Legendary item

>Legendary item
>can't be bothered to make a new model

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Will a normal human being be able to obtain all legendary items?
Can i keep my job?

Its Warcraft post-burning crusade, so yes.

>unique model
>actually a weapon mod
>transferrable and stacks with other bleed mods

no, your first legendary is "cheated %" of a sort, the longer you don't get it the more chances you get

rest of them? good luck


>legendary waist, rings, neck, wrists and feet

Oh boy, can't wait to show these off to everyone in Orgrimmar! Fucking retards

>old what makes it legendary?
well maybe a couple people on the server will have one or be working towards it and theyre guild put in an effort to get them the item

>nu what makes it legendary?
uhh well it says it right there can't you read?

Haha I hate WoW

>You can only equip 1
>It gives you a bland passive effect

Bravo Blizzard

They want to make it Diablo 3 but they're not even willing to go all the way

He's right you know. I didn't make it to max level in Vanilla, but every expansion past BC (and all other MMOs in general) comparatively only offer a portion of relative content.

I gave WoTLK, Cata and PandaLand raiding a shot, but afterwords I had to ask myself: Why would I play this inferior product?

This isn't even a new color right?

Regardless, im salty, glad I quit mid cata and even then only played drunk

>tfw you'll never raid TK again while it's relevant

On another note Archi in hyjal was easy as fuck if you didn't lag hard


I wonder how many times they've used that same exact spine item icon.

it even has the same talent tree as Diablo 3 now

>legendary names that have no relevance

Why even fucking bother?


Wew lad, BC babies are here.

i thought they wanted to make diablo 3 into wow

i'm so confused

Who is Ceann-Ar?
Who is Kazzalax?
Who is Sephuz?
Who is Ayala?

Epic """"""""""""""""""""LEGENDARY"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" items there Blizzard good work

well most of the lore figures are dead, and who wants to wear shit that couldn't keep a dead asshole alive? so they had to make up names.

this is blizzard in current year. they dont care anymore.

>a legendary item with a worthless passive and just stats
thats never been what legendaries are about. bravo blizzard on shitting up your game.

Legendary implies there's some kind of legend surrounding the item, though.

Started in 1.9 and was ~12

Fuck off manchild, bet you never beat kael or vashj

They should've just made a new item class, just make it yellow and called them Fel Items or some shit, you could still have them and you'd avoid all the people complaining they're legendaries.

I quit in Vanilla, m80. Nice attempt, though.

>well most of the lore figures are dead, and who wants to wear shit that couldn't keep a dead asshole alive? so they had to make up names.
Yes, and that's why no-one gives a shit about the game anymore. That's why the original fans who came from WC3 are more or less entirely gone. They're sick of the game shitting all over what was left of the lore. At this point it's beyond parody levels.

Diablo 3 then sold 30 million copies while WoW slowly bled subscribers

The average low life loser who still play WoW wants legendary items and do millions of damage. They don't care about lore nor have self-respect.

Blizzard know their target market.

>That's why the original fans who came from WC3 are more or less entirely gone.

Speak for yourself my friend. Still here still droning

Only autistic pissbabies care about the color of an online object. They're literally too retarded to see that these types of legendaries work differently and think they're supposed to be a parallel to the legendaries of the past. The only research they do is shitposting at images like the OP.

Well, I did say 'more or less'. Think of yourself as the exception to the rule.

holy shit kill yourself. If they didnt want them being compared to legendaries of the past they should have made them fucking epics

Legendaries are actually interesting if they are not simple stat boosts and people are mad only because of the name and colour.

Dumb shitposter.

As always they're using old models as replacements until they ship the final product. You'd know this if you had ever followed WoW's development.

Wew, remember that time Thrall brandished Thunderfury in his epic battle against Ragnaros and then also got Sulfuron which he used to strike down Mannoroth?

Legendaries in WoW have been 90% made up items.

>Legendaries in WoW have been 90% made up items.

Every item is made up, but the difference is how much effort is put in to it to make it feel like you earned it.

Getting a legendary off a fucking boar is retarded.

i miss shadowmourne

Worst looking Legendary.

I really enjoy how the countless thread of wow shitposting could have all been stopped if they made these fucking pink or brown or some shit and called them 'glorious' or 'fabled' or some shit.
You are all just shit posting because the pixels describing the item are orange.

fight me

Nobody actually cares. It's just fun to mock Blizzard over how they're further turning their own IP into a parody of what it once was.


courtesy of Jay "fuck that loser" Wilson

Orange had a meaning in the game, why is it so crazy that people take that to mean something?

Jay Wilson doesn't work for Blizzard anymore.

