"Videogames will never be a legitimate artform" - Morrissey

>"Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as George Michael informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form."

Was he right, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


He held a subjective opinion with no firsthand experience of the subject and managed to be extremely pretentious with it.
Technically he can't be 100% right or wrong.

he is too old
we are all too old, video games are still young
give it time, in 100 years when we are all dead our grankids will be having actual discussion over what games are and are not art

I'll say yes, but simply because it became a money game too early in it's infancy. Hollywood got about a decade or two where the studios could make just whatever the fuck they wanted and then then started really caring about the money,

With gaming that was baked in right from the start and that meant that any aspiring artistical notion had to go against the money from the get-go

Videogames are art by virtue of existence. The real question is do they have any artistic merit? The answer is "not currently."

>Hollywood got about a decade or two where the studios could make just whatever the fuck they wanted
oh fuck off you rose tinted faggot
it was about the money from day one, don't pretend that hollywood ever cared about anything else

once Morrisey starts making music that isn't him doing a droning moan, I'll start taking his opinions on art seriously

Moz went full retard after the Smiths anyway, who gives a shit about him now really?

Undertale is the highest form of art capable in a videogame.

>legitimate art form
this shit again?

almost everything designed with creativity is art. It's harder to make something that's not art.

this is art

Yes, video games are not art, its just that simple, you can cry and scram all you want.

video games are art, the purpose of art is to inspire and connect humanity to its higher emotions and ideals, plenty of games are inspiring

thus video games have artistic merit

except they are

A lot of em have never played a video game and are getting into matters they shouldn't be getting into.

fuck vegans

Good ol' Mozzer at it again

Morrissey is THE most talented singer/artist in the world now and forever. He can say whatever he wants and I'll agree with him because he's so fucking great. Also. The Queen is Dead is GOAT Smiths Album.

>I have never experienced this, but I'll say it's shit. I'll never experience it either, I'll just say I'm right

It doesn't make any sense, that's not how this works.

>it's an "are videogames art?" episode

just a bunch of white people jerking eachother off desu

rofllmao roger ebert misquote episode haha

every creative outlet is art.

if you tap your finger on the table in an attempt to make a beat, you're already, by definition, making music which is art

if you use your creativity to make a video game, the video game is a work of art.

people need to understand that art doesn't have to be something special

Videogames are more art than any artform before them lol

>combined written, visual, aural artforms on top of adding an element of influence

Lol, movies, books, paintings etc. are all literally lesser artforms than videogames.

>art assets, music, and gameplay mechanics all in one package
>not art in anyway

NieR: Automata will prove once and for all that video games are art.

why is it always complete faggots who say this? not one person who has said "video games can never be art" has been a great artist themselves

yeah I'm saying the Smiths and Morrisey are shit, fight me

>there are still people getting trolled by this gimmick
as if I needed more proof that most of Sup Forums is underage

There is no definition for art that does not also encompass video games, there is no debate to be had here.

Only thing he was right about is the fact that debating this is a fool's errand. Why waste the time? It's like arguing if water is wet. It's obviously wet, anyone who says it isn't is wrong, you don't gain anything by arguing with someone who thinks water is dry.

If you get so offended by Morrissey or Ebert calling video games 'not art' that you harass them on twitter to play your favorite game then you're a nerd and need to get a life

ebert, in the article quoted above, said that games "contain" art. you can argue that the story or visual aspects of a game are art (although there has never been a game with a story that can compare to film or literature) but the actual game, the rules and the mechanics and the controls, are not art, and he's right.

He probably has his own twisted little definition that doesn't include them.

Nobody gives a shit whether the name "art" can be applied or not anyway. It is completely inconsequential.

If it can't, time to invent a different new word to encompass games.
Also it won't happen.

yes, art does have to be something special. tapping your fingers or drawing a stick figure isn't art. it become art when you hone the skill to the point beyond what a common person can do, combined with an aesthetic sense that lets you apply said skill in a meaningful way. striving to be creative or attempting to express yourself is not art.

>there are still people making posts doing nothing but calling most of Sup Forums underage

As if I needed any more proof that you are underage.

Video games have been art since they began in my opinion. Designing a game is itself an art. But if that doesn't satiate you then they've been art since they've had intricite enough graphics. I'd probably say one of the atari home consoles, but i don't know shit about video game history.

Morrissey alone is probably more influential than any video game ever, despite what you think of him.

Marr as well.

this is what neckbeards actually believe. i bet you cry at the end of jrpgs. try reading some hemmingway, maybe you'll get a sense of how juvenile you are

Yes they wont, and they don't have to.
Video Games are set of rules inside a computer.

Showing a picture of the Mona Lisa in a porno doesn't make it an artistic movie.

I think Tetris is more globally influential than Morrisey

you are a faggot if you don't like the smiths, and morrisey didn't say what OP wrote

so newgrounds is art now?

>m-muh skill

Fuck off faggot, you guys still haven't come up with an answer to Duchamp and you've had over a hundred years to do it by now.

