Genji experiment

>rank down to low 40s from low 60s on purpose
>play only genji to rank up (I have 40 hours played with him)
>every game I played out of 15 I have won
>14 of those 15 I've had at least 2 golds (damage/elims)
>all of those games, I've been blamed for everything wrong happening even after I read out my stats to the team
>met with "kills don't matter it's a team game" and shit along those lines
>even after I get cards at the end of the game for 60+% kill participation people are still pissed
I heard people complain before, but I can officially say if you play Hanzo, Widow, Genji, Bastion, Ana, and sometimes Mei, NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU DO, you will be the blame.

Fun fact: Genji is becoming a staple on every competitive team for how strong and dynamic his ult is. Accept it.

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He needs reworked

He's a squishy mobile flanker made to counter support, just like Tracer. Without them there's no real hard counter to healers.

show your 15 win streak. faggot. i wont even ask you to show proof that you're "low 60s"

also, he isnt becoming a staple on ANY competitive team. unaccepted.

thought it was because zenyetta synergies well with him because his healing orbs have near unlimited range

Genji needs a nerf.

>200 hp
>higher mobility then tracer
>does 175 damage infinite macro that only requires .1 to pull off

And people defend the hero saying he needs a buff.

you know who needs a buff, the only fucking 150hp hero in the game.

>14 of those 15 I've had at least 2 golds (damage/elims)

So the two least helpful medals. Not even objective kills? You are a problem. It's no wonder you dropped from 60 to 40 "on purpose".

>has 50 more hp then tracer
>has faster cooldowns too

implying low 60's is good

is game down?

>faster cooldowns
>tracers blink comes back in 2 seconds

>implying it isnt

you forgot your >

and nowhere in my post does it say low 60s is good. but 99% of Sup Forums is fucking atrocious at video games and are not above rank 40.

I mean I guess if the one you're playing against is completely retarded. His double jump+wall climb+dash+invincible reflect+small hitbox just makes him annoying to play against. As a squishy flanker his survivability and damage output just make no sense.

>tracers blink comes back in 2 seconds
>her rewind in 12
>Genji gets to dash every 8 seconds twice as far as 1 blink, and in all directions
>it's reset on a kill

again, the faggot needs a nerf, or tracer needs a buff.

Lucio can get gold obj kills by speeding around tickling people on KOTH.

That stat doesn't mean much.

>not above rank 40
all the shitters are in the 40s
like me

This. Tracer can't harass as effectively anymore with the new buffs and how pitiful her health pool is. A 25+ HP buff would greatly help

Zenyatta / Reaper / McCree / Roadhog / Junkrat / etc all murder her if they just look at her

At least he would be on the point doing the objective.

you sound really bad if you cant kill a genji

>shitters can't deal with genji
How's console treating you?

Have you heard the good word about Winston?

it isn't talk to me when you hit 70

tracer is strong af if anything they should give her nerf but desu she is probably just balanced. and extra 25 hp will make incredibly broken

Exactly, people think tracers rewind is powerful. But it's not.

if Junkrat and Pharah can kill you with 80% health left.

McCree and Mai can one shot her. Reaper can kill her in a single shot. Zenyatta only requires 2 shots with the debuff.

With all the increases in damage and healthpools of other heroes its fucked her kit hard.

Why is this always the response when someone gives legit info?

Genji is overpowered as fuck right now, even okay players are able to carry very well with him, especially with the macro that is currently out. Which is the most annoying part about him as there was a patch to stop macros on 76, yet part of Genjis kit is a damn macro.

Talk to me when you hit 80

That's very good, like top of the world good. 60 is still a good rank.

I would say remove 50 HP on him and/or tweak his reset on dash so that ONLY when he kills with dash is the cooldown reset.

>genji isn't a problem
>get better with tracer

at minimum its up every 8 seconds.

I think the 50 HP removal would be good; put him on similar terms as Tracer. I still think it's stupid his reflect also blocks melee damage and he can cancel it at anytime with a dash, but maybe I'm alone in that.

What does the macro do

I'm a Genji "main" and have never been blamed ever. In fact one time someone said "Calm down seagull"

I'm rank 65 too, thank god I calibrated at 55, I've heard the horror stories of being in the 40's.

People just like to bitch. I've had people bitch at my Junkrant even when he's my best character and I can 3 gold half my games and that includes objective.

This one right here, .1 seconds for 164 damage.

Talk to me when you hit 90.

Talk to me when you get to 100

Go back to League or CSGO or wherever you came from. Nothing better to do than rank down so you can stomp scrubs, wow kid.

Say that to my face, fucker, not online and see what happens

>he's so delusional he claims to have intentionally deranked
Look it's okay to admit that you were placed incorrectly.

>Game is entirely about point protection/assault

>I know, I'll play the guy who is absolutely pointless in Point protection or assault.

