Let's talk about this game and why it's shit

Let's talk about this game and why it's shit

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>why it's shit


The first one was good though

Not really, it had very little substance.

There's another reason,but this thread would get deleted if we talked about it(her).

The graphics somehow look worse than the first game, the movement system feels simpler and dumbed down, there is a fucking skill tree in the game, the open world is just like the terrible Ubisoft collectathon shit, which defeats the whole purpose of the first game which was really well made but linear levels, and the story is somehow worse.

Is this the "instantly forgotten games" thread?

People complained about combat in the first game, so they doubled down on it and made it even worse.


>Mirrors Edge catalyst came out
wait. what?



this came out?


Oh you, we still remember Battleborn. Not at all for good reasons though.



It's not a bad game, but its not a good one either. Its meh.

it's out already?

Only bad thing is the story, rest is top notch.
Your coil/180 can be acquired quickly just by doing a couple of side missions

Did this come out yet?

>rest is top notch.

yeah, like the fact that this game look like a 2009 open world and still ask for 1585875158 giga of ram

top notch

Wait. You have to unlock techniques and movements?

They desperately tried to appeal to two opposite sides of the video game spectrum

by doing shitty uninspired side missions and collecting useless shit all over the empty map I guess

open world was a mistake

It has denuvo and there isn't a demo so its shit.


I don't understand anyone saying that ME:C is SJW when we have:

Faith Connirs
>shitty person
>has been in jail
>indebted to mafia
>instantly puts the whole runner faction into danger right after getting out of jail by stealing shit she shouldn't have
>daughter of filthy hippies and communists
>left her little sister to die being gassed behind her
>lets her mentor and friend die
>her only friend is an autistic hacker who doesn't give 2 shit about her or the real world
>breaks down in tears when she realizes she brought everyhting onto herself

Gabriel Kruger
>rich as fuck
>knows what is good for the country and city
>keeps the society in check and protects it from other countries which are either literal communists or fanatical evangelists
>got his only son, a proud and ordinary policemen, killed by bloodthirsty revolutionnaries
>saved Faith's sister, who is much hotter
>raised her as his own daughter and tried to heal her
>still has breathing problems up to this day
>made her the competent woman she is today and the future of Kruger corporation

When did you realize you were on the wrong side all along ? I platinumed the game yesterday and read all of the lore, and it only made my conviction stronger

It's actually fun if you look past the shoehorned liberal story and sometimes awful characters (le white man sidekick who's full of himself and le geeky anal-retentive black haxxor grrl) it's very aesthetically pleasing with a qt mc and neat gameplay mechanics (very hard to find platformers that aren't super Mario clones)


Because it has shit like this in it

... hang on, when did this come out?

Holy shit, was it so bad it was passed over completely?


Fuck off Todd

>numerous reviews say they aren't fond of the characters in Catalyst

What happened? Wasn't Anita consulted about fleshing out Faith and other npcs? What went wrong?

No that was just a Sup Forums rumour that everyone started to believe for some reason.

Faith is the heroine. You just described a SJW.

I'd be surprised if it managed to top the story in the first one. Guess they needed an excuse to make a reboot.

The story isn't terrible, and characters can be annoying. The thing is that the lore is actually quite interesting and fleshed out, much more than what I thought at first.

The sad thing is that throughout the game, Kruger is much more charismatic and reasonable than the MC. I mean I have nothing against liberal propaganda or anything, but if it was really their aim they made a terrible job at it

It's shit because she looks like a chimp.

Except she's really hot and has not really anything positive going for her except not being a complete terrorist.

But hey if you think any female MC makes a SJW game you're free to keep believing this shit

>new faith
>really hot

I'd ravage her all day, yeah

She looks like a fucking tranny.


So Plastic is black? I've only seen conversations Faith had with her in videos where it was all audio, but you pretty much convinced me not to buy Catalyst.

Fine by me

No crack = no play.

