Are there any PC games like dark cloud?
Dungeon exploring, cool story adventure.
There must be something good in the mountains of indie trash that gets greenlit onto steam.
Are there any PC games like dark cloud?
Dungeon exploring, cool story adventure.
There must be something good in the mountains of indie trash that gets greenlit onto steam.
It's a mediocre game. Just emulate any Zelda and you'll be getting a better experience.
bumping for interest
It's an early ps2 game and was genuinely fun. Dungeoncrawl, townbuilding, weapon-forging, plenty of secrets and bosses. Setting was flavourful as fuck.
Legend of Grimrock maybe? Doesn't play like it though and story is not as charming with its characters. But it has the fun dungeon exploring that I dug in both these games.
What does Sup Forums think about games that force you to constantly repair your weapons?
I remember in this game if you upgrade your weapon it had a chance of breaking too.
It's fine because you literally have a weapon health bar, and the game warns you when your weapon is close to breaking. And no, it could not break if you leveled it up.
that game had loads of really tedious mechanics, but it was okay
the sequel did everything much better
yeah like cutscenes every five fucking minutes with some of the most obnoxious voice-acting
rehashing the previously destroyed fake dark genie as a boss because...?
it had so much potential, but instead it decided to inspire Bloodborne
My only complaint with the sequel is that it required much more grinding to complete as compared to the first one.
Roguelites? There's plenty.
That just comes with the territory of there being alot more to do in the game compared to the first one.
Yeah but even just advancing the story required a couple hours of grinding per area
Dark Cloud was such a shitty game. Crappy town building, shitty breakable weapons, randomly generated dungeons and downright bad combat. The only reason anyone remembers it and subsequently got a niche following on Sup Forums is because it was marketed as some kind of zelda-esque game.
>Want to just play as the protagonist.
>Forced to be other shitters to pass certain pitfalls/enemies.
ree I guess.
just emulate it
>all these casuals shitting on it ITT
The town building was actually pretty complex, you had to pay attention to npc hints to rebuild settlements in optimal ways (while still allowing a pretty wide degree of customization options) and the weapon durability was hardly even an issue past the first area.
It was a genuinely good game, nothing great by any means, but for the time it managed to blend together a lot of elements really well.
don't bother with that user
he's probably one of these casuals that can't handle a game without handholding
Just started this game yesterday. It's a pretty fun game so far but I can see tons of the mechanics becoming extremely tedious after a while.
Repairing weapons wasn't that bad since it made you put more care into your weapon than just slapping upgrades into it and gave you a reason to carry a variety of weapons.
The problem was when you accidentally use a charged melee attack against a metal enemy and your Ass Crusher +10 instantly falls apart.
It actually feels much less tedious the further you get in as you become accustomed to the game. If you're a completionist you'll have so many resources that you won't even need to worry about stuff breaking or thirst. If anything the bigger concern will be status ailments and stocking elemental items against enemies with strong defense.
I am literally playing through Dark Cloud 2 a second time right now. I'm starting with chapter 6 and I've never needed to level a weapon past level 5 before ranking it up OR needed to spend more than 1 extra dungeon floor getting ABS.
Doubt it.
>that organized inventory
good man
Level bought weapons with good abilities and synthesize them on your main weapon. It's super easy.
You can get your main/bought weapon to +3-4 with only one floor of a dungeon, and that's without having thorn armlet's/coined ABS+. Try it if you think I'm lying.
DC2's main failing is that they don't tell you how to do things the right way. My first playthrough was spent synthing georama elements on my weapons and I nearly quit the game before I found a poison sword to dot every enemy with. Figuring out the way to optimize your shit is hugely rewarding and came to me mid starlight canyon.
and make sure to buy an antique sword to add stop to your weapons.