The fact that you think Kill praticipation is useful shows you're a fucking tool.

Technically kills does help, it weakens the enemies lines and allows your team to focus more or not have to fight as many.

Even more so if you are killing their healers.

But you know, I'm just talking out of my ass.

I'm not OP, I'm the Tracer guy

See this is fucking bullshit. I just get frsutrated because anytime a Genji kills me I check and they have a character spread that resembles like 50+ hours Genji, 20+ of Mcree or Hanzo, and then a huge gap down to like 4 hours on any other hero. Now knowing about the macro will definitely have me keeping an eye out for similar situations.

A kill on the defending team is worth less than the kill on the attacking team, especially as the match goes on.

A Genji is less useful than say a Soldier 76 or Junkrat who not only provide kills, but also provide area deny and support

>talk to me when you hit x rank otherwise your input doesnt matter
You don't have to be the best at a game to understand how it works and understand its design flaws. Besides that the game should be balanced around casual play not competitive since the games only real objective is to be fun.

I've just been reporting anyone who does it. It's obvious as all fuck when it happens as well. You'll see them miss and then go full panic mode.

It's also why you see so many genjis jump in the middle of a fight and then fly the fuck off right after a kill.

Not anymore, this last nerf has seen him pretty much become worthless. he's been fully replaced by McCree again.

As for Junkrat, he is only useful at defending. having him on attack rarely works unless the enemy team has a very good flanker.

60 rank is still full of badies you only get good player when you are in the very high 60's at least.

>As for Junkrat, he is only useful at defending. having him on attack rarely works unless the enemy team has a very good flanker.

Nigga what? He's more useful than Genji because he does more damage and effectively ends sieges himself.

>I've just been reporting anyone who does it
>"I've been reporting people for playing the game"
Liquid autism.

>mcree can one shot her
Are you stupid his headshots only do 140 damage he cannot 1 shot her but mei can

>As for Junkrat, he is only useful at defending.
Not the way I play him.

>Demoman is only useful for Defending

That is the logic you're using.

76 is still top teir offense i main him in 70 plus rating and still can deal with mcree decently, but yes mcree does now outclass him

Macros have been perma bannable for a long time in all Blizzard games.

And as I said, you can tell when someone is using it. It's very obvious. it's just like those people who use the roadhog melee one, it's sad seeing them miss a chain and still shoot and melee.

She has 150hp, 1 shot leaves her at 10hp. that is a oneshot as a punch will kill her, hell just sneezing on her will kill her.

And this means that if you engage a McCree at anything less then 141 out of 150hp you will die.

Let that sink in.

76 isn't top tier offense anymore, This is coming from one of the higher ranked players with him.

Play him however you want, I'm not here to judge that. But he isn't very useful and also has probably the worst ult in the game right now as any smart flanker will kill him on it.

>he isn't a staple on any competitive team
Lol yes he is. Every single game in gosugamers lately has had a Zen, Mcree and Genji.

>Muh Flanker

Ah right, I'm talking to some retard "Meta game" shitter.

It's ok you don't know how to play Junkrat and can only play retard proof shit.

>something that literally does not kill someone in one shot is a oneshot
that's cute

user, purposely putting yourself at a disadvantage doesn't make you good. It makes you retarded.

>he thinks punches are bullets

>any smart flanker will kill him on it.
That's why you get creative with it. Same with Pharah's ult. Use the fact that it can climb walls to experiment. The enemies can always hear it but they don't always know where its coming from until it bounces on their face.

As soon as you hear him ult you can easily find him, even more so as Tracer.

Vast majority of the time it leads to his ult getting no kills, and him dying with a walk back to his attack/defense.

>B-But muh Meta

See, here is the stupidity of your argument.

A) you think Junkrat is only useful with his ultimate, yet Mcree's ult is just as hilariously gimped.

B) Overwatch's Meta is literally the TF2 one. Scout, Demoman, Soldier and Medic. Saying Junkrat is shit means you have no idea how to play offensive Junkrat.

It's not a macro, you idiot.

Plus, genji has been INTENTIONALLY built around animation canceling by Blizzard. They have said so in dozens of interviews.

How do I hammer it into my friends thick skull that torb is worthless after a certain rank

Those shitters that stick to the objective at all costs are needed, too, but it's hilarious that they think flankers aren't part of the reason they can succesfully do their jobs.

>he thinks he's good

This is what I hate about comp. games, it bloats out everyone's egos

>He thinks Junkrats need to be 5 miles away from the team to use the Tyre

You know it takes like 2 seconds max to deploy and it's actually safer to use it at close range.

Then again, you probably think Junkrat is supposed to be a backline long range hero don't you moron?

>useful with his ult
No, I said his ult is worthless and it leaves him open to die.

McCree can still roll and cancel out of his ult, he also does not have to wait for it to spool up.

