What is there to do post-game?

What is there to do post-game?

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Wait for chapter 3


replay all the missions for S-rank while wearing BB's leather jacket

Take silly pictures with Quiet.

Somehow I knew this would be the first post.

>blonde quiet
silently puking

Analyze the story and pick up on the subtle little connections it has with all the other games.

Invade FOBs until you can unlock all everything.

They're cosplaying like cute couples do.


Lament the fact that you're a bad person no matter how many guards you tranq, the fact that you torture/brainwash them into working for you makes it worse than if you killed them. You beat the shit out of your twelve year old son and broke his arm. Building Diamond Dogs itself is evil, you're trying to launch the world into perpetual warfare.

>you beat the shit out of your twelve year old son and broke his arm

I'm pretty sure Venom just dislocated it. Also, Eli is a little shit, he had it coming. Little nigga never gives up on trying to kill your ass.

Venom Snake isn't Big Boss, he's "THE Boss," betrayed and sentenced to death by his leaders, but regardless he was loyal to the end. Also he fucking folds people in half with his cqc.

listen to the ending tapes
and then uninstall and regret your playthrough

So? You literally killed him I'm MGS1, of course he thinks you're a piece of shit.

What, you thought he was mad at Big Boss? Perhaps, but the person he REALLY hates is the player


Do the copy and pasted side ops

>Analyze the story and pick up on the subtle little connections it has with all the other games.

So basically OP
You pick between having apophenia for canon
Or you go on his twitter and get apophenia for the ruse

Well, Liquid tries to kill you unfairly in a fucking attack helicopter, he leaves you with Ocelot to endure one of the worst torture sequences in the whole game, he then tries again to kill you in another unfair battle with the mechanical monster that is REX, he actually stops being a pussy and tries to fight you with his bare hands, and then he still doesn't give up after being bested in combat all those times, and just tries to fucking shoot you.

So I ask you. Who was in the wrong? Not me. It was self defense. I dindu nuffin.

He's a fucking twelve year old trying to stop you from killing him in the future, of course he's desperate

Collect animals
Make a nuke

You can stop posting now Liquid. I admire your tenacity though.

Just remember, Never Be Game Over :^)

>tfw missed based Stef stream

>this faggot baiting
>knows Venom hates Quiet

you joostfags are pathetic, if you had any understanding of underlying narrative you would notice that Venom Snake has nothing but disdain for Quiet, she loves him but he doesn't love her back, her dying alone and heart broken was always part of his revenge plan.

Snake slowly manipulated Quiet's feelings of hate for what happened to her into feelings of guilt for doing he stuff she did to him, and then those feelings become love to which he rejects her, just as he planned, making her lonely and depressed and suicidal, when she finally tries to kill herself she fails, and when Snake goes to """rescue""" Quiet, she is misled to believe that Snake wanted to bring her back, when the only thing he was really there to do was stab her in the back.

And, well we all know what happens from there.

They weren't a thing.

You were his fucking dad, if not in TPP then in GZ, PW and SE.

You weren't content to kill him as your brother in MGS1, you had to fucking time travel just so you could be an abusive dad as well. You really are a bastard.

And if YOU had any understanding of the underlying narrative, you would know the central theme of the plot would be Code Talker's obsession with burgers, to the point where he overlooks Kaz's caring of him with zero gratitude.

100% canon.

13% beef.

Not much unless you like MGO.


>almost 11 months to beat chapter 1

what a ride

Why was her salary higher than Sutherland's?

You don't actually believe this

I dont think she will do chapter 2

She said she was going to, besides A Quiet Exit is pretty much what everyone has been waiting for

Throw empty magazines for revolutionary emergent gameplay.