one making all of the money selling personal information and not them.

I wish I can go back in time and buy Nintendo stock to sell a week ago. That's like more than double the profit.

Caught this in a news feed and I expected far more threads about this. As soon as Nintendo made that huge stock jump and the biggest Nintendo fans were losing their minds, I sat back knowing this would happen. I like Nintendo, but people aping out going OH MAN LOOK HOW WELL NINTENDO IS GOING TO DOMINATE BABY was stupid. Stupid, but good for a chuckle.

>The market is run by people that want quick bugs and not nintendrones investing a lot of money to lose it all
Fixed that for you.

no they're not

go back to school

Nintendo actually doesn't make shit off of Pokemon Go, despite its popularity. I bet no one really makes a ton, who the fuck buys shit when its an insanely FREE app. You never have to buy shit in it.

Pokemon Go will just boost the already incredibly popular franchise, maybe translating into Sun and Moon sales but not likely to be a huge impact because the 3DS games still sell well without it.

I do think that if Nintendo releases like Fire Red/Leaf Green onto iOS/Android it would make a fuck ton of money. Sell it for like 10 dollars.

Nintencucks are such fucking retards. The whole stock thing reminds me of what happened at the begin of this gen with the PS4. Pic related.

This. They should ride on the gen1 pokemon hype before it's over.


Stocks fluctuate, it's fucking hilarious that so many people invested without doing their due diligence resulting in a sudden spike and then drop, but statistically their stock price is still a fuck load better than it was even a month ago.

The only thing you should be taking away from this is that the stock market is total bullshit, the fact that the "value" of something can fluctuate so wildly based on literally nothing but speculation is scary shit.

just wait 30 years and they might die

>ITT retards don't understand how stocks work

Pokemon Go makes 1.5 million dollars A DAY, you tard. just because you're too poor doesn't mean everyone else is. someone is making money off this game for sure.

but that wasnt the reason for the sudden (and obkectivly undeserved) spike of the stock
another reason for the run was that the launch of pokemon go showed that nintendo is capable of creating popular mobile games with their broad range of popular ips and brand recognition
how the market for mobile games will turn out in the end is a different question but investors and analyists have a hard on for it

you can't blame that all on nintentoddlers tho, there were a fair share of pcuck and xbot shitposters too.

pic related tho


eh its a reskin of an existing product

wait till Nintendo does it themselves instead of hiring a company to reskin their own game

Did you know that Apple made more than $146 million in net profit every day last year?

Oh look, pokemon hype dying down
What a suprise
Would never have predicted this

Or, just as likely, everyone THOUGHT that everyone else didn't already know that, THOUGHT the stock price would fell, and sold before it could happen, thus causing the stock price to fall even though expectations hadn't changed at all. Everyone tries to do the thing everyone else is about to do before they do it thereby causing the thing to happen that they're trying to take advantage of which wouldn't have happened if everyone hadn't tried to take advantage of it.

This is a totally normal thing that happens all the time in the stock market because the stock market is retarded.


well thats the point
without the pokemon brand nobody would give a fuck about the game


>sony thread is articulate, makes good points, provides a variety of viewpoints, could have been made by anyone
>nintendo thread is blatant eye-for-eye shit and only bothers to defend sony, clearly made by a sonygger
>the sonyggers defend themselves and shitpost to such an extent that the thread reaches the bump limit
>the obvious troll anti-nintendo thread gets deleted because it's obvious trolling

t. nintencuck

t. sonygger

whoah... so this is the power of nintendrones

t. butthurt nintencuck

If it means anything,

I haven't played pokemon go since ruby

and today I went and bought omega ruby and a 2ds

This was obviously going to happen. Pokemon Go made smart investors a ton of money, but its not going to do much for Nintendo as a company besides make them more open to mobile as a platform, which isn't going to be remotely good news for fans.

I downloaded dolphin and got all the games for free, and I still felt let down.

Nintendo is garbage, and stopped being relevant when the N64 became obsolete.


Delete this

t. assmad sonyggers

This is the kind of guy that spams nintendo go and stock threads.

It goes like this
>pokemon go is released, wildly popular
>idiot investors buy nintendo stock
>nintendo explains they did not make the game and only make maybe 15-30% of the profit from it
>idiots realise their mistake and sell stocks

These are the kinds of guys who spam goldfaces and never ever threads.

is there any reason why nintendo cant do a coupe on niantic?

>Pokemon Go hypes explodes
>Jews see this start buying Nintendo stock
>Goes on for 2 weeks, Nintendo doubles his value
>Nintendo says Pokemon Go wont affect the profit so much
>Jews realize they wont get dividend
>Sell like crazy

Meanwhile on Sup Forums the place where people without high school degree gather to shitpost
a place where people know even less about stock market than about videogames

>Pokemon Go hype starts
>People shitpost the game because normies play it + you need to move to get good
>Stock value of Nintendo explodes
>Endless threads about stock market something not related to videogames
>Only reason for this threads to exist is to shitpost about Sony and Nintendo
>Nintendo clarifies that Pokemon Go wont affect the proft too much
>Stock market plumbes
>People open shitpost threads yet again


You guys are fags

Dont try to sound smart you dumb nintendrone, half of the shit you posted is wrong.

