Strong, snarky womyn character

>strong, snarky womyn character
>when a fight breaks out with more than one character people politely line-up and wait for their turn to be beat up by you
>there's a mission where you need to protect Karl Marx from assassination

Why is this game good again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>strong, snarky womyn character
I took over London only using her brother. Most missions are pretty short as long as you focus on the obvious points of interest.

>when a fight breaks out with more than one character people politely line-up and wait for their turn to be beat up by you
After Unity? You better believe it. Having four police/random enemies/Templars all join together to attack you at once, was not fun.

>there's a mission where you need to protect Karl Marx from assassination
You know, just because you are American doesn't mean that communism is evil in theory. We have multiple corporations controlling America instead of a single dictator.

>Assassins Creed
Since when? Black Flag? Pffffftttt

>Why is this game good again?
Watch Dogs, AC Unity, and just about every other flop by Ubisoft preceded it. Most longtime Ubisoft fans (like myself) just stopped having any interest.

>doesn't mean that communism is evil in theory
Theory is irrelevant.

>You know, just because you are American doesn't mean that communism is evil in theory

That can be said about anything
go back to russia

Does that mean that we play as the bad guys all along?

>just because you are American doesn't mean that communism is evil in theory.
no one says that communism is evil in theory, just that it's stupid and unintelligible in theory (by definition not even a 'theory') and destructive in practice.

Ubisoft is just another game company converted into a political propaganda company.

>Why is this game good again?

It's not. It was a tiny step up from Unity, but that's a really low bar to clear. There has been no good AC since Black Flag.

t. economics expert

>Communism is bad
Top kek comrade


OP,Evie is the ONLY good thing Syndicate. Too bad Ubishit shoe horned her story and made her marry a stinky useless irrelevant to the story pajeet.

I knew there would be a lot of Ruskies around at this hour. I should have listened to my gut feeling

>communism isn't evil
>every single instance of communism is evil


let me guess

your brand of communism is entirely different

>You know, just because you are American doesn't mean that communism is evil in theory.

I'm from Russia. If anyone knows the evils of Communism, it's us. No one here ever wants to return to that. Take your hippy Bernie Sanders propaganda elsewhere you naive millennial piece of shit. Useful idiots like you are how millions die.

Not really that unlikely considering the circumstances.

>strong, snarky womyn character

>when a fight breaks out with more than one character people politely line-up and wait for their turn to be beat up by you

Yeah but this was always the case for assassins creed you should have known this by now, and they even actually unironically dumbed down combat with 3 and again with unity
>there's a mission where you need to protect Karl Marx from assassination

Its never implied the assassins are either the good guys or flawless creatures

Communism =/= Russian.

You literally could not be more wrong with Putin about these days. How does it feel to be a relic from the cold war?

It keeps fucking failing, the only remotely successful ones that DON'T result in a metric fuckton of dead people are the ones that try to blend it with other styles, humanity is inheritedly too asshole-ish and greedy to make Communism work on any level besides local.

evie is the first vidya wifey that has gave me a boner

hot as fuck

t. humanity expert

she got

>true communism was never tried

This. Putin was part of the regime that dismantled Russian Communism and brought capitalism.

Sup Forums has mentally regressed to the 50s. It's becoming more and more obvious every day.

> snapping arms like twigs.

I didn't realize that characters in assassin's creed were Saiyan.

t. not an argument

Silly gender hang-ups aside, all of Syndicate's kill anims were ridiculously over the top. Unity was much better in that regard.

What do you expect considering the amount of retards running about nowadays who just believe whatever their trailer-trash beer-swilling sexually abusive papas tell them to believe.

t. argument expert


Aren't you a little tired of media portraying women as unlikable, condescending cunts? And you're supposed to sympathize with those sort of characters?
How come this is the usual portrayal nowadays? I'm so fed up with this shit.

t. shitposting.

what's with Sup Forumstards spreading slav propaganda nowadays, I bet you are 100% american too

Wanting a more social economy does not automatically entail enforcing a Stalinist dictatorship, any more than wanting, say, more border security entails a resurgence of Nazism. Though the proponents of more border security might have fooled you.

t. faggot

you should be asking yourself why you even bothered playing any game past revelations besides Black Flag

You never actually visited Sup Forums, did you?

Isn't Sup Forums against marxism?

Karl Marx is a legitimately great philosopher. People who equate him with EBUL GOMMUNISM are morons.

> Theory is irrelevant


>social economy
Go to Venezuela if you want one.
>inb4 it's not true socialism

t. oiletpaper

Sup Forums is generally against just about everything. Which is why Sup Forums is always right.

You what lad?

when I started playing games you could have female characters and no one would complain/no out would cry out for more

I specifically remember old rainbow six having girl operators and delta force having women as well, no one gave a shit.

So no I don't really care, its just game, maybe all propagandists should fuck off regardless of which side they are on
Yeah I do, and I remember a time when I couldn't post there and now you hail us as the saviours of the white race, I just don't understand

>Its never implied the assassins are either the good guys or flawless creatures
Communism was anti-Templar.

Man it wasn't like they could've predicted fucking Stalin (Templar subversive) or Mao or Pol Pot (prolly the same) in the 1860s or whenever it's set.

And yet you have no problem acting like a condescending cunt in public.

Pick one. Communism has nothing to do with economics; it tries to transcend division of labour and reality altogether.

>great philosopher
>didn't post his shit till some faggot died because marx knew he would shit on him and make people laugh at him

Fuck off.

He cultivated a relatively successful political movement and organised a legitimate structure of governance for the first time in centuries. That alone is worthy of respect.

It's good because it feels good to play, it has good characters, and it's fun. Well, aside from any mission involving the carriage racing and shit.

