Hows that video game channel coming
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I take political drama and have them settle it within a vidya.
So long as the game has decent create-a-character mode and ai vs ai.
No one likes the channel but its entertaining for me. *sigh*
and a celebrity version.
There is surprisingly little celeb drama atm.
would like some constructive criticism
My fake account that I use to upload flashes I get off /f/ has 475 subs and 225k videos views and I haven't uploaded a video in like 3 years while my main account has 43 subs and 29k views.
Fuck gaming, memes are where its at
I need a better mic. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Obviously the cheaper the better.
Decent. I've had some bigger Youtubers sub to me in the past few weeks, so that's cool.
>3 Videos. One of them is a trailer
>Wants criticism
But honestly, drop the streaming, the review one seems a lot better. No one wants to watch a 40min video of some unknown dude streaming a game.
I will subscribe, but I expect better work
Cringy as shit. If its on purpose: Good, continue. If not: Kill yourself
Drop the vaporwave, the song is horrendous.
Viewpoint and review is good, maybe talk and cut a bit faster or talk a bit more emotional. Continue
Background music choice is horrible. Find some music that no one has used before
It's coming along well. Shot up ~20 subs the past few days, leaving me well above 1000 subs.
On top of that, these videos have been directly responsible for getting me a job in video production, and in a position where I could quit my day job if I wanted to.
Here's my personal favorite...
...and this is what I put out yesterday, trying something with EDF
Man, I love you. You're in every one of these threads. You're like a little meme, team dream machine.
love your shit man
I expected this to be cancer but it isn't
this is cancer
That's all I've wanted since the beginning, to be a meme. Real talk though, thanks for the kind words dude, glad you like my stuff
Appreciate it man, i love you too
I let's play obscure weird or spooky games. Some other stuff as well.
I always wanted to make a Channel where I would play older games that newer generations need to play.
Sort of an Essentials list, so that Vidya history can be kept alive to some small degree.
Since so much vidya is in the market, it would be a shame that Vidya that still holds up today would fall into obscurity.
I would probably make the videos 10 or 15 minutes long, depending. Something like Cinematech and Pop-up Video, where I post interesting facts about the game.
Same goes for you:
Shit. Wrong link:
If you can keep it interesting and present it well, you could most definitely do well.
Even harder than that, you've got to get people to see it. Doable though man, why not go for it.
Thank you kindly.
I have little editing skills, plus Im not exactly a very presentable person which makes it much more difficult seeing as face cams are all the rage.
So the biggest obstacle would be making the video itself entertaining enough, in reality the videos would be like huge advertisements.
Much like cinematech I would blend cutscenes and gameplay together.
Yeah sure, we don't have enough of those already
I'm the meme machine?
worse and worse every day kill me
Decent mic wouldn't hurt.
Do you watch filthy frank and buy into the "joji" meme? Because you seem like that kinda guy.
I don't think you necessarily need to be on camera, you can even be as much as a voice, or like youre saying, just present it cinimatech style.
Go pirate Sony Vegas or premiere and just practice man. 99% of the people here are self taught and have no background in production or video editing.
What is the best budget mic to get for starting out?
It's doing okay I guess. Haven't gotten any subs in a bit but I'm not complaining. I mainly record NY friend and I's sessions and edit them as I see fit. Mainly gmod videos and some Arma/GTAV ones.
The main reason I do it is because I love editing and it's the finished product is funny to me and some friends. So I figure why not put them on YouTube.
Latest video youtu.be
I had a pretty good time editing this.
I might, Its not a matter of trying and being afraid to fail.
Im more afraid of succeeding because I wont know what to do with it. There are only so many older games to advertise.
I suppose if I did have a reasonable amount of subscribers, I could start streaming or making play throughs.
Truthfully I wouldnt do it to hit it big, I would want to be recreational about it. A friend of mine who wants to make videos as well put it pretty well when we watched a Streamer for Destiny.
This dude was some ugly brit, balding with fucked up 'facial hair'. Awful voice, just all around un presentable. And he was getting 100-300 dollar donations, 1-3 a night.
My friend said.
'On my day job I make about 400-600 bucks a check, this guy gets nearly half, if not half my check being ugly as fuck.'
Hence why we want to make videos.
i don't actually watch filthy frank
but the Japanese text is actually gibberish its there to add a little style like the bumps from adult swim
If you cleaned yourself up you could look a little like Tom Cruise.
That would ruin everything.