Mattless podcasts are a blessing from the gods

Mattless podcasts are a blessing from the gods

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I can't imagine anything more dull that listen to 4 fat losers talk about video games.

>Listening to/watching fat, ugly, autistic, fake friend substitutes/online babysitters

Well that's fucking pathetic my man.

I'd prefer no liam. Matt doesn't defend every shitty company and every shitty game.

I'd prefer fucking neither. Pat and Woolie have the best chemistry out of the four, I always have a good time watching/listening to shit with just them. Liam is a fucking killjoy becuase he always plays the contrarian and he is TERRIBLY unfunny. Seriousy, I cannot name one thing Liam has ever said that made me laugh, the only cases are when he says something and then one of the others respond to it in a funny way. Matt is an absolute insufferable baby who's sense of humor always seems a fucking solar system away from everyone else's. Matt is the lesser of two evils but Pat and Woolie is actually enjoyable, so glad Eyes of Heaven is happening

The problem is that Matt tries to be tumblr when the rest of the group acts live Sup Forums.
Liam might be a piece of shit, but atleast he actually likes videogames.

>The problem is that Matt tries to be tumblr when the rest of the group acts live Sup Forums.
Pat, Woolie, and Liam interrupt all of their discussions to start talking about censorship and politics?

liam wants to give off this aura of neutrality and "every is good in it's own way! :^D" but it makes him seem like a tryhard more than anything else.

It's hard to take his opinions seriously when he's constantly saying things like "come on guys, it's not THAT bad" or "I DIDN'T SAY IT WAS GOOD I JUST DIDN'T HATE IT"

That happens every fucking podcast, actually.

Liam would be great if he just said nothing except for the moments of great zingers or perfectly timed racist jokes to make Woolie die with laughter and Pat uncomfortable.

I have to disagree. Liam, while contrarian, has some of the best zingers on the podcast by a huge margin. He also brings the weeb shit which is always hilarious to hear Pat and Woolie shit on. Matt brings absolutely nothing to the podcast besides COMICS AND HORROR MOVIES LMAO MUH WIFE DIDNT HAVE TIME FOR GAMES THIS WEEK, BUT I DID SEE A GULLY GULLY, BETTER PUSH THAT SHIT FOR SUMMER SLAM, IT HAS A LOT OF GROUNDSWELL.

>that chunk of time where he wouldn't stop talking about that stripper and that Barbarian game
Jesus fucking christ

Can we talk about how

>TBFP starts an LP of
>suddenly, literally every. single. day. for the duration of their playthrough, there is a thread on Sup Forums with the same OP

Seriously, there have been daily Catherine and Nier threads since the start of their LPs, and they all have one or two guys that casually mention how TBFP are playing through them. Before their LPs there were never daily Catherine or Nier threads.

Woolie, or Liam, why you gotta do this?

I dunno Liam has his moments

>That comment about muffins in the Nier playthrough that led to Pat's girlfriend exploding

>everyone thought matt would try to force his wife into the channel
>she has said she wants nothing to do with being on screen, doesn't even show up on matts solo lonely streams anymore
>turns out pats butterface gf would be the one forcing herself in slowly but surely because she got a few twitter followers and an even bigger head

Matt has these patterns where he finds something REALLY funny, like unbelievably funny, and will attempt to shoehorn it into literally everything because it's just so goddamn funny.

>Xrd Revelator
>everyone else is talking about how good the game looks
>haha, that game was shit, good joke
>yup, got it
>"this game looks ok BUT IT'S NO AGE OF BARBARIAN"
>no one can tell him to shut the fuck up because he's the boss

Liam can be the best and the worst.

I'll always appreciate him for his Rapelay joke, but every time I think about time ethics, I want to die.

when's that?

>le fart gas
>le simpsons
what else am i missing

This really got apparent when that someone wrote in about the podcast names and mentioned "who trashed my dead baby's grave?"

All of his jokes for the next like 2 weeks in were basically "Who trashed my dead ___'s grave?" like he was some hilarious comedian

The title is fucking hilarious, but holy shit Matt let it die, you're running it to the ground

>because he's the boss
It's more because Sad Matt will actively do things to ruin the episode he's in and sad Matt is stupid easy to summon, so the rest of the friends have to walk on eggshells to not provoke him in to going in to sad mode.

Friendly reminder that Matt singlehandedly ruined the Nuzlocke playthrough by being a wet blanket mopey piece of shit. If he weren't there it would have been a fun Woolie and Liam bantcast, but because he was there he actively tried to ruin it.

If Matt died tomorrow the best friends would only improve. Say what you want about Liam, if he suddenly disappeared the dynamic would alter significantly and not necessarily for the better. If Matt just fucking exploded in to meaty chunks one day, the group's content would only improve.

Hi Liam, I know you're lurking here, and I know you all agree with me.

