I think this thread is going to become even greater than it already is
How were we supposed to know to keep our qpu's aligned wtf nintendo?
Mario hp isn't exactly what you think it is.
Not going to lie. The castle and everything about it was the truest definition of comfy I've ever known. I played Mario 64 at a friend's house growing up, his parents got it for him at launch. We didn't even really accomplish anything... we just had fund running around the rolling hills in front of the castle, swimming in the pond, jumping around and trying to scale the walls of the courtyard, and just really getting immersed in the 3D world.
We knew to jump in the paintings easily, but we just had more fun taking in the castle itself.
>uncanny valley
wish I was that cone haha
You forgot to credit me, faggot
Stop impersonating me
Stop posting that image without my permission, my rules changed, go see my DA
To this day the lowest left skybox puzzles me. Was that supposed to represent an arabic town underwater?
Why do people here still force this shitty meme
>posting the ost version
M64 didn't have reverb and horn samples as good as this
it's called atlantis, you fucking retard.
look it up.
Did you ask NBC for permission to use that image?
Initially I thought it was an elaborate mockup of a Brazilian favela
Then some user pointed out that it was probably made in about an hour using Paint 95
It's a real town
Eat my shorts dude
>inb4 everyone thinks the bottom left one is creepy
That's it, I'm reporting this to my nearest authority
Just so you know, these posts aren't funny
Shut the fuck up
Is this the Booscaster?
I'm not trying to be funny, I'm just reclaiming what belongs to me
>Be a retarded 7yr'old playing this for the first time
>Comments sense tells me that since the painting is the only thing in the room that I should interact with it
>Painting even ripples if you go near it
I mean, people can't actually be this lacking, can they?
How were you supposed to know to fly into the volcano?
"Hot-foot it into the volcano"
Your guess.
Ahah, what if I hootfooted inyo ypshi's ass ahah
It would be very smelly, haha
This game had too much dialogue
There's also this bit.
If you didn't jump in you're a casual
THIS. As well as too much cutscenes. I mean I thought Metal Gear had too many, but SM64 takes the cake.
Nigga, just surf with the koopa shell.
Rouge textures from from SA2
Notice anything weird about them?
Man I love this meme.
Yes you do you fucking cunt don't lie to me.
Puffy cunny?
Good job buddy bear.
You're a smelly guy haha
Who else switched camps from "Henry" to half-A pressing? It took me about a month but I finally realized that it just makes sense.
For yoshi haha
So it's 2/3rds? Cause it's 3 parts and you're doing 2 parts of it.
I never got this "Yoshi haha" meme. Haha
>tfw found this pic before watching the vid and learning about QPUs and shit.
Creeped me the fuck out. And pushed me to learn what it was all about.
>mfw TheBoogie drew porn just for this meme
>played Mario 64 as a little kid.
>Beat it. barely got stuck
>Play it now
>Lost as fuck
>Feels off
Is this just me?
Shit was fucking autism so high I thought I'd become PreTrans Chris Chan
If Mario 64 came out today
Would like it
Infact all SHITtendo games Are trash but only good because nostalgia driven fancucks.
Mario is some phone app tier shit for the 80s
Zelda is a bitch. Game cucks its own hero
Metriod is a slut and dumb
holy shit these look so fucking bad compared to spyro skyboxes
Spyro is a game for kids who smelled bad, like cat piss.
Mario 64 was for clean, well adjusted kids.
Get mad about skyboxes, you're still a pissyboi.
this is the worst shitpost I'd seen this month
He is right about Spyro though.
What are some good games then?
Incoming rare beta Scuttlebug.
Dwarf Fortress
Eh touhou is hit or miss. There are better shmups out there.
Not as creepy as this.
>spends an halfhour looking through all the recommended pics and the wiki to find the most liked games just so he can pander to Sup Forums
only 2 parts are relevant in a digital button press; The transition 0->1 and the transition 1->0. otherwise known as Rising Edge and Falling Edge. You can identify which of the other 2 states the button is in by looking at which event happened last (RE och FE).