16 years later and it's still the best WRPG of all time

>16 years later and it's still the best WRPG of all time
I don't understand how Bioware could have made Baldur's Gate 2 and then degenerated into what it's become.

Other urls found in this thread:


I wouldn't call it the best but it is one of my favorites.


>Villain kidnaps Imoen almost immediately

10/10, would go through several hours of gameplay without her voice again

Think it's suppsed to be that d'arnaise or something girl

Looks nothing like Nalia

Part of it is that every character is memorable except Cernd.

Found artist's Deviantart
>Imoen, Viconia, the main character (who is a very evil and murderous monk (yes, or a nun!)), Jaheira, and Aerie. Should've added the sixth character, but... blah. I tired.

I like Icewind Dale more

Thoughts on Dragonspear?

yer a queer fellow

What would call the best then cuck?

Cute shield.

It's not very good and it creates a million plot holes that it makes no effort to explain. It is nice to see some of the original characters back in action, though.

Cernd is memorable as a holier than thou jackass

He's got no real personality and his backstory is that he abandoned his family to live in the woods.

I did a full play through about 2 or 3 years ago. I'd forgotten how good it is and ending marathoning it.

I always found Imoen a very endearing sidekick character.

Not that user but Avernum 2: Crystal Souls


That word doesn't mean what you think it means

BG are to be rejected and considered shit because of Bioware's current policies, as are all their previous games, they are dead to us and any who reject that are no better than the swjs

Fuck I still need to go through that series in full.

>He's got no real personality
i suppose, when i think of characters that annoyed me nalia and airie come to mind first eventhough cernd is pretty awful in that regard also. doesn't help that he had one of the worst class-kits in the game which means i did his quests and dumped him asap

Fuck do they ever get hard. The second has a difficulty spike like the clit of an iron golem about 3 hours in. It's a really cool setting though

I always liked bg1 more than 2

I love the shit out of Spiderweb Software games but they take such a long time to get through. I've probably got several hundred hours between the Geneforge and Avernum and Avadon series and I'm trying to finish Avadon 2 before I can go through the rest of them.

Did you ever do any singleton runs?

why is it that most of the fan art looks better than the bioware official art?

No never tried but I have a bad habit of rolling with only lizard people in Avernum, I didn't realize Geneforge was the same dev but it makes a lot of sense

fun fact: viconia portrait was traced over some porn pic

What about its current policies would make it dislike BG2?

alright how should i get into baldur's gate

should start with BD1 or BD2 ? should i install mods or should i get the HD versions

Because the official art is mostly bad, with some exceptions.

If you liked the older Avernums then you might like Nethergate, too. It's ancient Brittania being invaded by the Romans and it's centered upon the fey folk's reaction to human affairs.

Usually if I'm going to use a slith spearman then I've got a nephilim bowman and then two humans, mage and priest, as backup.

Just do BG2. BG1 is an acquired taste and it's not really as good in any case. You're told basically everything you need to know about BG1's plot in the first couple of minutes of BG2, anyway.

the enchanced editions are fine nowdays, but they add some cringeworthy companions

play the first one then the second, pirate GOG.com release since you can't buy them anymore. I would only apply the resolution mod to the games so you can play them as they were released.

You posted the wrong image, kiddo, that isn't Dragon Age: Inquisition

BG1 then BG2

Because I'm spiteful and want everything nice gone.

Tutu. Play both games and both expansions, there is no other option for the complete experience. BG1 is slow to start off, but the sense of progression you get is very real and you're throwing down with demigods by the time you get to ToB; stick with it and you'll be justly rewarded.

What anime is this

Record of Lodoss War

Record of lodoss war, closest anime you will get to dungeons and dragons.

Elves are the masterrace

Elves exist for the sole purpose of forced and repeated involuntary procreation
All wings must of course be clipped

>tfw if there ever will be BG3, it's going to be made by talentless trannylovers at Beamdog
>it's going to be utter shit

Pillars of Eternity was the scrapped BG3 assets.

Just be glad they didn't called it BG3.

hopefully not
SoD sold like complete shit it is

Too many hair pieces on all the girls.

Also Imoen's pic in BG1 was trash, and her pic in BG2 shows her after she had been tortured - and you can tell.

