Here at Capcom the only thing we care about is STREET FIGHTER! WHOOOOOO

>Here at Capcom the only thing we care about is STREET FIGHTER! WHOOOOOO

>Get hype for a character you literally saw in the last game just some months before the release of the new game! GET HYPE WHOOOO

Why did this happen? Why can't we get better fighters from this company?

>Why can't we get better fighters from this company?
All their talent left years ago.

>Why can't we get better fighters from this company?

because casuals only eat up street fighter and marvel

and from the lack of responses I can see no one has played any other fighter from Capcom that isn't SF. So fuck it 11 more years only Street Fighting it is.

> Why can't we get better fighters from this company?
Because they have this idea that even though some of their old fighters were quite popular when they were new, if re-re-re-releases 20 years later don't sell like gangbusters then said fighters aren't worth their time.

It just pisses me off that they have so many good Fighting game IPs to use yet they will run SF to the ground. I used to LOVE SF but now, I have lost all respect for it as a franchise because it's now the COD of the fighting genre. Chun-Li is the only reason I even still play the game honestly.


>retarded opinion
>tier whore as well
Suddenly I'm glad Darkstalkers died.

>implying it wasn't always the CoD of fightan games
Street Fighter stood the test of time for a reason.
Actually, several reasons.

Can it really count as having "stood the test of time" if it was dead for a decade after one of its mainline entries bombed horribly?

Chun-Li was the first character I got good at when SFII was around. It's called a main you chucklefuck. That's fine you love SF so much you'll last out at people on the internet over it, but what does Vampire have to do with anything in your green text?

>b-but I already mained her in SF2!

>what does Vampire have to do with anything in your green text?
It's one of those other IPs you morons meme about. I just enjoy BTFO you whiners. Personally, I sincerely wish those games will stay buried just so I can see you cry in your pillow.

Not to mention SFV is the in the same boat as well. It isn't doing as well as they thought it was going to at all.

He could have been talking about cyberbots for all you know.

what the fuck did that post have to do with darkstalkers at all

>Hey user do you play street fighter?
>No other user, I do not, I play *any other fighter*

And then I slam the door in their face and burn that bridge, because Anime Fighter isn't a genre for anyone but the unwashed monogoloids who believe it exists.


>One of the interviews on the official SF5 site with Itsuno talks about how Capcom branched out because everyone else was making tons of interesting fighting games, but Capcom only had Street Fighter
>It's over 20 years later and they're back to only having Street Fighter

>A meme

Niggas that type like you are usually scrub as fuck with no knowledge on the shit you're even talking about. I gave you a chance and you exposed yourself. Get the fuck outta here.

Keep crying.

He probably thinks Street Fighter and Marvel invented air blocking, chain combos, guard cancels, ES specials and air dashing. Probably also buys into the revisionist history that SF3 was successful and loved.

that's some mighty fine edge you got there, almost cut me.

>so many baseless assumptions
A river of salty tears.

>Why did this happen? Why can't we get better fighters from this company?
With SFV struggling, you won't see any new fighting game from Capcom for a long time if ever. Just give up all hope.

You should definitely cut yourself.

SF is gonna die hard in the coming years because of the milking. Hell that was the reason it happened last time, How the fuck are they now seeing themselves repeat the same fucking mistake?

I would not be surprised in the slightest bit.

oh jeez, you're almost up to shadow standards. Keep it up kid don't let those red and black dreams slip away.

Salty samefag.

>BB Hood
WHY is she so perfect?

resident evil 7, deep down, dead rising 4

I don't think that's true. I think they if they are smart they will realize they need something more than just SF.

None of these are fighters my dear user.

>Darkstalkers isn't dead
>Go to EVO 2016
>literally only 30 people in the VSAV area
>every other side tourney has close to a 100+



this, i wanna spectate you fagits going to town on each other


Reap21 is mine.

cute as a button
fun to play

>SNK leaves pachinko
>KoFXIV is the return to basics that the series has needed since 99
>SamSho is so blatantly on the way they might as well confirm it already
>they also want to make a new Buriki One since dual analog controllers exist now, World Heroes, Garou 2, and maybe Last Blade 3
Truly the savior we deserve.


How can SNK afford to make a bunch of different fighters but Capcom can't?

>Buriki One since dual analog controllers exist now,

Did it use dual arcade sticks or something?

Of all the people, we can thank the chinese who bought them. Yes, the chinese want SNK to go back to console and abandon pachinko and mobile, and to branch out their IPs into anime, movies, and most of all, video games on consoles.

Hell nah we don't. That fuck nigga only trolls his shitty ass scrub opinions on image boards. He don't wanna see me in no fighting games.

bad end

That's a shame.

Fucking lame.
I'm gonna keep doing that whenever I see two anons going at it in a fightan thread though.

It was basically an arcade layout but backwards. You had two buttons for left and right on the left side, and on the right side was the joystick for attacks a la Fight Night before Fight Night was a thing.

Oh. I get it then. That's odd. But interesting.

It was really a revolutionary control scheme at the time and I think people would be down for an arcade style Fight Night game since those don't even really exist anymore. It was a really cool game that was a lot more technical than it would appear at first glance.

I agree

Yeah that should be a thing! I'ma gonna do it too.


My goal is to get it "is juri good for a beginner" tier at least. I need a good, spammable image to associate with it.


>KoFXIV is the return to basics that the series has needed since 99

did you even play 2002?

they removed all the bullshit from the Nest saga

>Garou 2

Garou is what Fatal Fury is called in japan you fucking dolt

>Garou is what Fatal Fury is called in japan you fucking dolt
But we're not on 2ch, pretty much everyone is going to assume you mean motw when you just say garou here.

We should make one. Or even a thread about it so we can really make this a thing. It'll stop alot of shitposting I'm sure.

>they removed all the bullshit from the Nest saga
Did YOU even play 02? You think all that MAX mode bullshit was a return to basics? Get the fuck out of here, that game was just as bullshit in a different way, especially when you had Angel and Vanessa shitting up the game with BC touch of death and infinite garbage in vanilla 02 and Nameless bullshit in 02UM. It was nowhere near a core KoF experience. If you think 02 was, then so was XIII for being basically the exact same game.

>Garou is what Fatal Fury is called in japan you fucking dolt
Fatal Fury is Garou Densetsu you fucking cunt, there is only one Garou: Mark of the Wolves, and even in Japan MOTW is recognized as JUST Garou.

Fuck off trying to show everyone how smart you are, because you're coming off like a massive asshole, and it doesn't help your case when you're incorrect, you fucking retard.

It could work I suppose.

>It'll stop alot of shitposting I'm sure.
Nah, people still gonna shitpost. Its just gonna be funny to see who's really willing to nut up. And it'll get more vidya being played around these threads.

In Japan, "garou" is the sound a wolf makes(growl). That's why it's legend of the hungry wolf.

: D

>fightcade Threads

this should be a thing

SFV is shit.