Wheos fucking idea was this
Parts of games you fucking hate
I don't get why people hate this part
Sure, it's the low point of the game and it's not terribly interesting, but outright hate? damn
>I don't get why people hate this part
Operating the boat is annoying because it flies all over the place and the level is too fucking long.
Lowest point of the game is where you drive the car.
Worst physics by far.
Gmod players seem to love it since they spawn cars that drive without making proper engines and wheels spinning, all those use that same shitty physics.
Holy shit i fucking hate this part.
When does it fucking end????
I keep running into shit because the physics are fucking horrible when handlign this thing
Having fun OP?
Why are you samefagging this hard?
Afraid of the 404?
I hate people who hate HL2's vehicle sections.
Easily the most comfy and atmospheric sections.
So yeah, here's ur (You).
I was having fun until this part of the game. And obviously its fucking me you classic faggot
There's that word again
The Airboat is fun and all, the car isn't.
Then you'll hate the car even more.
>a shortened version of comfortable is somehow a negative term now
>The Airboat is fun and all, the car isn't.
Both are fun, and their environments are superb example of non-verbal storytelling and atmosphere.
Fuck off, riding this boat isn't fun at all. I just want it to end already so I can get back to walking on my feet, but it just keeps going and going.
[Mogwai starts playing]
>Comfy and Atmospheric
Yup. Just like STALKER in many ways.
Perfect explorer-fuel in other words.
Too bad the environments are ruined by the car.
I dropped the car, nocliped my way through the driving sections because of that reason.
Had to use the car in the Ep2 though.
Lovely, hope you run in circles so you have to drive that boat endlessly.
But seriously, where are you now, explain what you see or take a screenshot where you are and I'll tell if it's much left of the boating.
A Vort will upgrade the boat with a gun later on so if you haven't gotten the boat, be prepared forunforeseenconsequences.
>Fuck off, riding this boat isn't fun at all.
git gud, and grow some spine.
That Vort literally just gave me the machine gun right now. Now much longer til its over???
HL2 is linear as shit
>Too bad the environments are ruined by the car.
>I dropped the car, nocliped my way through the driving sections because of that reason.
how does it feel like to act like literal 7 year old, who cannot play his game without cheating? You're literally worse player than many girls I know.
I wish ADHD kids would be executed the moment they exit their momma's womb.
Reason I haven't played through this again. Fuck this intro.
Yeah i remember being pretty hyped for HL2. I mean the first one was incredible, I bet the second one would be too.
-vehicle sections
-not enough enemy variety
-not enough gun variety
-what the fuck is this story
-what about an ending you faggots
Compared to hype it was a huge letdown. OK game otherwise 6/10. I enjoyed playing Doom 3 more than this.
It's a buildup to a boss, then you'll get to a place where you don't see the boat ever again, and after that short place well...
You hoped you didn't go to Ra...
No fuck you, I don't have adhd but this level in the game is taking way too fucking long
It's linear, yes.
However, it's not as linear and restricted as many modern AAA shit games. The gameplay is surprisingly "open", with plenty of dynamicy to everything. While there's some clear set-pieces with their own gimmicks, the core gameplay and controls do not change, unlike in so many console titles nowadays.
I beat that game 12 years ago, and I've beaten it every 2 year and the car section got two chances.
It was boring pre HDR patch, it was boring post HDR patch.
Nothing has been done to make it behave properly.
It's like a slot car, 0% realism.
Stop this.
HL2 was an improvement from 1 in just about every possible way.
>enjoyed Doom 3 more than this
ah, you're just a retard. Sorry bout that.
>have an ADHD
>not a retard
Oh look a word that had a meaning once a long time ago
>However, it's not as linear and restricted as many modern AAA shit games
Yes it was
That's not what I said you monumental cocksucker
Spoken like a person that hates his own ADHD/ADD so much that he has to use it everywhere.
Comfy doesn't mean soft things you can cuddle with, it means that a place or situation that you feel comfortable with.
>playing MMO, always comes back to a certain place for idling and talking because...
Answer is comfy.
fuck off mate.
jesus christ son, get some chill pills.
if you're in that big of a hurry, stop playing games. Plus what kind of a gigantic moron browses Sup Forums while gaming?? Talk about killing all the immersion.
Well, I'm sure he didn't until he got to the boat section.
But maybe that didn't cross your mind.
Those ferns though
>Spoken like a person that hates his own ADHD/ADD so much that he has to use it everywhere.
How cute, little boi's first attempt at sarcasm and reflecting!
>He doesn't even know the difference between ADHD and ADD
What are you all on about? Driving with the buggy and boat and stopping at places to loot them and kill everyone inside was one of the most fun things to do in HL2
this. But of course the modern cowadooteh-generation needs their run & gun & "cinematic cutscene" fix every 5 minutes.
thats on the second play through
Heh, you replied, so you're triggered alright.
the fade
>replying = getting annoyed
>using literal femnazi terminology unironically
I'm smelling sweet butthurt ITT, and it ain't butter grilling.
Does that mean you're triggered too?