Coming from a guy who thinks he is too good to fuck a woman/man. Into the trash it goes.

Video games are not an art form, it's a product made to make money that uses real serious art, writing, modeling, drawing, music, memes, cinematography, and the pinnacle of technology like no other medium does.

It's like saying a Museum is art, but in fact it's just a building with a lot of art pieces and forms inside.

>>Hollywood got about a decade or two where the studios could make just whatever the fuck they wanted
>doesn't know what Nickelodeons were
Go educate yourself and then end yourself, retard.

their entire discography is nothing bu monotone whining over the top of barely-serviceable pop

overrated as fuck

Honestly, it's a weird thing to claim, considering vast majority of even Sup Forums wasn't even born when SNES came out, yet everybody has played Super Mario Bros. or at least can recognize first level's tune.

It's the same as Godfather, you wouldn't meet a person who at least has seen the movie, let alone read the book, but everybody will tell you it's a classic and can recognize the song.


videogames being called 'art' is what lead to the sjw menace that plagues it today.

videogames are not art.

If I have to accept the dumb shit that passes for music today as art then videogames sure as shit are art. It's the same level of awful.

>our grankids
>Sup Forums

>the smiths

lawls, musicians don't get to judge, being the 2nd lowest art form next to dance

>OMG I wrote a 3 minute song that is 90% cords form other songs I have herd!

Try working on an art form that cannot be reproduced live because it is to complex, then you get to say you are a real artiest


>games won't be art
Thank FUCK. Now gimme fun games you cunts.

>Drawing with penis
>Drawing with shitting out colors with vagina
>Video Games where there's graphic (Art) and Music (Art)
Not Art

Fuck this gay earth

Why can't this faggot just shut up? Morrissey seems to think he's some kind of an icon, instead of joke at this point.

It should never be like artform. It should always prioritize being entertaining/fun than being "artistic" to appease critics who never really played games and whose only credentials are they're liberal arts degree holders.

Games have to be games, above all else.

You're going to be left behind in the dust user. But that's fine.

You'll contribute something along the lines of making the burgers for the people who clean the toilets of the people who make videogames, so at the least you have some place in our society.

Nice argument. Way to """Disprove""" that video games can't be art.

This. Games are meant to be fun. Art isn't.

>Drawing with penis
>Drawing with shitting out colors with vagina

These are performance art, I think you might be able to figure out why.

Good, I don't want them to be a form of art. All I want them to be is entertainment.

I never liked Morrisey.
And I don't like you.
I don't like you.

You're a retard.

>I have never played a videogame in my life


Hot argument, kiddo.

>architecture isn't art

>Quote is actually from Roger Eberts

If the purpose of this thread was to find all the clickbait retard millenials, OP struck gold.

You're an idiot.

You guys realize that 'fine art' is just because someone who owns a building selected to display a piece there, and invited his group friends to look at it and possibly write about it, right?

What? You can't admire the beauty of a drawing or painting that artist put into so much effort to every single detail?

Movies can't be art. I refuse to expand on that, but I'll give you a treat. Let's just say that if something is not a still image representing a scene that touches your emotions it can't be art.

Yoko Taro would like a word with you

Since when did are ever have to be good?

Museums can be art, it's called architecture.

Are you saying theater can't be art because it contains art like music, acting, dancing, but can't be art in itself?


i bet you think pop music is art too


I just came here because I hate Morrisey

All art is quite useless.

- Christopher Poole

implying that games don't have to be fun = pop music is art?

are you retarded, son?

good, he's a massive douche


but if the pieces on their own are well crafted and come together for a cohesive experience does that not qualify as art?

the problem with your argument is that games often have original music composed for them and original art work made

It really depends which definition of art you're using. Some would suggest it is, other would suggest it isn't.
If it turns out vidya is art, I hope I live long enough to see it's equivalent to Pet Sounds.

>games don't have to be fun

Alright how many of you fell for the bait? That quote is from Roger Ebert

does it matter who it is from? a reasonable amount of people here didn't even address the person and really only cared about the statement being made

>Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form."
Wow, I didn't think it would take more than another century for video games to be considered an art form.


why does one "legitimacy" as an "artist" grant them any more of less of a right to have an opinion?

There you go.

Video games won't get better again unless the whole industry crashes and burns, which won't happen.

Ebert later retracted that statement, though, saying that he didn't experience enough of the medium to make such a judgement.

I usually make performance art a few hours after having some greasy takeaway food.

he's a pornstar Sup Forums liked ironically back in the olden days

No you don't because you aren't an artist.

Well not really because someone already did that see the canned artist's shit.

It does matter since you're literally arguing against the opinion of a corpse

well, why do they?
use your big boy words pls

The vast majority of classical paintings were solely done to make money. Renaissance painters didn't give a shit about the life of saints or rich merchants and their wives, but they still painted them for the mad dosh

Anything is art as long as it exists to show off creativity or skill.

Games aren't art. That doesn't mean they are bad and without merit.

First post, best post.
What is and isn't art is entirely subjective.