Environments are snow only

>environments are snow only
>music is piano only

All of my why

It's not a bad game tbqh, but the price isn't justified. It's worth only around 20 yuros, not 40.

>storyline is FF X only

Fuck this stupid game.

I was expecting a good game, but got a KEMCO-tier trash.

>piano only is bad

Everyone is a damn philistine. If anything it shows a piano's range.


lot of SE games are tanking lately. What's going on there?

>almost every SE game ever tanked, what's going on?


it's boring and feels samey

It was a good attempt by SE, but the old talent just isn't there anymore. They got poor Ito on Janitor duty.

I bought it this weekend after playing 120 hours of Total War and Xcom 2.

It's a nice refreshment to be honest. I haven't played a jrpg since bravely second, or whatever it was called.
I hope it won't be as long though, damn that game got stale after 50 hours and not being nearly done.

Why is it regarded as bad?

>Why is it regarded as bad?
Because people are retards who never bothered playing through the game.

I beat it, and I enjoyed every minute of the game. The world and atmosphere are fitting and beautiful, the story is not FFX unlike the idiot who claimed it was, and I ended up liking Setsuna more than I expected to.

I like the mild depressing undertone.

Guiding such a willing girl to her inevitable death is quite the experience.
I also like Edrin a lot for some reason, his reason for staying behind in the town was quite noble.

Haven't gotten far though, need to find Akash the shipwright and have arrived in this tenderville which I find shady af.

Any tips for builds/warnings? I feel like the combat system can royally fuck me over at some point.

I wanted to like it but it's just so dull.
Quit right before the part where you need to go to the Shota with glasses's village.

I'm actually enjoying it a lot, it's cozy as shit and the piano strikes it in all my sensitive spots.

>>environments are snow only
>>music is piano only

I have no idea what this game is but you just made me want to play it

>environments are snow only
But that's comfy

soundtrack absolutely ruins it for me, I could put up with the mediocrity if it had a bitchin soundtrack like an actual proper classic JRPG would

It's Bravely Triggered

it's pretty bland
they shouldn't have mentioned better games as inspiration

>no Vita release
Fuck you Square Enix.

I shouldnt be playing a JRPG in order to admire the range of a piano. If this game was centered around the range of a piano then maybe itd be understandable.

Saga and Final Fantasy are still good desu

Man, that sounds comfy as fuck, get out of here.

>there are anons that don't know the comfort f watching it snow outside while wrapped in a toasty blanket, a cup of cocoa in hand, and your favorite chill vidya nearby.

but the game is really shallow
it sounds nice but diversity is a strong suit of most JRPGs

A piano soundtrack could be good but with just a smidgen of musical knowledge it's very clear that Setsuna's OST was originally intended for an orchestra and was scaled down to its current piano, bass, and percussion form. You can hear the wasted potential.

The snow and the piano music go together pretty well.
For the game's simple graphics, they manage to make it very pretty at times.

The game only using piano music does begin to get grating after a while, though. It's cute at first and gets old fast.

The characters are frankly a little contrived. Setsuna is the very predictable "girl who is too good for this world is being sent to die for the benefit of everyone." Though frankly this game does it better than FFX did, because Setsuna is a more likable character than Yuna was.

I do like the throwback to classic JRPGs by making the protagonist silent, except for dialogue choices you can occasionally make - that don't actually change anything except a single line or two of dialogue.

Forgot to edit my mumble overlay out.

Don't worry, I've got you Livebait. :3

>stop treating me like a little kid

I thought he was gonna be an unlikable brat from that line, but he got cute.

Why? Why does the universe keep teasing us about our need for Chrono games?

>music is piano only
this is bad because...?

There is no need for more Chrono games. We already got two good ones and that's enough.

The devs of this game wish it was a new Chrono game as much as you do.

That's a shame. I like the aesthetic, but a shallow RPG usually isn't fun.

I say usually since I personally cite Golden Sun 1 and 2 as good, despite their faults.