It's never been achieved. It's not something you try.

t. division of labour and reality expert

Welp, it was only matter of time.

Try Norway or Sweden.

Oh wait I forgot you have your SWEDEN YES memes now to cope with the fact that its standard of living is so much higher than 3rd world shithole US of A.

>Wanting a more social economy does not automatically entail enforcing a Stalinist dictatorship
And yet it's funny just how often one leads to the other, isn't it? Just like swimming in medical sewage doesn't automatically mean you'll become infected with something, but experience suggests you almost certainly will.

Is this the birth of an epic new meme?

hasn't history proven that marx's vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proliteriate than the bourgeoise it vilifies?

Fags admiring a guy that has never had experience in the work force somehow thinks he has all the answers is baffling.

No different from leftist "scientist" who live in their ivory towers funded by the state think they're genius in everything can spout their opine such as politics.

Till someone came along who actually knows what the fuck they're talking about? You really shouldn't expect that on Sup Forums, you were lucky I came along.

I don't know what your problem is, I really liked Evie. She's a qt, but she's also one of the more interesting AC protagonists. Her brother is a big pile of nothing.

>Sweden Yes is a meme
Go to any major Swedish city to any muslims zones.
You will see how the MEME is actually real.

Their wealth came from a market economy, they have Socialistic policies that sponge off it. An economy is unsustainable without a clear division of labour.

>know something
>literally TRUE COMMUNISM meme
What a joke you are.

Go to any major American city to any nigger zones.
You will see how the MEME is actually real.

Dictators want power
Socialism gives power to one person

Hence, dictators will favor socialism.

Communism is bullshit in practice desu but the theory can be sound, I'd rather have the social economics system we have in Germany than the highly volatile US system.

>doesn't mean that communism is evil in theory
It is though. A man should be entitled to the sweat off his brow. Taking it from him is objectively evil.

It's funny how people say
>Communism is good in theory
But you'll never hear someone say
>National Socialism is good in theory
Despite the fact that Communism is awful in both practice and theory whilst National Socialism is excellent in both practice and theory.

>People who think Marxism=communism

Do you guys know why they call it Marxism-Leninism, Stalinism and Maoism?

Because thsoe three ideologies built on a core foundation found in Marx theory of economics. There's a pretty big leap from the core marxist philosophy to the "dictatorship of the proletariat" that Lenin introduced in the Soviet Union.

It is, it's just a tool. Reality is what matters.

>they have Socialistic policies that sponge off it
So it has begun its inevitable slide into Stalinism? We'll be seeing people shipped off to the gulags any day now?

You heard me. When communism fell in the early 90's, he immediately defected as a KGB Colonel to the capitalists and since then his entire career has been politically pushing capitalism and stamping out communism in Russia.

Knowing what words mean is not a joke.

>Socialism gives power to one person
Fucking hell. I hope you're not old enough to vote.

but it is.
I don't understand what are you arguing about here.
In one you will get lead poisoned, in another you will get brain ischemia.

What are you even talking about? What happens is an economic collapse, then all the ugly shit.

he jumped boat before it could sink and profited from the aftermath, stupid propagandist idiot

Well, maybe Germany twenty years ago. Social economics fail without cultural and racial hegemony. And now all those thousands of winter rapes from the refugees ought to be born soon, right?

>it has good characters

Fuck no. The only thing they did with the protags was just make them polar opposites so they don't get along. It was pointless forced drama that added NOTHING to the game, because at the end they just make up and are suddenly best friends again.

>storyline revolves around the shroud that heals people
>end of the game doesn't have you choose to play as one of the twins who uses the shroud to save the other twin at the cost of their own life

Missed opportunity. Ubisoft writers are so shit, it's unbelievable.

The only good part of the game was when you go to Kenway's house and remember how much more fun it was to play Black Flag.

Being a marxist is a joke tho.

Lets say you go to a restaurant and you get two choices, one is a delicious fully steamed ham made with brothership and hard work for a better future where everyone is equal and the other which is a big pile of shit


It doesn't matter because no matter what form of communism is taken we know one thing. The trash of society will be kept alive like the parasites they are and won't be killed off.


How is what you said any different than what I said?

That'd make those games way fucking better, imagine if they were all revealed to be Saiyans. That's why Ezio could still fight so well into his 80s, and why they can hit a bale of hay from 100 feet and not be hurt, and why they shrug off injuries that'd fuck up a real person.

They fail without division of labour and proportionality. An economy needs a competitive market to thrive. Socialist redistribution of wealth is based on political vanity.

Nigga I just got done fucking my girlfriend so excuse me that what I wrote was total bullshit.

A dictator controls the state so corrupt will enable him to seize power over everything more easily.

Because I didn't sugar coat it

Do you even have a political opinion or is it all just memes?

Ayn Rand pls go.

Not necessarily. 1930's Germany thrived under social collectivism because of Nationalism. It was the single largest economic turn around in human history.

You can't have that without cultural and racial hegemony.

Yes Germany sure was full of prosperity in 1945

How does it feel that Merkel is cucking your nation out and you're being overrun by mudslimes?

Hell, just a while ago you guys got hit again by attacks again!

I'm talking about how Socialist policies are not inherently bad and not automatically a step down the road to a dictatorship, much like, says I, right-wing policies do not automatically lead to literally Hitler. But now I've got people going nuh-uh it happens every time and btw Hitler was pretty cool, so I dunno.

So, your "YOU WHAT!?" wasn't that you disagreed, you just wanted me to phrase it more faggoty like you did? Gotcha.

>dex vs str

I also know what National Socialism means. Am I some ungodly Commu-Nazi combo, now?

mods please nuke this thread

Well shitposted.

It was a huge bubble ready to burst. Socialism is always a dump idea.