New battleborn looks really cool

Who else here is hyped for the new badass battleborn that Gearbox is adding in August? Out of all the battleborns, Pendles seems like he'll be my favorite.

Other urls found in this thread:

>72 players
>still adding content
there are easier ways to waste money

There's a lot more than 72. There are about 2000 during peak hours on PC and about 10k on PS4 and 10k on XBOX One during peak hours there.

>describing something as "badass"
>using the name field
>social share in the filename
>calling out Gearbox by name

Jason, look, I know you have a job to do but you're doing it poorly. Christ.

Pendles could be cool, or he could be an annoying piece of shit. Depends on whether or not anyone has the brains to keep Orendi's writer locked up in a little box.

Tried out BB's "MOBA" game mode and hated it. Everything feels so bullet spongy. Minions take way too long to kill and it's 5v5 one lane which is a mess. RTS-esque is the only way to go with this type of game.

Go away randy

Hm? What's the point of the name field if we aren't meant to use it?
Why are you calling me Randy?

>Hm? What's the point of the name field if we aren't meant to use it?

>this post
>this thread

Is this an ironic shilling thread or something? also, Pendles looks pretty good

No, really. Why is there a name field if were aren't supposed to use it? Wouldn't it make sense to just remove it?


This game is fun, but Jesus the outdated memes
what were they thinking????

You may not like it, but Gearbox's brand of humor is popular with most people. That's why Tiny Tina was a fan favorite in Borderlands 2.

I get it, Jason, I really do. The name field is for tripcodes. It's poor taste to use it here. Man, look... You're not going to get any of us to buy Battleborn or Pendles. Man, just look...

I'm guessing you see how much traffic this place gets, figured you'd get some clicks, earn some commission... But this is clearly your first time here. You could have opened any thread and seen that nobody uses the name field, but no... You had to assume you know better than the entire userbase of the website and put Jason in there. I'm guessing Jason isn't even your real name.

Not only that, you used the subject field. You could have done so much research, but you threw away your integrity for a shot at a quick buck. You fucked up, kid.... Plain and simple........

>social share
>ironic innocent defense of namefagging

God damn it, Sup Forums. We've reached some kind of shitpost singularity.

Jason, I'll buy it if you show me Pendles' cock.

Maybe, when it goes Free to Play.

is it part of the season pass? I can't believe they added a season pass to this pile of shit.

How many goddamn layers of irony is this thread on right now?

If I'm not meant to use a name, why am I going to start using a code that's unique to me?
Haha, you might see it in a while when some of the "weirder" fans get a hold of him. I won't judge, though.
There's no reason for it to do so. The price will naturally decrease over time like it does with all games. The developers need a steady source of income to keep adding new content.

i dunno, 5 or 6?

>the developers need a steady source of income to keep adding new content.
You know free to play games are often more profitable than paid to play games. Cough, cough league of legends.

Backfire of a season pass.

Free to Play games frequently fail because their player base is too low. For every League of Legends, Team Fortress 2, and DOTA 2, there are hundreds of failed Free to Play games.


Lurk more, marketing faggot

>player base to low
have you seen the battleborn's player base? Evolve is good example it brought a dead game into a game that actually people play.

There's a limit at how much you can decrease a price. BB will get F2P or it will stay forever at 2k players.

Shit game, move along now anons.

>A literal shill

Haha what the fuck

>This thread

lmfao i have no idea

i honestly cannot tell who's false flagging anymore

In today's environment, 2,000 players is great. It puts Battleborn well above the amount of players most games have. And like I've said before, this is on PC only. There are tons more players on console. I'll admit that entering the MOBA market with a fully priced title wasn't necessarily a great move for PC, but it was great for console. There are almost no MOBA titles on console, so Battleborn was something most console gamers haven't experienced. That's why it's doing much better on PS4 and XBOX One.

>2k players

>2,000 players i great
no it isnt it is fucking terrible and even the console numbers are terrible too

It is. Look at the player numbers for most games on Steam, for example. They're well below 2,000. And again, Battleborn entered into an extremely saturated market, which wasn't the smartest move. The fact that Blizzard was up to their usual anti-competitive behavior didn't help, either.

I don't hate this design, in fact I'd go so far as to say it's pretty alright. But it's gotta go through the games shit piss graphics style that's the unholy marriage of Borderlands, WoW and Disney Infinity and he'll look like absolute fucking shit, just like most of the designs in the game.

the ironic shill meme is the unfunniest meme on Sup Forums and it's never gonna go away

>A literal shill

Haha what the fuck

I don't care about battleboned but 2k is more than enough for 5v5
not every game has to have dota 2 numbers

Read my post just below yours. 2000 players snugly puts any game in to the top 100 on Steam.