BC had welfare legendaries too.

Now Diablo 3 and WoW really are indistinguishable

You braindead?

>All the Legendaries are like this
>People complain


Why did BC casualize legendaries so much?
> Warblades take as much effort as any other Illidan loot table item to get

At least Wotlk got back the crafting part.

Blizzard's a living joke.

No, but it seems his ideas still do.

and what was up with Tempest Keep? People got legendaries from there every week.

BC sucked ass.

>Fuck off manchild, bet you never beat kael or vashj
>kael or vashj
Killing either of them is not an achievement. I literally killed them in a pug.

And when was this?

This game is pure trash and I see Blizzard still hasn't managed to balance it

During the BT patch, when it was still mostly relevant.

i too can kill bosses from 9 years ago on my level 100

They've had items with interesting effects since Vanilla.

Also "Gain 10 rage whenever you Enrage is boring as shit

You can still use it during Timewalking dungeons for Wrath and earlier.

imagine how fucking op a weapon like that would be in today's WoW climate

Let's not pretend legendary items with boring effects haven't existed forever.


I tried to make it less absurd and ugly

Well you did a terrible job.

Nigger arrows actually existed back then and you got free MAGICAL arrows

>The Wardrobe gave me the Tabard of the Lightbringer because it was a quest reward
>I had sold it the moment I completed the quest

lying on the internet doesn't bring you anything user

shadowmourne is best looking legendary by far

>thunderfury still rotting away in my bank

>Resource generation that affects your class performance is boring
>"I get to go to a vendor less" isn't

But let's not stop there.
>It throws a Fireball!
>Just like every other blue in Vanilla that threw a Fireball or Shadow Bolt
Look at all of this interesting design from the good old days. Much better than these generic, uninspired modern items.

And that's why you aren't a game designer.

>cant use my glaives on warrior because we're forced 2h for fury now

I only whip them out for BC timewalks now I can't even fucking do that.

Sorry, forgot my picture*

I never liked Shadowmourne. Not only does it look generic as fuck, it reminds me of a shitty fanfic ripoff of a canonical character or item.

>Dude Frostmourne is so coooool... Now what if I had another legendary rune weapon...
>I need a good name.. oh shit I know... SHADOWmourne! Cause then it's like Frostmourne but different!

Total trash.

The quest was neat. The lore from the items was neat. Revisiting Frostmourne cave was neat. Everything but the weapon itself was alright.

Oh, except the spell effect when you gained a bunch of soulfragments or whatever. That was badass a fuck.

they want wow to become a console game someday

screencap this

I remember when maybe 1 or 2 people in my server had thunderfury. I saw it once in a PvP battleground and was floored. Now the Fucking legendaries are growing on trees.

BC started the "gear as stat stick" shit nigger. Fuck off. Vanilla had interesting things but min/maxers pitched a bitch because "muh optimization!"

No console baby is going to buy anything that looks like WoW.

Or because it's the Shadow of Frostmourne

I'm not lying. I did everything except BT/Sunwell with a pug in TBC. Back then group/raid finder didn't exist and servers had an actual community where it was easier to find good people for things like that. My group consisted of about 10 people who only did these pugs, 10 alts from the top 3-4 guilds, and then 5 people from trade chat.

ps4 /xbone port is in the making annd will be announced at the next blizzcon

>need to kill Kazzak for his stupid fucking trinket that is now BIS for pretty much everyone after it got buffed and all HFC trinkets got nerfed
>CRZ is broken and you can't for a raid without it getting fractured into 5 realms



>muh resource management
>muh rotations

he's right though, ssc was easy.

>I never liked shadowmourne
>except for the quest, lore, the weapon itself, and the spell effect

are you tsundere?

Will I be able to xfer my 2000 hour character file to console?

Boring? It saved you so much money back in the day and made you unique.

you say that like his influence gets retroactively removed
everything he did in wow is still in there, it doesn't matter if he left or not

aren't all wowfags?

I'm bored to shit what class do I play

It wasn't that it threw a random fireball you dumbshit. It's that it was the highest DPS weapon in the game that also threw a Pyroblast/Soulfire that nuked people for 1/5th their health.

It also made you immune to Rogues.

As compared to:
>Gain this effect that we pruned from the game back whenever you enrage.

>legendary item
>isn't any rarer or more valuable than a common item

>Tons of lore figures they could've pulled this shit from to at least make them seem cool.
>It's almost all random nobodies that no one has heard of.

This always confused me. If an item is gonna be "legendary" there should only be a handful (or one) of the item in distribution

BC casualized a ton of shit, that's why.

Loving the new Diablo-style legendaries.

we're redesigning weapons now