She's a fucking autist user

Just because it isn't like your weebshit games doesn't make it bad.

So she is good at oral too? Noice.

Isn't she supposed to be a weeb?

That's like your opinion, man. The first game was universally liked.


Plastic > neo-faith

>it's another Sup Forums talks about a game they've never played or owned episode

I want of this never ending summer cruise


Do you even know what a weeb is, you memespouting fuck?

But I beat it user, AMA
That last level is one of the greatest levels in gaming 2bh, at the very least aesthetically

i'm waiting till it's on origin access to play it. $5 seems reasonable to rent this + unravel.

I'm sorry, I meant she looks like an African American.

>Sup Forums is one person

But she's autistic just like us and she's helping crack denuvo

She's literally our girl. Fuck off with your brooding asian cunt

she is also a nigger

Thank you user, I was dying to see this one again

>knows what is good for the country and city
lol wait what

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

Human Revolution 2 is gonna be worse


fuck off we love black girls
especially qt ones

I heard it was basically
>liberalism: the game

Skipped it based on that. Might try it if I see a pirated version.

no we dont
go back to tumblr where you can worship obese black transsexuals

>he bought into the 2011 CNN memes that Sup Forums is wasis

SeeI'm more of a liberal myself but holy shit, I hate bloodthirsty revolutionnary terrorists and half assed hippies who don't know what they want

lol who the fuck are you


Neo-Sup Forums is disgusting.

she's based off a real life model, who happens to be half asian, in case people think the Caucasian features seem out of place.

Your IQ must be in the single digits friend

Faith is hald asian in the game, her mother was yellowed

>trying this hard

That pig looks nothing like her.

I thought I was a liberal, since I was a teenager, then everyone went retarded t years back on the social/community politics. Now I just don't want to hear any of it. My workers rights be damned.

Yeah, and the actress she's based on is the same; Chinese father, Irish mother, the same background as Faith: Connors is a Irish name, I think. So her depiction is pretty accurate to her background.

I hope you're enjoying your first month on Sup Forums, newfriend! :)

I'm pretty sure a lot of the people who are now leaning to conservatism are actually liberal, but liberalism pretty much changed its meaning in the last few years, and like me, no one wants to be associated with retarded SJWs and cucks.

A lot of people leaning 'conservative' are classical liberals, which is basically what conservatives in America have been since the beginning. The term 'liberal' have swapped meanings in America with 'libertarian', which was originally a Anarchist-Socialist term.

Except for the story.

Or cutscenes.

Or characters.

Or the duration.

Heard this explanation many a time. I wonder how accurate it is.

It's true. Being liberal in Europe has nothing to do with what it is in America. Hell democrats are closer to European conservatists than European leftists

no people liked the characters
and cutscenes
and duration
and artstyle
and movement mechanics
and soundtrack
and graphical fidelity
and world building

>Except for the story

Stopped reading there. The story was written by Rhianna fucking Pratchett and it was really good for its time.

'Liberals' in Europe basically get the same type of shit as conservatives in America. It's a total reversal of terms.

It's because "liberals" is used in the sense of "economically liberal", meaning no political overview of the economy, which is what Republicans in the US always defend

they get the same type of shit because they ARE the same
european/australian liberal is american republican

No it wasn't.

American Republicans are counterfeit pieces of shit who try to engineer the economy via Keynesianism, though. They're just like the Democrats in practice. Hillary is also the same type of neocon.

sorry but original faith is much better

Maybe but her in game model looks like shit. I have high hopes for SFM porn but so far I didn't find any.

What angers me as a European is how all the democrat primary went. Bernie had absolutely no chance from the beginning, the system is locked and the party handles who will get through, the emails leak only proved something everyone knew.

What is even more infuriating is that the republican one was actually fairer and squarer because of the Trump tsunami.

Why post the photoshopped one?
Post the unedited one, faggot

it wasn't shit
but it was painfully mediocre