>how should i get into baldur's gate
Get BGT or Tutu.
They allow you to play through both BG1 and 2 as a single experience.

Or just play BG2 if you can't handle the cruelty of low-level D&D rulesets.

tamrielfoundry.com/topic/the-ultimate-baldurs-gate-experience/ is a good guide to use imho.

Finally, don't pick Wizard Slayer. Just don't. They're completely shit. Literally every other class is decent to great, but that single class kit is utter trash.

No way, proof faggot.

It's a very good and atmospheric game. But I think it's outdone by Planescape: Torment as far as Infinity Engine games go.

Shame they had to ruin so many characters, especially Aerie, with the terrible Throne of Bhaal.

>alright how should i get into baldur's gate
Make a self-insert character and treat it like a Visual Novel.

No, seriously. Immerse yourself in the world and treat death as a genuine threat. It'll be a far better experience than if you just save-scum your way through the game and skip all the dialogue.

>tfw I played this game 4 times
>never completed it
>furthest I got was at the end when irenicus transformed

I really should play it again.

>Shame they had to ruin so many characters, especially Aerie, with the terrible Throne of Bhaal.
What do you mean by that?

iktf. I usually make a new game at furthest a short way into ToB, and have made something like 10 different games.

Right now I'm going through BGT from the beginning with just a Thief and Imoen.

Still trying to work out when I should dual-class her. She's just hit L7 so I guess I should now?

>play a berserker in BG1
>really enjoy it
>start BG2
>berserker is starting to fall off greatly
>forced to dual class
>lose everything until the same level again
>quit the game
rinse and repeat

I never dual classed so I wouldn't know desu.

>the sense of progression you get is very real
Pretty much sums up what's so great about BG.

Also BGT and Tutu are both great, no need to shit on one or the other.

The writing was mediocre (I think literally everyone saw the 'twist' the moment Melissan came on screen) and the maps were unimaginiative.

And making Aerie pregnant and have her fight in that state, and carry around the baby in her inventory, was just a bit too absurd.

most of females were traced over some pornstar face

>get memed into buying BG1
>it's actually fucking shit

BG1 is the game which could never exist today. It's low level D&D at its most brutal, with new assassins lying in wait around every corner.

Most people hate it because they have no patience. It provides a crucial component of the series though, and thanks to BGT/Tutu it allows the player to experience progressing all the way from a character no better than them IRL to a demigod.

I can hear your chins flapping

t. mouthbreather

Don't listen to this guy. BG is shit for actual roleplaying and exists only to be a series of DnD combat scenarios with no GM fiat.

First off, you should note that Charisma is a useless stat and dump it completely in favor of any other stat. Remember: this isn't an RPG, it's a series of combat scenarios.

Even so, I can almost guarantee you will need to save scum your way through the games the first time you play them. At least you will need to save frequently and reload to the point of desensitizing death, because death occurs so frequently and with little warning.

Also you may as well fill your party entirely with mages because they're the only class that matters. Good luck with your limited casts and enemies frequent resistence, though. Just remember your friend save scumming.

Why is Sarevok so based?

>Charisma is a useless stat and dump it completely in favor of any other stat
Or enjoy having more dialogue options and better shop prices.
>Even so, I can almost guarantee you will need to save scum your way through the games the first time you play them. At least you will need to save frequently and reload to the point of desensitizing death, because death occurs so frequently and with little warning.
Or you can actually be careful and try not to die, which is way more immersive and fun. You have an imagination. Try using it and you'll actually be able to enjoy yourself. No-one's judging you.
>Also you may as well fill your party entirely with mages because they're the only class that matters.
No wonder you're dying all the time...
>Good luck with your limited casts and enemies frequent resistence, though.
Main a sorcerer then. If resistance is a problem then use spells like Breach and Pierce Magic.

I played Baldur's Gate I first and was quite disappointed by it, losing interest by the time I got to Baldur's Gate. I attributed to the fact that "Bioware was never good". Then I decided to play Baldur's Gate II which I thorhoughly enjoyed and, upon returning to BGI, I found the entire experience very worthwhile. BG1's story as it unfolds is really quite good, and handled better than in BG2. How it slowly grows in influence and evil.

because he knew what he wanted and had the power and intelligence to get it
the only problem was one of his kin just happened to be a player grade murderhobo that he managed to cross but not immediately kill

Yeah, BG1's story is solid all around, I never liked how Imoen turned out to be your sister out of nowhere in BG2 and the plot of ToB just went places

>I never liked how Imoen turned out to be your sister out of nowhere in BG2
I liked that twist desu.