Stop saying everythings comfy faggot.
>the fade
The fade was supposed to be annoying.
Niall tells you exactly this: "There is always an obstacle, you can always see whats beyond it but can't get past, it drives you insane."
I also found Deep Roads fun, too.
It was pretty interesting.
I fucking love DA:O.
I love the hl2 vehicle segments
some people just hate going fast
Have I said something of the sort?
So far, I have only mentioned HL2's driving sections being such.
the deep roads was fun because you actually had your party
the fade sucked dick because it was a shitty solo puzzle segment that was a pain in the ass to slough through the first time, not even mentioning doing it on several playthroughs
the only good thing about the fade was seeing your party members' nightmares
Actually it's really good the first time you do it, especially for its time. It did drag on 10 minutes too long though.
It was Valve that brought the downfall of good FPS with its scripted in-engine exposition. At least you can skip cinematics.
Cool sci fi weapons
>Fucking barnacle gun. snarks. Cool laser guns. Machine gun . Etc
>Tons of enemies. Laser enemies. Hulking grunts. Big. Small. Mothafucking Gargantua. Big Mamma
>No annoying vehicle sections with shitty controls
Face it half-life had way better gameplay. Enemies. And weapons
And BTW the gravity gun is and was a gimmick
considering we've had good FPS games up until these days, I'd say your whole statement is a hyperbole. Also, Halo with its regenerating health and weapon limits have hurt the entire industry way more.
I dislike boat segments but like car segments because car segments have much more on-foot encounters which are actually fun.
Oh thank fuck its finally over
>good FPS games up until these days
yeah, FEAR and STALKER, two good fps games total in post HL era.
And Crysis.
And Serious Sam 3.
And Killing Floor.
And Underhell, if you're fine with TC mods.
>good fps
Okay, lol.
The problem of the airboat in HL2 is that you get it too early in the game. You don't even have a fucking shotgun, barely got enough guns and they throw you on a boat already.
Should've happened later.
>tfw this is my favorite game of all time
>i simply cant hate the driving parts because of that combine bunker segment you have to do to open a huge gate
its definitely the worst part of the game, but god damn its still so good
that fucking helicopter boss is ridicolous, it simply makes no sense just for the sake of difficulty, how the fuck do they keep all those bombs in there? should have been better designed honestly...
>No annoying vehicle sections with shitty controls
except that one time you have to drive a cargo-tram thing on top of a long ass level of electrified rails you would get hurt touching, the only way to control the tram was pressing e on a button to slow / accelerate, thats beyond terrible controls
crysis was okay, rest are mediocre at best
>how the fuck do they keep all those bombs in there
They're inflatable, duh.
Did you know that it was actually an accident? The devs confused shooting and bombing codes so heli dropped a ton of bombs. They liked it and let it stay in the game (probably modified it though).
Every time I replay HL2, the hovercraft section always seems to be longer than I remember. At least it wasn't overly bad to control, the buggy was quite stiff.
And why did the game and its episodes have a rather weak arsenal? The revolver and maybe the crossbow were the only real satisfying weapons.
you're right.
It's not only good. It's superb.
Shotgun is as satisfying as ever, and the Gravity Gun is just fun.
>Army Warehouse
Stop tingling my stalker nerve! I spent most of my time at Army Warehouse because I made my base in the barracks armoury. I used chairs and explosives barrels to get the sentry to move a bit to the side so the freedom fighters wouldn't get pissed off. I had almost every single armour, all of the weapons, artifacts, weapon attachments, ammo, supplies etc. to outfit an entire army in there.
tingle tingle
The Deep Roads were good because like said, you have your party, and also the lore behind them are 10/10, you can feel yourself entering the beating black heart of the beast, all building up to the horrible discovery of how Darkspawn are made.
>it's a you have to get off the boat to turn a lever or some shit then get back on the boat part
Those are the only good parts, though.
The Jackal Sniper forest in Halo 2. Far worse than the sniper alley, since the Jackals were everywhere, couldn't always be sniped back due to the structure of the map, and had aggressive drones rather than the somewhat passive ones in the alley.
When the hell did it become cool on Sup Forums to hate on Half-Life 2?
the ending levels in STALKER SoC and Clear Sky are complete horseshit
Why SoC? Whats wrong with jumping from portal to portal and take down some monolith bitches along the way?
the boat ride was fucking awful and the vehicle sections made me outright drop the game.
Modern warfare 2
And halo Pre-4 (yes I mean reach too)
Dead Money after going through it once already
That's your problem, sonny m8.
Just shows you got problems.
>he didn't get the true ending
when everyone grew up and took off the nostalgia gogles
This is where I just drop the game completely.
OP here.
I just made it to the part about the car. Im thinking about dropping the game holy shit. If this is what HL2 has to offer then whenever HL3 comes out its gonna suck balls christ
>standing up
>woodland paint + tigerstripe camo
do you even stealth, pleb??
Just off yourself, and make our world a happier place.
No more vehicles after the car segment. You'll be on foot more often in this section.
name another game that does this
People like you are the reason games are so boring now.