>Game opens with protagonist bumbling through the woods for a tutorial, very little context
>Mysterious shady man tells you go to murder somebody who is obviously not guilty of any crime
>Protagonist goes along with it without question
>Then the game opens and you meet red haired Yuna, brown Riku and a little later, brown Auron
>You are lead to believe penguins, walruses and hermit crabs are attacking villages and this is such a problem that we need to send a girl to be ritualistically sacrificed to make it stop
>There's no sugar coating it like in FFX, sending this chick to die is a time honored tradition and everyone is cheering on her eventual death

The story is pretty silly, frankly.

How the fuck is it shallow?


We got one good one and one mixed bag.

I know that, they marketed as a spiritual successor. That's what prompted my questioning the universe's cruelty.

Nah man, Chrono Trigger has its flaws but calling it a mixed bag doesn't sit right with me.

LOL! Very funny... :) But... I'm all out of patience for little battyboi NOOBS today, so die!!! *unleashes the yami no hadou and launches you into the air with rakuhouha* Burn! Turn to nothing!!!! *teleports into the air next to you and disintegrates you with my ultimate raijingeki ougi*

That's typical SE pricing.
Setsuna is obviously a budget title but they're trying to sell it for twice that. It also toes this strange line between feeling professionally made and feeling completely amateur. Animations sometimes finish late, spell descriptions have [Null] in them where numbers should be at times, the dialogue gets very tropey whenever Setsuna or Aeterna say anything.

>being a cross apologist
Chrono Trigger has no true sequel.

*it was a clone*

(Out of character: um, I disintegrated your existence, so it applies to both you and clones. Yes, my raijingeki is that powerful. Learn to play before you post next time -_-)

>being a nostalgiababby
I'll give your mom a true sequel with my dick if you catch my drift

I don't think I understand. Would you mind elaborating a bit?

I think the mistake they made was advertising it as inspired by Chrono Trigger, because it has triggered all the chrono fanboys.

It's sad because Setsuna is a great game that stands well enough on its own. I enjoyed it a lot.

Uh... heh... haha... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Phew, sorry. My apologies, I mean. It's not quite "great"... more like, well, ahem, "decent for a playthrough", so to speak. Yes, well, glad we got that cleared up, heh.

Found the triggered chrono fanboy.

Whoa, heh! No need to become all, ah... aggressive, just because you got, as they say, "pwned".

Anyway, er, if it's not too much trouble, if you're familiar with that term, could I ask you to stop replying to me? I don't really feel like dealing with an... heh heh.... heh hehAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hee, sorry. As I tried to say, I don't really feel like dealing with someone so far beneath my, ah... intellect, if you will.


Game would be better if it used sprites instead of models.

If there's one thing the game did right, it's the aesthetic. Its simple 3D models look great.

It's very much a bad game


>do like the throwback to classic JRPGs by making the protagonist silent
You mean how Atlus have been doing everything?

There's no game where 3D models would surpass god tier 2D art so no.

It feels like a mobile game, I wonder why isn't it in Android.


The soundtrack sounds like demos of what the soundtrack should have been. Fragments that were meant to be built up

Whoever it was that called Setsuna "red haired Yuna" can go fuck themselves. Yuna was a retard with no personality whatsoever. Setsuna is a genuinely selfless, kind young woman and a real qt at that.

Whoever it was that said Setsuna is better than Yuna can go fuck themselves. Setsuna was a retard with no personality whatsoever. Yuna is a genuinely selfless, kind young woman and a real qt at that.

>getting upset that someone said this game's Kind and Selfless Girl Who is Too Good For This World is similar to another game's version of the same trope
>especially when the games have a quite similar plot

frankly I'm just glad setsuna isn't the main character, the title sort of gives you that impression

Yuna is more memorable though.

>Yuna is more memorable though.
Not even close. Yuna seriously irritated me throughout the whole game because she was a robot with zero personality. Setsuna was actually a likable human being.

