Beach levels

>beach levels
has there ever been a bad one?

Wave Ocean.

Seawall Battery was pretty shitty.

>tfw never got to fuck slutty mcslut

I always thought the beach levels in Ape Escape were terrifying

fire emblem awakening

they are still releasing new sex kitten games on newgrounds

They still are? Fuck this makes me feel old as I remember playing this shit during middle school whenever my parents weren't around me.

It's 2016 and I still want to fuck Sucky Fucko

Slutty McSlut is worst girl. She never lets you fuck her, you just watch porn together.


yeah man there are like a dozen of them on ng

What the fuck? I thought they stopped making this shit back in 2009.

damn, I'd completely forgotten this semen demon. I should revisit these games for nostalgia's sake

What's newgrounds?

Wasn't that watermelon shine in Mario Sunshine on a beach level?

You shut your whore mouth faggot

I never liked sex kitten games.



What's google?

EDF, the "Crimson" stage.

It's just ants, a lot of them.

Are you really this much of a newfag or what? It's a search engine. Stop using Yahoo

I think he's fucking with you at this point.


best character/game/song right here


Is this how far we've fallen?

One of the best tracks in SASRT


what was the character art for sucky fucko? she seems familiar

It's kind of hard to totally fuck up a beach level. Even if the gameplay is bad, there's still a nice beach to look at.

>80s beach level
You can't get better