Technically a half-sister as far as I can understand, though the game always acts like she's a full sister.

>a completely normal girl in BG1
>can die and be resurrected (something neither you nor Sarevok can do)
>suddenly a fucking bhaalspawn
It's pretty dumb

Oh my Bhaalspawn was a warrior and 4/6 members of my party weren't mages, but the mages were the only ones doing the heavy lifting. Everyone else just cleaned up trash mobs. All that achieved was to let me not rest between every fight.

As to magical resistance being solved by breach and pierce magic, that is simply misinformation. Anything worth using breach or pierce magic on will resist those spells just as frequently as anything else. If you're going to be save scumming anyway, may as well cast the spells that actually do something on the random chance they succeed. Or better yet just use the summoning spells.

>Anything worth using breach or pierce magic on will resist those spells just as frequently as anything else.
You're talking about ToB I guess.

Breach is THE spell to know during SoA. It's incredibly useful against basically every difficult fight, sans the vampires.

Either that or Insect Plague.

What's your least favorite thing about SoD? Other than the tranny
I didn't like the new companions and the forced "romances"

Not being able to choose to be an asshole to people. Freedom of choice is one of the main features of BG. Not that it's perfect, but it's definitely something which was respected in the original games.



Thing is, it's extremely easy to lose reputation in it, only it happens for dumb shit like telling the people of Baldur's Gate that Sarevok was your relative

PS:T is a meme game
Fallout is Black Isle's best game.

>meme game

>Fallout 2
>not meme overload

I should never have bought EE.

I could ignore the new content, but the UI is god-awful, and I swear the game runs even worse now.

Where I can get original, non-remastered versions of Baldur's Gate?


Dude no one disrespects that choice but best girl is actually Imoen

That doesn't seem dumb at all, but even then there are plenty of sensible reasons to gain or lose the stuff, and you definitely get a lot of leeway to be a traitorous bastard without losing reputation if you choose to do so.

If you have the steam version you can always opt into the 1.3 "beta" and go back to the old UI.

Imoen is not for sexeing


I mean I liked her but viccy is just toppest tier

>someone's making a Keldron romance mod
I'm impressed that this modding community is still active, the content of the mods notwithstanding

>Keldron romance mod
wouldn't that go against his questline plot?

There's a mod for that. She is now.

The main thing I love about her is her banter, but it gets awkward if I want Aerie in my party too. I mean Vic is great and all, but chain contingencies with cleric spells are just too good to miss out on, and I never seem to be able to keep both of them in a party at the same time.


After all this time, I am still mad that they try to make you and Keldorn as the bad guys for punishing his wife's adultery.

I was able to keep them both most of the time, no idea how I do it.

I think I always tell Aerie to shut up and they stop fighting eventually, or I beat the game so quick that they never spend enough time together for one to leave.

Happened once with Keldorn, man it was tough to let the old fuck go, I gave him that claymore you gain when you kill that one dragon and he was a fucking rape machine.

The wife wasn't actually cuckolding him, the other dude was impotent IIRC.

Not at all, depending on your advice, Keldorn can either forgive his wife or throw her into jail.

The Saerileth mod is a prime example of how to write an absolutely awful romance. Even the stuff modern Bioware writes is better.

>his wife's adultery
His wife is adulterous? And there was me thinking he was the bad guy for never being around.

To be fair he never was around.

What's the mod where a demon turns into a child and it kills me if I try and have sex with her?

>is 15 years old
>sounds like a 40 year old chain smoker
Hilarious. To be honest I think the Chloe mod is even worse.

>install this mod for shit and giggles, expecting some shadow the hedgehog tier writing
>it actually surpassed my expectation and amazed me with how bad the character writing can be

She was cheating on him.

That's adultery.

That is quite literally against the law.

Yeah, she cheats on him and the other guy, his wife's lover, has the fucking audacity to act like he was just filling in while Keldorn was gone.

She knew what she was marrying into, she has no right to complain when she got to live in that luxurious part of the city.

nice spoiler tag, faggots.