And that's just your opinion. Setsuna will be forgotten in a year or so, while Yuna will be talked about for years to come.

the game is just straight irredeemable garbage. there's a bunch of decent "throwback" JRPGs about and coming out, and even "classic" ones it's trying to emulate are releasing on steam nowadays. it's a complete waste of everyone's time and vastly overpriced. don't support SQE and don't waste your money on this utter horseshit.

they didn't even QA test the battle system. but no worries it's a JRPG, so just grind 500 trash battles before each real encounter, thats some fine strategic gameplay. oh you wanted to carefully plan around Momentum use, one of the major battle systems? it can be rendered unusable by any action between your command being chosen and actually playing out, which you have zero way of planning for since mobs can act whenever they like with zero indication.

What's wrong with grinding?

That's not because Yuna is somehow better than Setsuna. It's because Yuna was in a mainline Final Fantasy game and Setsuna was in some short game that was made for nostalgia.

Yuna is better though.
If I Am Setsuna was an actual good game, then Setsuna wouldn't be forgotten.

Your complaints are pointless and dumb. I played through the whole game without even thinking about momentum at all. X-Strike, Grand Cross, Cleave, Slow, bio, healing spells etc are all you need to get it done.

Yes it would you dumbass. No matter how good it is, a game like IAS couldn't compete with a mainline Final Fantasy game.

And no Yuna is not better. Yuna is LITERALLY THE WORST FEMALE CHARACTER EVER MADE. That is no exaggeration.

You're either autistic or trying way to hard to fit in with jrpgfags.

Are there any other good JRPGs for PC other than the FF series. Preferably not anime shit.

how did i end up in 2011

It would though, considering a non-Final Fantasy JRPG game like Chrono Trigger or Suikoden are still talked about today.
Get fucked, Setsunafag.


Kill yourself.

>Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is remembered by nostalgiafags and that's it. It did not compete with the Final Fantasy games of its era.

Also I notice you didn't try to contradict my claim that Yuna is the worst female character ever made. Even you know it's fucking true. Even Rinoa and Rosa had more personality than fucking shit-tier Yuna.

>more personality

>>environments are snow only
>music is piano only
Double comfy.

great, sounds really great. what an engaging experience.

why did they make the end game so easy?

all enemies including the final boss die from one triple combo

Aww I think someone is a little bit tsundere for Yuna. How cute. :3

>Get the airship
>Opening chests in old areas
>Run into a pack of birds
>Think they're harmless birds from earlier
>One shits out a fucking hurricane and decimates my entire party

For fucks sake, I have died for the third time to this Time Lord ass.
How the fuck do I beat him? Physical damage is useless against him and I only have so many MP to burn...

>expecting good things to happen instead of bad things
What do you think this is, the 80s? The 90s?

It's the 2010s. Grow up.

No you

Actually, it was very engaging, and definitely satisfying as well. I liked the game a lot.

Not at all.

Use Battle Cry with Endir and then use a triple combo, repeat.

>Not having a stockpile of ethers and using items as necessary during battle.

But he doesn't have that yet. My skills are actually pretty minimum.
I have bought Lightning for Setsuna to get some offensive going, provoke for Endir when it gets hairy and Aura as a support skill for the protag.

I tried going full magic on his ass but the MP burns too fast.

Environmental variety is overrated. It's annoying that every game has to have the "fire level" "ice level" "mechanical level" etc etc etc. How about we just design nice worlds instead of cramming in variety for its own sake.

>all enemies including the final boss die from one triple combo
That's not even true at all. What the fuck kind of triple combo are you using that kills the final boss in one hit?

I'm liking it a lot man, desu best game of the year so far for me.

Don't know why so many people shit on the game, its really solid.

How long is the game? I want something cozy to play for a few weeks.

I know, that is my fault. But I am quite stuck now aren't I. If the game thinks I will restart the entire thing because it can't be arsed to provide some proper build up to Juggernauts like this it's dead wrong.

20 hours.

who is this time lord boss you're even talking about? You don't mean the one at the last lands, do you? Because that's a girl.

You should have X slash at the very least..

That seems very short for something toting itself as a jrpg

No the one in Kirs home village, Huddbury or something?