>Only reason for this threads to exist is to shitpost about Sony and Nintendo
You just described 90% of Sup Forums.

The last time I read an actual video game thread was on fucking Sup Forums.

glad you found a place to belong

You seem upset. If said stocks kept climbing higher you'd be the first to shitpost about it.

Periods of abnormal rise/fall are always followed by a movement of the opposite.

thats not true, if you stay away from the newest hype games or like smaller niche games you can acually talk about video games on Sup Forums

Pokemon GO's power will benefit Nintendo once Sun/Moon is out. I wouldn't surprised if Sun/Moon is the fastest selling mainline pokemon game of the past 20 years.

fifty years, and they wouldn't go bankrupt they'd just close their games division to become an AR toy company

Thats over 5 days you fucking retard posted the 3 month version which shows that its still a gain for them even if it has dropped.

Down with Nintendo.
#Free Samus

Why haven't you killed yourself yet you literal piece of shit?

Market hype, then people started realising they couldn't make as much money as they thought.

I really hate it when Sup Forums starts caring about something when they can shitpost about it

You conveniently glossed over the part where Nintendo fanboys clogged the the board with hourly updates as Nintendo's stock rose spamming constant shitpost threads and twitter screenshots of xDEV from Sony and massive anti-Sony brigades

Now you're just getting all that shit you created fed back straight into your mouth you little cunt.

>Now you're just getting all that shit you created fed back straight into your mouth you little cunt.
Wow, you seem really fucking angry

Also, unkill F-Zero.

>You conveniently glossed over the part where Nintendo fanboys clogged the the board with hourly updates as Nintendo's stock rose spamming constant shitpost threads
It's okay when Sonyggers do it

Why the fuck would they tell everyone that they don't make shit from Pokemon Go when their stocks are so high?
Are they retarded?

Impatient investors who thought they can make billions within a few days after release.

>share value fluctuation on a weekly basis
>any impact in a company

Shareholders are literal retards to begin with, Nintendo thought it would be common sense

Well why not?

Let your stocks ride high, sell as they hit the maximum then point out the bloody obvious and short them.

Pump and dump you fucking idiot.
Drop the trip and kill yourself.

>Wow, you seem really fucking angry

I'm not pissed, but if you knew the type of person this cunt is you will think hes a piece of shit too. He is the most millitant hardcore Nintendo shitposter on this board.


why did this happen?

what caused this?

Remember all those "NINTENDOMINATION" and "where were you when Nintendo overtook Sony?" threads by Nintenyearolds last week?

It's not okay when anybody dose it you retard. Stop trying to justify shitposting, it only makes problems worse. When somebody says bad things about Nintendo, just dont enter the thread, dont contribute to it, dont damage control just report and move on.

How the fuck does she get in her pants?


I hope Nintendo learns a valuable lesson on how fucking worthless and unreliable the casual market is. I'm glad normalfags are already sick of the stupid PG fad. Hopefully they'll go back to making real video games again.

All you faggots that were defending PG these last couple of weeks should fucking kill yourselves.

Unlike anyone on Sup Forums, Nintendo has a reputation to keep up

If all these investors found out Nintendo wasn't making shit from Pokemon Go and Nintendo didn't tell them, it would destroy their stocks all together. No one wants to buy stocks from a company that lies to the people that put money into them

It was the most short sighted and most temporary win fueld posting I have ever seen on this board.

>Nintendo has a reputation to keep up
They sure have.

What happens tomorrow user?

Investors aren't gamers user. They only care about how much money the company is making.

I have to disagree, my man!

dunno something with muslims involved like everyday.

What are you trying to prove?

You are all a bunch of retards.

jesus christ, nintencucks are by far the most delusional fanbase here

>Stock nearly triples overnight
>Goes down 30%

So, the Pokemon GO craze is already over?

Why are sonyggers so cancerous and assblasted bros?

i usually hate pics like that but this is pretty great

Stocks go up and down all the time. Plus wasn't this because some dude from Nintendo told investors that Pokemon Go wasn't a big deal

When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside

Delete this image off your computer, real talk.

>Cherry picking my comments

Lol fag

I didnt even once post or start a thread about Nintendo stocks

No, it just released in Japan and is fucking taking over there

What happened was Nintendo came out and stated the truth about it, and the investors pulled out

buy on rumor, sell on news

>look up why this is happening
>it's because normies heard that pokemon isn't owned by nintendo