Why is western character design so repulsive?
Why is western character design so repulsive?
So to prevent kids from becoming pedos when they grow up.
What if I want to be the little girl?
>a guy on Sup Forums hated Burch enough to start a fucking campaign to get the base game Tiny Tina blacklisted as racist
>it fucking worked
The internet is a fucking amazing tool.
I actually despise anime art style, I dont understand at all why people think those mutant faced monstrosities are attractive
then you have mental health problems and should see a professional
Unlike the girl on left, which is not mutant faced at all.
You need help.
yeah, this
mental illness is a myth
..i mean if you wanted to say you want to fuck kids, just say it man.
They're both terrible how about that
left looks somewhat like a human being
unlike your animu waifu
Wait what is this?
I'll accept that
Go back to your cult, Travolta.
>complaining about something that never happened
If you squint your eyes real tight, it almost looks decent.
come on its [current year]!
>talking shit about Harada
I'll curb stomp you
Wow, rude.
Post yfw you realize you'll never be Anthony Burch
Why is eastern design repetative? Why is everything that comes out of those shithole islands so cookie cutter?
I also thought the borderland guys where Australian? Is australia considered a part of the west
I still don't understand how people are triggered by anime, is it the big eyes? It's just a fucking cartoon character.
What happens when you combine the two?
supernatural beings in disgaea age physically and emotionally at 1/100th the rate humans do. Flonne is in every meaningful way only fifteen
where did flonne get those clothe?
>he's an animeNEET addicted to supernormal stimuli
>and should see a professional
>implying a """""professional""""" wouldn't make it all even worse
Therapists are leftists scum, who sometimes even incentive incest. They are a fucking scam.
Sexuality is something that you were born with, mong.
I just find the whole character design to be hideous. The eyes are part of it
Why did you post her in Etna's regular outfit OP? This is what she dresses like normally.
It's refreshing after all the scantily clad girls that get thrown at you.
post more lolis in micro-bikinis
Please don't do that.
>PCucks latching onto Disgaea
baka desu senpai
Fuck off normalfag
neck yourself lad
Lolis are not meant for micro-bikinis. We have cowtits for that
>muh realism
i hope you pour a little too much salt on your food and ruin the meal
Maybe you just have autism, it's just a cartoon
Got your covered, bruh.
>the younger they are, the less clothes they should have
stay away from your local elementary school
listening to jp VA's to get off is better for everyone than renting a van and raping kids
The problem isn't how much clothes the girl on the left has but how ugly she is.
Still better than the one on the right
>Reminiscent of an actual child
>Ugly, annoying, loud and exasperatingly immature
>Not reminiscent of an actual child
>Cute, not annoying, downright sexy
That may be so, but how many actual Japanese lesbians do you know?
Japan views lesbianism as a disease that people grow out of after all, they need to grow up, this is 2016.
I identify as a little girl you bigot.
anime art leaves out details your brain constructs it closer to your taste not directly but that's how it works given appropriate template
so a lot of people that don't like anime art either simply don't like colors or lack imagination
it's like trying to explain algebra to a 13th c. peasant nothing to do with actual intellect capacity
>taking a pic from borderlands
>gosh why is western character design so repulsive?
god i hated that borderlands character. i dont even remember her name. i stopped playing the fucking game when i heard her shitty dialogue.
Because not all of us are sexually deprived