It's not that I don't have any idea how to play offensive junkrat. It's that there are much better choices to pick over him. like I said, purposely putting yourself at a disadvantage isn't worth it.

And the only real time to even get a junkrat is to drop a Rein shield, even then he's not worth it.

Best bet is to just trap areas flankers frequent and bomb them.

>it's not a marco
Right, because you will consistently pull of that combo in .1 seconds. It's a macro, just like how it used to be a macro on 76, if you set a mouse to have a on/off of 400ms it would allow perfect burst fire.

What determines a good quick score?

>2 seconds to deploy
yup, and it only takes 1 magazine from tracer to kill both the tire and junkrat with headshots.

He's worthless in any real competitive move on the game.

It's exactly why no one really uses him outside of joke runs. similar to old Zenyatta.

So.... you don't know how to play Junkrat then.


Hows rank 40 elo hell treating you user?

so that's what shittiers now tell themselves. that it's a macro.

pulling this out is extremely easy if you are not a shittier with a coordination of 80yr old. it's even fucking easier when you and your target are staying still and you don't have to worry about aiming/other shit that is happening.

only problem is that you need to stand in someones face to pull full dmg off. good luck doing that in the heat of the battle.
even if you are a genji god you won't be able to get full 164 dmg everytime.

by the way, if you are allowing genji to do full dmg combo then it's time to git gud.

>Overwatch meta is literally the TF2 one
No it isn't. Pharah is trash tier this patch. Mercy is now situational. Junkrat is also situational at best. I wouldn't really consider Genji a scout either and Tracer is rarely played outside of KOTH.

Not him but I think he means people setting up a macro to do it for them.

>Doesn't know how to play a role
>Therefore it's not competitive.

Pretty much sums up the entire Overwatch scene.

>fuck I've been found out
>better tell everyone its not a macro

Hero based shooters are trash and cancer anyway. Get better taste and switch to better non shittly designed and made game instead of crying like a punk as bitch

Lmao shitters actually have to use macros to do that? It's already so piss easy to do.

>doesn't know how to use a roll
>The roll is complete shit

Fixed that for you.

t. shittier who can't play for shit.

I've deranked from 60 to 30 using roadhog in pacific mode and giving the opposite team free ult.

No one ever blame me for the lose.

It's always ana, bastion, hanzo, genji or widow fault.

Overwatch """""community"""""


have you never played a fighting game before you doofus?

Monkey main here

I regularly fling my shit at genjis on PC. Fact, he deals with supports and snipers much better than anyone else.

>Genji is not a scout
>Tracer is rarely played.

So how exactly is Junkrat countered?

>press 3 buttons fast
right, hows your godly .1 second 3 buttons reaction speed user?

>This kid still plays pharah
Ever since the latest patch, 76, Pharah, and Tracer don't get picked anymore and Genji was never NOT picked in the first place

I really don't like sounding like "that guy", but one thing objective based shooters have that is different from normal shooters is in fact: the objective.

It's nice and all that you can kill so many people and get most damage done. Bravo, really, good on you. The problem is two fold: You and your team and the objective.

Ultimately, if your team or YOU can't utilize those kills, it means NOTHING.

If your killing back line guys and there's a reinhardt sitting on the objective and your team isn't contesting it, you will lose.

If the enemy is all dead and your the only one up and your not on the objective, you will lose.

When it comes to push, there is absolutely NO reason someone shouldn't be pushing the objective. And that person might have to be you if no one else is doing it.

pretty easy to do when you and your target are staying still and you don't have to bother aiming, dipshit

39 percent weapon accuracy this explains a lot. Soldier 76 is still the third best offense in the game

He isn't used.

post proof you lying fuccboi

dude it's fucking three different buttons you press with three different fingers.

right click -> back button on mouse -> shift

it's fucking simple as shit, stop being retarded

>you can guaranteed punch tracer at will
>at 10 hp a hero is severely disabled and can't act at full capacity

hero-bias is for aids console kiddies, don't worry about it mate.

>I heard people complain before, but I can officially say if you play Hanzo, Widow, Genji, Bastion, Ana, and sometimes Mei, NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU DO, you will be the blame.
This is funny coming from a Genji player

Can I get an answer?

>let me just skip the fact of human reaction speed of 200-250ms plus key time
>and say its all skill
>instead of an instant single button press .13 second macro

>his reflect also blocks melee damage
lmao what

>nvincible reflect
his reflect doesn't make him invincible. There are attacks that go through it

Are you handicapped? Plinking 3 keys on 3 DIFFERENT FINGERS is shit easy

I sit at 44% in competitive. And since the last patch he is not worth playing at all.

44% is in the top 2% of players

Purposefully finding out what's theoretically disadvantageous and focusing on that to have an excuse not to live up to your full potential.

One day the meta will change. Will you be at the forefront of it? Not if you insist on carving it out in stone.