ESA 2016: Try not to archive because of boring ass runs Edition

Now: Final Fantasy XII
Next: Oddworld: Abe's Oddysey
Later: Ori and the Blind Forest

It's almost done.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oddworld already happened.

Can we ban any runs over 3 hours from these marathons? It may be speedy for FFXII, but it is still boring as fuck to keep watching for so long.

post best ESA girls while we wait for this shit to end

Reminder everyone at the event is having a great time :)

only compaliners are you faggots


>based Spike on donations

nigger has an erection for FF runs so i bet he's having a ball


remember how fun GDQ was?

post good RPG speedruns while we wait



GDQ was alright but just like this event, the vast majority of it was boring runs, with a few highlights sprinked in between.

People just lost their shit whenever a tranny was on stream for some reason.

Where were you when Elijaz got cucked hard by his 'bro' Santzo?

Iman is fucking rank, fake ass, fake tits, fake lips, she's got colgen injections and not even 30

How autistic do you have to be to run a game that's over an hour or two long?

I mean I guess it's impressive seeing 60+ hour JRPGs reduced to under 10 hours but I still question why anyone would bother. Especially when JRPGs by their very nature tend to be really fucking RNG heavy.

Speedruns are universally autistic, RPG speedruns are actually way more interesting from a casual perspective anyway, because besides some minor glitches, most of the menu optimizations and stat distributions are immediately understandable.

Reminder the few Alpha Ameribros that attended this shit event are its only redeeming factor.

Sure, but you have to admit there's a huge difference in required autism for running a 30 minute game than one that requires you to play for 6 and a half fucking hours in one sitting with no breaks

Maybe, I mean you could argue the opposite in that RPG runners have way wider spreads in their runs and won't quit a run because they lost a 10th of a second, because in a 6 hour run it doesn't really matter.

>play for 6 and a half fucking hours in one sitting with no breaks
But I do that all the time
Like, not speedruns obviously, but still.

how many bings until Ori?

Probably another 40 if they don't overrun and then add on setup time.

>for some reason

Gee, I wonder why.

How the fuck do you not eat, drink or piss for 6 hours....

You do that every night

the dude with the white cap didnt talk or move for 6 hours lol.

is it over yet?

No. You can go back to sleep for another half an hour.

How can you """"speedrun"""" an offline MMORPG?

Optimal menus, movements, and stat manipulation, I'd assume.

>only Pokemon game is Snap on Friday
>tons of indie garbage, walking simulators and multi-hour long runs
Who thought this was a good idea?

>32 posts in 4 hours

>this stream layout
fucking why
so much screen space wasted

>actually wanting to watch pokemon speedruns

>SpikeVegeta is here
So this is why this year's event is so GDQ-like and shit.

Blame the boring 7 hour run. It managed to kill the last thread.

Pokemon objectively brings in the most cash at these things.

>open stream
>wow he beats a FF game in 7 minutes, the game must be broken as hell
>realize it's 7 hours

>Pokemon objectively brings in the most cash at these things
Not if you go by the save/kill the animals thing GDQ does.

>missed the ff XII run
How good was it? Considering it was a 7 hour run ( I personally don't mind these)

No one watched it

That's because literally everyone adds that epic meme onto the end of their donation comments.

>7 hours

Who cares?

it took seven hours

>wow he beats a FF game in 7 minutes, the game must be broken as hell
You reminded me of the dumb FF1 step glitch run a while back that got mercy killed after failing to count over and over.

>that one Final Fantasy cuck in the chat talking about how Type-0 is a good speedrun because it's "only" 2 hours long
wew lad

The organisers and charities, the point of these events is to raise money in case you didn't know.

Are they about to go over estimate?

Wait it's not over yet? Yay

>lets put a 6 hour run on for prime time

>Fastest way to beat the game = speedrun

>the point of these events is to raise money in case you didn't know
That's secondary

Any good runs so far?

you are wrong
that would be bonesaw and fun in general

There was FFXII
it never ends

>All these inputs
FF XII plays itself tards status: BTFO



It will never end.

Lands of Lore 3

dark souls 3 and bloodborne was rather good.

How was Ultima Underworld II? I missed it due to sleep.

>overestimate in a fucking final fantasy run

He didn't even beat it on time


euros what are you doin

This has got me really in the mood for playing XII. Is it easy to emulate? How about on a 5 year old machine? Will I be able to hit 1440p?

Grand Theft Auto III and Super Mario Bros. 3 were great.

>this singing

haha le cringe :D

>tfw ywn have cringeworthy pure fun

Where can I see some VODs?

>Estimate is less than 15 minutes over pb
>In a 7 hour long speedrun
Get used to it. ESA estimates aren't "the time I'll get if everything goes wrong"

>games native resolution is 720
>Will I be able to hit 1440p

>Is it easy to emulate?
yes, but you should play zodiac job system, which they didn't do in this shitty run.

What's this all about?
Some kind of GDQ clone?
Is it also nofunallowed or..?

>How about on a 5 year old machine? Will I be able to hit 1440p?
Depends on your graphics card, but it is one of the easier games to emulate on PCSX2.

>games native resolution is 720
>playstation 2

>Get used to it. ESA estimates aren't "the time I'll get if everything goes wrong"
You rang?

>import burger
>it takes 7h at prime time
>it goes over estimate

>It came out TEN YEARS AGO

I'm gonna take this shit I've been holding in for 7 hours now.

say what you want but that song had way more enthusiasm behind it than any I've ever seen at gdq


Nice. Why Zodiac? I always hear that on here. I really just want to optimise some gambits.

I have an i5 2500k/hd 6950 (and I'm considering getting a second one for crosssfire, but I'm undecided).

>That was Final Fantasy 7

Tell me how it goes.

more like final fantasy seven hours

>dat horrible Växjö pronunciation

Here's how it's done

Anyone got a link to the oddworld stream?

>Why Zodiac? I always hear that on here.
more balanced with proper rpg classes, can control summons and guest characters, and a fast forward button

>considering getting a second one for crosssfire
gpu isn't really important for emulation, cpu is.

Americans are terrible at pronouncing foreign words, what else is new?
>mfw Americans say "bologna" near me

www twitch tv/esamarathon/v/80075707?t=02h19m05s
One of the better runs believe it or not.

>this game

Nintendo Nightmare was the best run so far, even if I had no idea what the fuck was going on.

It's so pretty. I should really get around to playing it

ESA drinking game: Take a shot every time someone says "yump"

kek wtf

does definitive version have more areas or what?