You got to witness this live when Liam and Matt were doing some shitty Tomb Raider knock-off game and Liam gasped, and for probably 2 months after that Matt is gasping in every video

>Pat's GF in the latest Nier

I was instinctively pissed off at non-mic'd-up people shouting muffled shit into an LP, but she sounds pretty damn perfect for ol'd angry Pat.

>GF: So if you lick the frosting off a pop tart, it ceases to be?

When it came out I liked time ethics because I thought Liam was prolonging the discussion just to take the ridiculous concept as seriously as possible. That is a pretty standard way of having a funny conversation. Turns out Liam is just incapable of admitting defeat in any sort of argument, even ones as ridiculous as time travel. Him digging in his heels about MN9 was painful.

Pat's girlfriend is genuinely hilarious, I wouldn't mind her joining the group a bit more regularly. They have a clear chemistry going on and would be loads of fun to listen to.

>Sad Matt is stupid easy to summon

Well yeah. Matt is probably keenly aware that people don't like him as much as they used to, so he tries to force himself into playthroughs where he would otherwise not be needed, like Nuzlocke, or Bloodborne, or Dark Souls III. Twilight Princess wasn't as bad, but it would've been fine as just Woolie and Liam.

Browsing Sup Forums.

>it's a "Matt's a third wheel commentator that's contributing nothing" LP
>it's a "Matt's video essay explaining why he deserves to be in this LP" video

I am so sick of Matt shoehorning himself in to LPs for no reason. I genuinely can't watch 2/3ds of the videos on the channel anymore because Matt's shitting them up and contributing nothing.

at around 19:20 is when it starts

>Liam's console bias

That works to better even since I missed the earlier part

You guys only hate Matt because he is you, bullied as a child and going bald oh he also loves memes.

If Liam died they would just replace him with Billy or Plague or someone else who's better. If Matt died they would do the same but also have a lot of business related issues and Matt easily brings more to the table than Liam does in terms of entertainment, although that's not saying much.

Liam and Woolie are gonna play more Metal Slug, right?

I was never bullied, I had a ton of friends in school and I never embarrassed myself so bad I had to move. I don't act like a fucking 13 year old all the time, I don't wear feetie pajamas, I don't have a fucking fursona. Matt is literally the epitome of manchild who is overly sensitive and acts like a fucking baby if he doesn't get his way. He wants everyone to think he's cool but no one does and he knows it so he tries way too fucking hard to be the funny guy and stay relevant but it doesn't fucking work.

>Woolie died four times because he didn't know the difference between dark blocks and immovable blocks
Fucking how

Nuzlocke was ruined from the get go due to Woolie only knowing how to play like a coward and Liam being a retarded "game master" at every possible attack.

Fuck off Matt

Man i used to watch/listen the Zaibatsu a lot, but after a while they became kinda boring.
They used to be way more simple, now they even use twitch sometimes.

>Woolie trying to follow the story
>Matt: Who cares, it's stupid
>Wollie: What's the deal with this character?
>Matt: I dunno dude, who cares

Christ FFX was such a shitshow.

>Watching Aria of Sorrow LP because I've been into Metroidvanias lately and really liked the Sorrow games
>Liam jokes about something
>Matt retorts not to force it
>mfw Matt telling ANYONE not to force something

Matt "muh gwasses" "Simpsons" "fartgas" "The other 100 forced jokes" McMuscles isn't allowed to call anything forced.

Best posts.

>most inaccurate posts done by jelly af people more like

The one thing I like about Matt is he's the only one with a sense of work ethic among them and when one of them (usually Pat) wants to be a lazy piece of shit and not come to a stream or something, he's the only one who will call them out on it. He also puts the most effort into editing, I don't like his "highlight reel" style of editing, but it definitely requires more work than everyone else's fucking nothing.

Excuse me, did you just not watch the Twilight Princess LP or something? Liam's editing was way above what Matt does, or realistically doesn't do.

only 3 are fat

>"In my headcanon Batman fucks all the Robins"
>Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian
Based Pat with the best headcanon

>God Confirmed For Real
>Mattless podcast
They didn't realize how right they were.

>matt does a whole video about bloodborne
>didnt even get to vicar emilia
he is literally tumblr

>That SFV server joke at the end of one of the episodes

I know not everyone appreciates editing like that but I thought that shit was hilarious.

Does anyone have pictures of Liam's girlfriend?

They all do annoying shit but matt is the worst
>Spreads misinformation and doesnt know left from right
>Hey guys remember that joke? Well here it is for the next 3 weeks in everything we do
>Wiki fag for everything and doesnt actually experience shit
>Devils advocate with everything even if he doesnt agree with what he's saying

>Woolie doesn't like Part 8 because "They're all a bunch of dweebs" and his favorite part so far is a joke edit someone made of a cover page
How can one man be such a fucking pleb

Just imagine Liam with tits.


why is Matt dating a hooker

>Friendly reminder that Matt singlehandedly ruined the Nuzlocke playthrough by being a wet blanket mopey piece of shit.
At least he kind of owned up to it when he said he would rather redo Nuzlock better than wipe it from existence.


