let me through im a doctor and i need to roll
1 castle
2 rampart
3 tower
4 necropolis
5 dungeon
6 inferno
7 fortress
8 stronghold
9 conflux
no inferno please theyre boring
let me through im a doctor and i need to roll
1 castle
2 rampart
3 tower
4 necropolis
5 dungeon
6 inferno
7 fortress
8 stronghold
9 conflux
no inferno please theyre boring
Other urls found in this thread:
Ooh I wanna play right now, tell me what to do fate.
u had more luck than op
I'm curious
Which game should I start with? I'm a big dumb casual who doesn't know any of these types of games except Legends of Eisenwald
Yup, time to win!
homm is not super complicated, 3 is considered to be the best so i would start with that
Every game after HoMM4 is only might and magic in name and is in a completely rebooted and generic setting by jewbisoft.
Aight, cheers m80s
This is now a HoM&M/M&M thread.
Be sure to get the HD mod for HoM&M3.
DO NOT get HoM&M3 HD on Steam. Just the mod and complete edition.
Yep, already saw that
>no new features
>doesn't include DLC
That's exactly why Steam reviews are so great
>just got into a temple of baa
>skeletons, spellcasters, and spiders everywhere
Don't fear the skeletons, they are your friends.
good luck im behind.....
Is there a way to increase the render resolution in MM6?
Just checked reviews for HoM&M on Steam past 3.
Heroes of Might & Magic V:
RECENT: Very Positive (27 reviews)
OVERALL: Very Positive (715 reviews)
Might & Magic: Heroes VI:
RECENT: Mostly Negative (49 reviews)
OVERALL: Mixed (4,180 reviews)
Might & Magic® Heroes® VII:
RECENT: Mixed (103 reviews)
OVERALL: Mixed (2,006 reviews)
What the hell happened? V would have been on par with III in my opinion if it wasn't for AI taking forever to end its turn, but it's thankfully being worked on.
Anything but conflux plz
Aggregate scores means nothing whatsoever, only the individual reviews do
Not saying those games are good but you shouldn't judge shit based on the positive percentage
Conflux is fucking godly and banned in tournaments, what the hell?
You got the fastest units and you're guaranteed Air/Earth magic from the start.
rolling for them necros
fuuuck wizardfags, i hate them
V has a terrible art style and bland as fuck setting
I need help with Stronghold on Impossible difficulty. Which units should I spend my money on if I'm almost broke?
- Many Orc Chieftains or a few Cyclops Kings?
- only 1 Ogre Mage for the Bloodlust spell, or more of them?
- is there a way to use Goblins and Wolf Riders except as cannon fodder? I find them pretty useless.
(it's for the fan map "Unleashing the Bloodthirsty" where I have to capture a Rampart that has 234 Elves per slot in the garrison... Last time I tried I had Forgetfulness, 9 Cyclops Kings, 5 Ogre Magi, 3 Thunderbirds and 36 Elves I recruited along the way. The heroes' stats are all around 20.)
5 is great gameplay wise but the new look is too Warcraft-y
>Steam reviews
Shiggy diggy.
They're now giving 7 better reviews because BUT DON'T YOU SEE THEY'RE PATCHING IT UP? even though it's still fundamentally flawed in several departments (such as shitty editor, shitty map design, shitty AI, terrible economy and snooze-tier creature design)
They ride single file to hide their numbers.
Griffin undying!
I have managed to kill off most of the horde but they keep coming
i did it
Rolling. In the mood for All for One right now
This is wrong. 5 is good. Not great, but good.
>there's still more to the dungeon
this game man
Bought the complete MM pack on GoG to replay them but can't get them working on Win 10, anyone else?
Lets see
>that homosexual pirate
Which one doesn't work for you?
based boris the regnan pirate
They're not HoMM3.
Also VI is alright, I got the Complete Edition for 10€ and wasn't expecting much. At least the campaign, I haven't played multiplayer in any HoMM game so I can't tell you anything about that.
Considering how Ubi fucked the development and the dev studio, I'm surprised how good it is.
Also, mandatory uPlay. Shit is annoying when you bought it on Steam.
uPlay isn't as bad anymore (as in, it finally works doesn't fuck me) but I still have to launch uPlay games through Steam, which starts uPlay, then I need to login and then the game finally starts. Starting directly through uPlay gives me an error (only for game I bought on Steam), shit is stupid
Dunno about VII, haven't played that one.
People always complain about handholding in games these days but its stuff like MM6 that show how not telling the player anything can be even worse. I've gotten up to the temple of VARN and honestly I've just had my fill. Some people live for this kind of stuff but frankly I'm kind of glad it isn't that prevalent anymore.
you should be ashamed of being so casual
How can you like VI when they dumbed down the resources to only 3, dumbed down town management and you can convert castles to your factions for some dumb reason? Sure the game looks nice, but it's easily worse than HoM&M4.
The further back you go, the more bullshit RPGs become
I don't see the fun in games where you invest 40 hours and then it turns out you cannot finish because of some decision 2 hours in
Not skipping what NPCs have to tell you really, REALLY fucking helps.
VI really isn't good but like you, I enjoyed the campaign mode.
This. MM6 doesn't cater to modern RPG fans and expects you to actually talk to townspeople for advice and information.
Any tips for a beginner in HoMM3?
Is there a way to pan the camera around by holding a mouse button like in most strategy games?
How come Van Caneghem didn't start a kickstarter yet to fund a spiritual successor and name it something like Champions of Mind and Muscles? Game like HoM&M3 would be perfect for a small indie game to make and people would love the idea for sure. He would literally swim in money.
He's doing mobile shit and doesn't care?
Besides, it would probably turn out poorly.
Last I checked he's working on mobile games. I'd rather see him make RPGs like MM6-8
>Daily MM/HoMM threads
Just woke up, or am I still dreaming?
MM/HoMM are the perfect summertime games
>I'm a big dumb casual
Does that mean you don't like 2D games?
Either 3 or 5, both are great games with all the addons.
I'd argue they're better winter games.
How big are the worlds of the M&M games actually?
I always imagined them as being huge landmasses that you can walk across and it'd take you several real time hours.
Depends on the game. Some take place on planets and others on flat nacelles
I remember playing 2, 3 and 5 during summers, but I also played those game pretty much in every season.
>flat nacelles
>The nacelle (/nəˈsɛl/ nə-SELL) is a housing, separate from the fuselage, that holds engines, fuel, or equipment on an aircraft.
>he doesn't know
MM1-5 actually take place on giant spaceships created by an ancient alien race and the big bad in those games is a cyborg gone haywire created by the alien race.
Android not cyborg sorry
Why is Horn of the Abyss so hard?
V is an amazing game, and it had a mod that fixes its technical issues. That might explain its reviews.
HotA's pirate faction sucks balls. Stormbirds are weak Thunderbird clones, the pistol guys are too expensive and the only unique building is an altair of sacrifice.
The new map locations are cool though.
Thank you for killing the CRPG genre
MM6 has a great manual. I like how it's all written in character.
HoMM had great manuals as well.
>tfw Letters from Ironfist in HoMM1 manual
MM6 has those too.
That's not the full thing.
The one in HoMM1 manual is much longer.
I only posted one page of the letters user. The older games have good manuals too.
Good. Mediocrity attracts mediocrity.
>Champions of Mind and Muscles