Final Fantasy XV
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Maybe, but that cover isn't.
With Square Enix games? It's either shit or it's surprisingly good.
I want it to be good.
But I really don't think it will be.
These big things are spooping me a little
Are they going to be in the game?
I summon thee XV-kun. Explain to us peasant again why it is GOAT
I expected it to be one of the best, now I'm just hoping it'll be great
It'll probably be decent. Looking at the mechanics, I can't see this be among the best. It all falls on how the story goes for me. it could elevate the game to a great one, or a horrible one.
But yeah, I've been keeping my expectations in check since Nomura got off.
Well at least no more Nomura involvement. So this game is gonna be good right? RIGHT?
What is with unitedstatians that their covers have to be ACTION OVERLOAD instead of comfy.
Such childness.
Seems like it.
It this thread is going to be a mess again?
They're on the cover and in the trailers. why wouldn't they be in the game?
it will
But what about the movie?
Can't be worse than Spirits Within.
Iris is cute, CUTE!
I don't know man. It looks like a mess. The Hunts they showed in one of the trailers looks like directly ripped out of FFXIV, the open world shit will probably fall flat on its face because of a xboxhuge map with jack shit to do, it runs horribly so far on PS4 and the combat was boring as fuck. It doesn't help that it's a fucking wiener party aswell.
>multiplat game
>people only post PS4 covers
Why so many Sony shills?
Oh she's actually in the game, I thought that might just be an anime thing.
Not him but that's what you get when you search "FFXV box art" on google, the only times you even see the xbox one version is when it's right next to the PS4 cover.
That just means the shills have already taken over.
Not to mention how it will be PC and things too.
Sorry, I didn't know you were this kind of person.
That cover is just terrible.
Nobody gives 2 fucks about the XBone.
Sony paid great money to be in the centre of things. Even if it's not exclusive.
I think it will be bad.
Combat looks bad.
The cast looks very bad.
Boss battles with QTEs look bad.
The only saving grace is awesome animations of summons.
It's the good kind of terrible, at least.
It's the absolutely disgusting kind of terrible, actually.
Christ, this really is a PS3 game..
We abandoned the PS3 and free online for this.
Next thing you know it they're likely going to have you abandon the PS4 and the concept of used games, with an equally pathetic next gen leap.
>half gen leap
Nah, it looked pretty bad at E3. The demo sucked too.
Well thats thw bad thing about it considering how fucking money is going into the thing.
How is the brotherhood anime so far senpai?
Post Gladio.
Good enough for me.
>it runs horribly so far on PS4
Titan Demo was stable
>and the combat was boring as fuck
There was a titan demo? The last I played was the one with young noctis and yes, the combat was boring as fuck.
Fat prompto is a cute
Gladio is a jealous
Snake lady best gril
It was playable at E3 and Japan Expo.
I liked the combat and if they fix the performance problem I will have fun with it
Where is the fucking logo? I WANT THE FUCKING LOGO IN THE COVER.
It's reversible with just the logo on black on the other side.
Mediocrity will be the death of this series.
This game's only hope is to break even. It looks like shit and the combat system is trash. Fuck this game.
Again there is no real game coming out this year besides ffxv, that im planning on buying. Good job sqaure.
Is there any chance the premium edition will be worth buying?
I hope they included chocobo hot and cold.
It will be ok, but the game was designed at its core to be a spinoff and that is what its going to feel like, I feel that it will be judged unfairly as a result, because it won't live up to being a main entry game
See that mountain? You can climb it.
The problem is since Sakaguchi left nobody has even put much effort in characters. His plots were fairly cliche most of the time but the characters were generally great. Hell, his still are. Mistwalker makes better games than FF does. They just don't focus on flashy combat and androgeny.
There's nothing on the mountain.
maaaaan I just want it to be somewhat enjoyable. Both demos turned me off completely, so now I have given up on the gameplay and am just hoping that the story and characters are well put together
the anime is pretty neat
at this point I'm wondering if the standard edition is worth buying. Fuck Platinum Demo
What sucks is that the wanted to get away from turned based combat and go for some action rpg hybrid. The outcome seems to be that we have the worst of both worlds. Its too slow and menu driven to be good action, an too bloated and unintuitive for the turn based crowd. It feels like a schizophrenic mess.
And worst of all, at the end of the day, I look at this cast and the world they're dropped into and think to myself "I don't want to be anyone or anywhere in this story."