They all seem like very nice people.

low self esteem

he married the first woman that said yes


He is all of him

>Come to these thread to point out how big a fraud Woolie is when it comes to mecha
>His shills always come and defend him
>Now that he's being a faggot about JoJo more and more people are realizing he's a fraud

Woolie is not a fanatic about anything. He's a surface feeder who latches on to popular things to build a persona appealing to others so they'll listen or watch his videos.

I don't actually believe he's ever watched SEED or SEED Destiny because he's never gone on a proper rant explaining why they're terrible when it's one of the easiest things possible.

He's the definition of a fraud

Liam's editing single handedly catapulted that LP from decent to fucking great.

>Not Liam's Liam
one job

>Just imagine Liam with tits


so did she

Liam's a cute narcissistic fuk boi

>People say Liam is objective and doesn't flat out shill all the time
>Woolie says people think their Pokemon GO leader looks like Guy Fieri
>This fucking skinny faggot straight up says "Guy Fieri is pretty cool"

This is the end. I can never ever take Liam serious ever again. He has no backbone, no moral regard for standards.

He should just move to Japan and commit seppuku already

I found all but Matt's Leana attractive in their own way. I just don't see the appeal to her but thats just my taste.

Liam's gf is best though, shes not particularly the prettiest but shes got this comfy look to her. Like shes just a good friend you end up falling for or some shit.

Pat's Paige looks like an attractive co-worker you end up asking on a date after work.

I dont have any story for Woolie's gf

But that's not true at all. There's never been a time without constant C or K atherin threads or Nier threads that die after 2 or 3 posts.

A child could handle all of the "business" concerns they have, and could probably also do it without signing a 12 year contract
The only reason they need Matt is because his signature is already on the important shit

Stefanie looks a lot like my ex

Not video games.

>check out if there are any cool SBFP shirts to buy

>Have to suffer almost entire playthrough with Liam in it until he says 1 (one) funny thing
>Could be any other combo of people and be entertaining throughout
Liam needs to go and stay go

Woolie's gf looks comfy too. Like a fun girl you love to play with.

uhh, don't most people? I know I did. I didn't ask any other gf before my wife. most of my married friends and family did too. Not counting people who got divorced and remarried, I know of one guy who proposed and got turned down.

Why are fighting games literally the only thing Woolie knows how to play well
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Woolie isn't actually any good at character action games, and the he just like's them because they're 'cool' and 'hype'


But in all seriousness Matt needs to make his own channel of stupid babby cartoons and godzilla stuff.

It's so weird seeing someone like Pat dating someone like Paige but at the same time seem really good together.

At least he tries unlike Pat who literally just reads the wiki pages.
He proclaims himself to be a huge JoJo fan but has only read up to Part 4 and spoiled himself on everything else from Wikis
Same for SMT and Persona aside from Persona 3/4
He uses his muh eceleb status to get carried in FF14 and kick people even if they are better than him if they have the same class as him.
Pat is a piece of shit but at least he's a crazy person and entertaining

To be fair, part 8 did kinda start slow. I only really got interested once the Rock People showed up.

>Woolie pretends to like Kamen Rider, Gundam, Jojo, Guilty Gear to appeal to hipster otaku


Devil's Avocado Liam and "Stop saying Literally when you mean Figuratively!" Liam are the worst.

Yeah, like 10% of your fanbase is going to get confused if you don't take 10 minutes to explain that you don't actually think Game X is the greatest game of all time, but the other 90% of your listeners already figured that out, and you're killing their enjoyment.

>Actually hating Guy Fieri
He's a personality on the food network, for all the jokes people make about him he isn't that bad

I always keep on hearing that Woolie got blown up on /m/ but never knew what actually happened. Can you please explain user?

Stefanie and Laura are so fucking cute, they seem like the coolest to hang out with

Tell me the definition of a fanbase.

Yes but I can't share it. That and worse.

Sorry, I'm a collector. I will never share though. Feel safe in that.

welcome to Sup Forums faggot. that is literally this website. congrats, you're retarded

Matt will never get his own channel because the tumblr fanart-drawing section of the fanbase loves him for some goddamn reason. Every time he uploads a self-indulgent video to the channel they lose their minds and praise him for being such a brave big boy.

I don't get it. It's like... what, are they being foster mothers for him? Is there some maternal instinct that draws them to want to protect Matt or something?

Is... Is Matt moe?

>muh e-celebs
sudoku, my man

>>check out if there are any cool SBFP shirts to buy

why does Matt try to pretend that he's still a part of the channel?

it's obvious to everyone he doesn't play games anymore, he'd be happier and we'd all be happier if he just took a step back and took in his share of the money for being the big boss or whatever and left the other guys to actually do video game stuff.

>check out if there are any cool SBFP shirts to buy
The answer is none

idk like maybe they took a cover art from one of their LPs and made it a shirt, those are usually cool. but no, just stupid memes about matt's irrelevant pets