Soldier 76

Is there another character whose bullets decrease in damage? I think this effect is bullshit. I don't know anything about the physics of bullets. Should Soldier 76's bullets decrease in damage from long range. If a bullet from long range hits you in the head it's going to hit you in the head. Know what I mean?
His rocket attack is weak because the explosion radius is so small. I think it should be bigger. But that's just wishful thinking.

Fuck, where to begin




Please learn English for at least 2 years before posting.

>Is there another character whose bullets decrease in damage?
in long distance+

> this post


>Is there another character whose bullets decrease in damage?

All characters have damage fall off beginning at certain ranges, except for the Snipers. This is what makes them snipers

McReeeee even has reduced damage on his fan the hammer

Every single character who isn't scoped Widow.

So you can't just snipe everyone across the map rendering snipers useless.

I haven't slept in over 72 hours.

76 has some of the lowest damage fall off in game

It's called falloff, and a lot of characters have it. Most hitscan weapons in-game have it, notably D.Va's guns which become useless when not in melee range

But that's what current Mcree does.

Is that dinosaur-man-baby supposed to be you?

Because Blizzard can't seem to discern the difference between "long range" and "mid range" and doesn't realise how claustrophobic their maps are compared to other shooters.

>short barreled pistol has laser accuracy from any distance

>soldier 76
>long barreled rifle is inaccurate as fuck

i cant play this shit game anymore.

Yeah McRee is a bitch.
When he gets his ult and he headshots everyone. How is that even possible? Isn't he just a cowboy?
Isn't the reality of cowboys that the idea of an American cowboy was taken from the true Mexican cowboys? And they were only farmhands. How's a cowboy's aim going to be better than a SOLDIER's aim. A soldier trains his aim. Cowboy's wrangle farm animals. Fuck McRee

>not getting such an obvious joke.

Hope you get a heart attack.

The joke is that it's you because you sport a beard and glasses in hope's of finding a qt 3.14 but you're as dead as a dinosaur on the inside?

Zen has no damages falloff.

But good luck reliably hitting anything that moves far away


>heroes only have their primary fire and not any other abilities
Buffing Mcree's range was useless, because it doesn't help him do his job of being a flanker/anti-flanker. If anything it makes mcree players worse because it promotes a shit play style.
>short range flashbang
>short range gap closing roll
>short range burst with FtH
>add long range shooting
Blizzard don't know what to do with the character without making him step on 76's or Reaper's toes, so he's going to be a mess for a long time

FUCK the Amerikkkan Cowboy.
Fucking pussies. They're not even real.
They should have a true MexiCAN Cowboy with a drinking habit and a heavy Mexican accent. Call him Santiago. Seriously. I can't believe they made an American cowboy for the game. WHEAK

he isn't actually a traditional cowboy, he's a gunslinging ex-criminal

American cowboys were both farmhands and badasses who dealed with people fucking with the farm.

Then they invented barbed wire and they weren't needed anymore.

it aint hard man.

Nah, I read that American cowboy's weren't even real. It was Mexicans dude.
They should have a Mexican cowboy in this game whose name is Santiago.

fucking mexiboos

You know what?



Cowboys in popular culture (see: eastwood) are turbo badasses that can shoot the wings off a fly and do a triple backflip onto a moving horse and shoot an arrow launched at him out of the air (see: Vash the Stampede)

Just give him ADS

addendum: Call of Juarez Gunslinger was badass

The whole concept of cowboys was originally in the southwestern US and northern mexico. But there were American cowboys after the Americans moved out there.

New character for the game:
A Jaguar Warrior or an Aztec Plummed Archer. Just like in Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors Expansion
Jaguar Warrior can sprint. Has a black obsidian sword that can raise lava from the earth as his ult. A shield that can block bullets when raised.

non sniper hitscan has fall off

projectiles don't usually unless it's mei rmb

>aztec plumed archer

arr rook same!


>flying orbs
>hit scan

Yes that's the point I was making.
Only Hitscan characters are affected by dropoff.

Mei's icicle has dropoff

Since his gun uses something called pulse rounds it is hard to say if normal bullet physics should apply to begin with. It might be shooting plasma pulses.

It's hitscan, just has a charge time and a tracer.

Huh, I swear. Before the hitbox fix for projectiles, I had an easy time headshotting with the icicle. A lot of people seem to think that the icicle is a really fast projectile.

why is sudden death such a bullshit mechanic in competitive

Because it's unfair and shit

I mean all people do is choose bs op characters, and if your team doesn't you've lost. Every goddamn time.

And also, hog's hook is surprisingly not hitscan

>very close match
>genji on the losing team with stupid weeb name complains about bad matchmaking

fucking savage

They are removing it in favour of draws and a time bank system next competitive season.

It's the future though. How did we go backwards

I won about 10 games in a row, loss 5 in a row right after today. Tank/support main. I was teamed up with literal level 20s and 30s while the other team was 100s

so you're admitting to be a genji main with a weeb name? kys

I just said I'm a tank/support main. Lrn2rd

Why is the competitive in this game such absolute dogshit?

Holy shit even the competitive in fucking csgo is better than this

How to buff mccree:
>reverse his primary fire to pre-buff
>increase fan the hammer damage to 70
>make it so that roll doesnt reload his pistol
>fth bullets have the same fall off as his primary fire pre-buff so he cant destroy shields.

then your post had nothing to do with mine, numbers mean nothing


it's funny how bad and ignorant some people on Sup Forums are at games

Real bullets have a dropoff range whereby their power decreases.

Why? I think it prevents hom from destroying tanks without them being able to fight back and he cant destroy targets on long range. He retains his role as king of close range.

Not him, but I wouldn't increase it to 70. All I would do is give him his pre buff falloff but tighten the spread on FtH a lot. And maybe have the shots do 50 damage instead of what it is now.

make fth fire rate faster, 5 damage more on each shot should make him able to kill reapers after flashbang, which I think is the biggest problem right now.

My main concern is that he is supposed to be able to insta gib fast squishies like tracer. If he can't get his shots to land due to the horrible spread that will miss the side of a barn, then he isn't king of close range. But yeah, the buff from 45 to 50 will make him a lot better.

flashbang+headshot still gibs her, and you probably wont miss fth in close/flashbang range. the spread isnt that crazy

Huh. I guess either buff of tightening FtH spread or make it a lot faster would make him the anti-flanker king again. Instead of being able to outsnipe a fucking Hanzo as he is now.

I swear, handgun snipers are pure cancer.

Yeah, I was initially excited about his range buff since his LMB is what I love anyway but it's just extreme now.

Kinda wish they left the range as is but increased headshot damage slightly.

it's pretty stupid

if you shoot bullets in a straight line and the earth is supposed to be round

how come it doesn't hit you in the back of the head when you don't hit anything in between?

try to explain that, kool aid drinking atheists

pro tip

>you can't