Why isn't he wearing shoes?
Why isn't he wearing shoes?
Indie developers attitude in general. DUDE NO RULES NO BOSS BREATHING DOWN MY NECK LMAO
Probably can't afford them
Can't afford a razor either
can't wait for someone to prove the 5 billion years thing wrong within the first month
why the fuck would you wear shoes indoors?
They spent all their shoe money on the game.
Fucking hipsters man.
I don't know what the fuck happened with the old law in restaurants of ''no shirt, no shoes, no service'' in restaurants or cafes
These people think its ok to take of their shoes and expose their barefeet in some eating place.
The next time some hipster faggot ruin my meal I'm gonna flip my shit, I mean it.
Because I'm not Japanese or Muslim.
Maybe he is at home.
Fuck clean floors, am I right?
Whoa, I have that same ITX case.
I know nothing about this guy or his game but fuck him and fuck that beard. Go damn this guy's beard makes me irrationally angry.
>size of those feet
why would you need to be either of those to realize that you're tracking in dirt when you keep your shoes on
What difference does it make if the floors are clean? Do you eat off them?
I hate Sean Murray's attitude so much. What a smug shithead.
Fuck you user, you don't know how mad this pic makes me.
I'm thinking of getting an ITX case. Are they worth it? How are your temps? Do you run a high end GPU?
>being this salty about not being able to grow a beard
When will nu-males learn?
You havnt even watched a single interview with him
Hes actually really sincere, its just the game thats a disaster
Are you being serious right now. Dirty scum.
Nu male
Lmao, your feet get so much more dirty and track in way more dirt and dust than your shoes do. You're supposed to wipe them on the mat when you come in, caveman.
Wouldn't you be smug too If you made a fortune off of some crap game?
All nu-males have to do things like this so that they feel unique and progressive.
wow, what a faggot. i guess it's no man's buy for me rofl
Carl pls go
hi /u/anonymouse4chan
i see you made another thread
remember you are still the cancer killing this board
he must have a bangin dick 2bh
your day is already ruined as soon as you woke up, or did you forget you're a neet disappointment
>being clean in your house is cuck
I have that CD.
I'm ashamed for liking Nickelback when I was 13.
Do you not own a broom of a vacuum cleaner?
>having money to eat outside
You like memeing just for the sake of it right??
>having clean space is cuck
>this is what the average cuckposter actually believes
I can grow a mountain man beard. I'm one of the hairiest people I know. That guy has a faggot hipster beard. Fuck that millennial pansy and his fucking feminine beard.
>somehow manages to get his feet all fucking dirty
>calls others caveman
who the fuck comes home, gives their shoes a quick scuffle on their doormat, like that's going to get all the shit out of your soles, and then proceeds to walk into their house? shoe racks exist for a reason.
thats hard wood i cant vaccum a scuff
I can't fucking stand people who take their pets into restaurants or take their shoes off when they sit to eat.
That's fucking disgusting.
that reminds me, anyone else here pee sitting down for the sake of cleanliness?
>Pee sitting down, piss travels small distance, almost no splashback. Great for stealth pisses at night
>Restroom always clean
>Have friends over
>They leave
>Toilet seat, tank, floor, rug and counter all have visible piss slpashback marks from pissing standing up.
Nu-males with 0 sense of fashion trying to be hip is the cringiest shit ever.
lol seems the truth hit too close to home that you're now defensive
That's a big foot
Because numale workplace is liberated from patriarchal wageslave obligations.
Sup Forumsfags thinking they know fashion is the cringiest shit ever.
Why wear them?
Its not like the office floors are gravel and broken glass.
I bet you don't take your shoes off when you go to someones house, you filthy fucking mongrel.
Only Americans and third world countries actually wear shoes indoor.
cause you dont wear shoe's indoor
you filthy burgercuck
what do you wear? a jacket over a tshirt, cargo shorts, and sandles with socks?
I know 10x more than you ever will
pic related, me irl
Do you? How can you wear shoes in the home? You fucking walk on shit particles and dirt you dirty hobo
I'd wear that
If it wasn't around 2000 bucks min total
I feel offended there are no women in that picture
>being this proud about being able to grow a beard
Truly a respectable achievement. You're gonna go far.