I really want this game to be good
It can't be worse than XIII, can it?
not really no, at least not in terms of gameplay (and maybe plot and characters too), but it can certainly still be a very bad game.
I'm actually pissed that I'm this unsure about it. Why can't FF just be a sure hit again?
>modern final fantasy
>There is still people who thinks that the game will flop.
What a delusional retards.
The last THREE SP titles were all push X to win or hold button to win or set it up so you don't even need buttons.
12, 13, and now 15 aren't RPGs. They're barely games. I enjoy 12 for what it gets right but combat has been dead in this series for over a decade.
Stop following the brand. Follow the talent. Every great contributor is gone or doing work they have no business doing. Most of the directors should have never been bumped to producer. You have fucking character designers directing now. It's a huge mess and they get away with it based on a brand.
I think it's gonna be mediocre. Not entirely bad but subpar.
People will still gobble it up like it's ambrosia.
It needs to flop but it wont. like Destiny
Very good point.
I cant even do this anymore, cancelled my preorder
the fucking demo looked like shit, and im sick of justifying its bs
fuck ffxv its a disaster and even fanboys like me know it
Calm down guys. Hackmura is no longer involved with this. Habata will make FF great again.
the newest trailer actually looks pretty hype, im definitely gonna watch it
Game is too big to fail at this point. It will sell but it won't have been worth the ridiculous wait.
The fuck you are talking about. You do know how much the development cost at this point.
How much did this shit show cost SE? It went through development hell with the FFXIII VS debacle and I heard SE had something like 300-400 people working on it.
Is there any chance this shabby game can make back the money?
Dumb frogposter.
Supposedly "nowhere near" GTAV's cost. 100M seems like a safe bet.
I hope the controls are tighter at release.
>Noctis and friends embark on journey to find Noctis' to-be wife
>Trials and Tribulations along the way. They learn about the Plague of Stars and its effect on the world
>Noctis takes it upon himself (or is accidentally thrust into position) to deal with it
>Find out Plague is caused by human trying to wake old god to use its power
>Noctis has to stop big bad evil guy
>BBEG succeeds, wakens old god, steals power, starts melding and changing the world
>Noctis realizes the only way to fix it is to steal other gods powers to rival BBEG
>Noctis borrows power from ancestor god-kings, fights BBEG with it
>BBEG tries to survive by sending himself to the past
>Noctis chases BBEG to the past
>Noctis assumes place as king of Lucis using ring as proof. Meets Gladiodad, Grandpa Cid and Generic Party Member #3
>Noctis births son
>Names him Noctis
So Noctis fucked his mother?
She didn't die at birth. He killed her so nobody would ever know his horrible secret
Doubt he'll be here.
Wouldn't that create a loop of infinite inbreeding since noctis would then have to grow up and fuck his mother to give birth to himself?
Fuck, I can post in Sup Forums again. Thank you based mods.
That'll happen only if they managed to stabilize the framerate.
Well at least it looks like it's getting better. The Titan fight looked stable.
The Gamescom demo is rumoured to be the secret chapter 0 boss fight right? Gonna watch that as soon it pops up on youtube. If XV-kun or any anons can provide a cleaned version, it'll be sweet. Hope the performance and graphics are clean on that demo.
ThatGuy (or was it TheGuy) rekindled my interest a bit yesterday when he said it was looking better and that it might be perfectly fine at launch.
I think it TheGuy. As much I want to believe the guy, the time skip thing really bothered the hell outta me. Imagine Noctis being having the faster aging due to the ring added with the claimed 10 year skip, wouldn't he be old as fuck by the end game? Even Regis deteriorated fuck all because of the ring.
Why? Because it doesn't cater to you?
Why couldn't we just stick to old FF? Back when it was ACTUALLY Fantasy game and not trying to be realistic?
So the so called Ezio is actually Luna brother?
Because that setting has already been used plenty of times already?
Because the niche games people love can't make enough to cover the absurd budgets SE gives them. And because recent heads of the franchise have gone for style over substance. And failed.
TheGuy leak sounds 100% accurate cause the when we saw the glimpse of Main Characters fighting Ifiirt in the Tech Trailer last week was indeed a teaser.
Pic related, it was intentional. Therefore it was a teaser for something in the near future.
I just hate the fact that we now know Luna and 4 Main characters fate. Context or no, it will effect my enjoyment.
What is their fate? Do tell. IDC about ff15 story anymore. So just spoil me senpai