Starting September 30th, Nintendo will start to release formerly Wii U eShop-exclusive games at retail...

Starting September 30th, Nintendo will start to release formerly Wii U eShop-exclusive games at retail. The first two games to get a physical release are FAST Racing Neo by Shin'en and the Steamworld Collection consisting of Steamworld Dig and Heist by Image and Form.

No word yet on pricing.

How is Sup Forums not talking about this?
This could hopefully lead to phyiscal 3ds eshop only games

inb4 they cost more than the eshop prices

inb4 retail price

inb4 bumstung fzero fags ruin the thread

Fast Neo Racing is also getting 8 new tracks for the retail release
Owners of the digital version will be able to purchase it

There’ll be even more tracks to enjoy with the Nintendo eShop Selects version of this release, as the eight downloadable courses contained in the upcoming NEO Future Pack will be included on the disc. The NEO Future Pack will also be made available for owners of the download version to purchase from October 1 in Australia and New Zealand.

So does NOA finally getting Fatal fucking Frame 4?

>atrocious border

it's a selects version all right

Sounds like they're just scrambling to have any physical game to sell to retailers to make it seem like the wiiu isn't 100% dead before the NX comes out.

I like to collect games so its great news. Hopefully FF5 gets one too

We'll get a standalone Bayo 1 release, r-right?

they sell the disc on ebay for like $15 - $20 bucks

so...they're not actually completely abandoning the Wii U?

Kind of hoping they do this for 3DS e-shop games too, if only so I can finally own a physical copy of Cave Story that isn't the shit remake.

that tag in the top left and the border need to go

Okay so that is pretty cool, I dont think I've ever heard of this happening where digital games go physical.

>buying 3DS games
>in 2016

Fuck off cancer

>I spent $80 on all 3 parts of FE14, + the $25 of DLC like a good goy

Nice projection you poor piece of shit

lol what do you mean stop throwing my money down the drain?
lmao what are you, poorfag who can't afford to throw his money away?

>that cover
Jesus is it as much of a WipEout clone as it looks?
Seriously you could slap the logo on there and you wouldn't even notice the difference.

Now excuse me while I go back to listen to my pirated music on iTunes, running on my pirated Windows 7 OS

Nice projection you poor piece of shit

Thats actually great.
I cant stand digital shit which is why I bought LuigiU and Shovelknight physically.

Hypocrite moralfags need not apply.

Don't worry, you'll eventually have disposable income when you get a job and move out of your mother's basement.

Hey, I'm not the retard wasting money on shit you could get for free.
But sure, try to justify your stupidity by pulling the "i have monies" card

i am going to attack you in your sleep

I'm not sure why you don't seem to understand that to keep making games, devs have to sell copies of games.
Entitled piece of shit.

Why should I give a shit about some gooks in the other side of the world?

>buy our games or you won't get any more!

Nice to see you're a corporate cumbitch slave.

That's how capitalism works underage

Better buy windows 10 or microsoft won't make more Windows :)

Ah deflection.
A common tactic used by the poorfag piece of trash pirate.

>it's okay to pirate Mario games, Nintendo will keep making them anyway
>it's NOT okay to pirate niche games, or devs won't keep making them

Nice double standards much, moralcuck.

>paying for Nintendo games

I sincerely hope you niggers don't do this

Too bad the online is shit for FNR.

I pretty much pirate everything except for Nintendo shit.

>buying games at all

it's getting really sad that this faggot always use the same pic.

only the front, like on other wiiU and 3ds nintendo selects titles

It plays more like F-Zero than Wipeout.

Could be worse.

>Purchased it early
>Had many bugs and could freeze your console easily
>Now I have to pay for DLC
I feel really ripped off on this one. I had no idea this would get a physical release.