>no females
>no ethnics
B-but what abou m-muh diversity? Are they all racist misogynist bigots? Damn, is this a fucking selling point
Don't wear shoes at home. Wear decent fitting clothes. Dress accordingly to where I'm going and who I'm meeting with.
Is basic knowledge of how to dress so hard to grasp?
Is cleanliness something that needs to be explained to someone?
These look like the kind of people o leVe plates in the sink overnight instead of washing them right after using them.
Because look at him.
He's a scrappy, modest, indie developer!
He's so quirky!
Look at him not wearing any shoes, and fumbling over his words.
What a lovable oaf!
It's better for your posture.
What the fuck is that cable connected to?
There is a female in that picture
Get glasses
I bet he has a pipe and drinks green tea over his porch overseeing the Colorado mountains. He also whittles and is learning to play the guitar favorite album is Unplugged by Nirvana and is starting a vinyl collection. Greatest find was an original press of Animals and green misprint of ride the lightning
He breathes through his skin, you shitlord. Be ashamed.
I just use it as a file server; I have my R9 Fury space heater in a regular ATX build.
Worst thing about normies is that they're impossible to satirize
Ok so wearing shoes indoors is apparently super gross, but do you at least wash your feet before you put them back on to go outside?
Fuck off, not everyone wants to wear cargo shorts and a t-shirt with "VIDEO GAME" on it.
There is nothing wrong with dressing well.
I just did examine every face on that picture and there is no females, the fuck's wrong with you?
Foot fetish: TRIGGERED
i bet none of you are as handsome as this free spirited man. he loves his life, unlike you.
Right side, glasses.
He isn't american?
The person with the glasses on the right is a woman you moron
his algorithm didn't generate him shoes
Sup Forums is really trying to push this hateboner for NMS, isn't it?
I really wish Moot had never made Sup Forums, it was a serious mistake.
you're supposed to shower every day.
this comp is fucking awful. you look like you have tiny baby legs and an elongated torso. what's up with the alternating colors on the layers, and why that horrible salmon color? hell what the fuck is up with the pencil skirt -. skinny jeans combination? just because individual items look good to you doesnt mean you can wear them all at once and still make them work. 3/10
You're a fucking idiot.
He was explaining what the dude or (you) was wondering about.
If you're the same guy then you're even more retarded for taking things out of the context.
I know a guy with american foot size 19E - it's 19 double wide. the nigga is a fucking clown i swear
Oh shit is she? I thought it was some dev's wife's son came to understanding party because anxiety or some shit
Fuck man, she does look like a 14 year old boy what the fuck
Lets be honest here, you actually want to know dick sizes
I fucking hate American """culture"""
>dude shoes indoor lmao
>dude throw used toilet paper in the garbage lmao
id rather learn their height so i can feel like a tall manlet
Sorry you guys felt triggered by this, but I'm actually pretty sure my sense of fashion is better than 99% of this board. I live in Paris and I can easily enter any clubs like the Wanderlust or the Nuba even alone.
Not everyone on this board is a betacuck. Yes there is some people in this world that have other passions appart from video games, though I probably have better taste in video games than you too since you seem so close-minded..
Back on the subject, his shirt has terrible colors, it's over sized, and the only people who think it's still cool to wear long sleeve plaid shirts with vomiting color palette are hipster-wanna be who still think being hip is what was hip 5 years ago. Just look at his fucking hair it's terrible, the beard on top of it is icing on the cake.
But I guess this kind of "style" in popular in America because I see it a lot that's probably why you defend it, America in general has terrible taste in fashion, just look at /fa/ ffs..
>he thinks you're supposed to shower every day
>he doesn't know about color theory
>he doesn't know how to build a silhouette
You're embarrassing yourself, dude.
There are actually two females on the team. The one in the pic is a programmer and the other is a producer who isnt in the pic for some reason
The programmer is pretty smart and a qt
Probably a MTF that identifies as a lesbian.
that man is british
theyre a UK company
you fucking mong
They're actually a transexual man, which makes it extra hilarious that when they put up that picture people started bitching and moaning because the dev team was 'all white cis men'
But height doesnt have anything to do with dicks
>using toilet paper to wipe the shit off your ass
Spotted the filthy nigger