Look, why don't you and Jason just go back the way you came and never come back.

Looks pretty good. I wonder how much Peddles costs? I'm sure it will be worth the value!

The art direction of Battleborn seems to be unpopular on this website, but I know for a fact that it's popular with most people. People like the way it looks.
>top 100 steam chart
ctrl f battle bornborn no results
battleborn is supposed to be triple A and is a new game when older indie games are leaps ahead

Jason my man good to see you here!
Have you told them about our awesome new "battleplans"? You see a badass community deserves free updates! We've only just released snowblind, outback, and temples but in the coming weeks there will be LOADS of sick stuff.

I hope you fucking realize Warframe, a F2P, has over twice your players and no advertising whatsoever. Your game is dying, dude.

Ctrl F battleborn no results*

I never said that all Free to Play games fail, just that most fail.

Max? What the fr*ck are you doing here?
I thought I was the only one assigned to this job.

That thing doesn't look like a good player character, it looks like a semi-decent RPG enemy.

Good to see you here Jason! Pendles looks like he's a true badass to play, probably my new favorite, the last being the badass that was Benedict.

See you on later for some games of Battleborn!

Are you guys messing with me for using the name field? Why not discuss the game?

I was about to type up a long-winded post about the shit character design/unappealing art direction but then I realized OP is being a funny man

where the fuck are the legitimate threads about character design and shit so I can talk about it

God damn I don't think ive ever seen a more obvious shill thread on Sup Forums

Your game is fucking trash

This ironic shilling is as bad as toddposting. Pure cancer.

"The shit character design/unappealing art direction." That's a matter of opinion. Like I said before, the art direction is popular with most people. This website is going against the majority on this.

Back to le reddit

How does this work. You give check now yes

Last I saw it was a 1000 at best, console is more populated but

>PS4 and Xbox one about 10K
>Source my ass

Shilling? Hardly. I'm a huge fan of Battleborn and can't wait to play as Pendle. He looks so badass and cool. I hope more gamers come and try out Pendle as well and enjoy the amazing community.

Toddposting is legitimately the only funny shit, forced-meme to come out of this cesspool in the last 5 years. Ironic shilling is the unfunniest garbage this awful board has come up with ever. Worse than the shitty barney bait threads. Worse than all the "haha 90s cartoons nostalgia remember this thing???? it's video games haha" threads. Worse than the shitty fucking tile-guy meme, even.

This is the most obvious shill thread I've ever seen, and its fantastic

It should be pretty obvious, but this is not me.

I know! But I got relocated to be here, it's a very strange site haha!

After you, friend.

The person you replied to wasn't me.
This is also not me.

Come back to me

Is it free or paid?
And even then Overwatch got a new character even earlier than Blunder Born and is probably getting a new one soon too.

It manages to be even worse than THIS tired shit meme too.

This, I wanna know if it's gonna be free or if I'm gonna have to pay for Pendles.

Stop this namefagging shit you faggots
By the way Asuka best girl

There are five planned battleborns that will be released for free, Alani and Pendles being the first two of the five.

>this entire thread

i love this board now

kusoyaro teme, fuk yu moot Sup Forums arr mine

stop being triggered by memes, dude

Ah! Il mio amico, si gioca anche Nato in Battaglia? Molto buono gioco!

Memes are a way of the future. It's a lifestyle.

Why Alani priced so high?
You want me to use real money don't you Jason...

you're supposed to use it if you want the people in the thread to call you by some nickname or something. like in a draw thread

What do you mean "prices so high?" Alani is free.

These are not me.

You know what? I changed my mind. Fuck this game, it's garbage.

I'm a fucking faggots and cants stop sucking cock. Long live Battleborn!

A draw thread? Is that on a different part of the website?

47000 credits is not easy to get Jason

If you want to instantly unlock them, then go ahead and buy the season pass. Battleborn is a MOBA and grindy by nature. It's not hard to grind out the 47,000 credits.




Hey you can always buy more if you like.

>buy the season pass

When barely any of the promised content is out? Fuck that.


Battleborn has only been out for a couple months. It's not surprising that not all of the content is out.

How do you do fellow gamers?
Battleborn is such a fun game huh?

That was actually pretty decent

Is battleborn wirth buying yet?


It's currently in the 2K Bundle on Humble Bundle if you want to pick it up for cheap. You even get some cool skins and platinum currency.

So Randy, how come when I play this game on my PS4 the interface says "wait: short" for EVERY mode but then searches for 5 minutes?

But I really wouldn't recommend getting it, battleborn's pretty terrible, just get Overwatch instead.