If Sword Art Online was real, would you play it?
If Sword Art Online was real, would you play it?
minus the bullshit, yea.
>limited xp
>unbalanced as hell classes
>almost no stuff changes
hell no
No cuz lol aids
no, cause I don't play japshit
>not open world
>not taking the chance to pick an op class and gank noobs
Yes, i would level my merchant skill and swindle every adventurer and pay some girls (males) to suck me off.
Yes but only if there's prostitution on the game.
How do you know you're not in a nervgear game now? When you die it nukes your brain.
Would chill out on that floor and fish my days away. I will become the Nat Pagle of SAO.
Dont know shit about it but If I can strafe fuckers in my bf109 then yes
I'd rather play The World, but yeah.
To bad SAO the anime is one of the worst pieces of shit I've sat through.
Fuck no. Way more limitations than in real life.
Just because it's a free for all frenzy doesn't mean it's fun.
You can't even do drugs or have sex with people plus it's just pure anarchy more or less a battle royal.
>he doesn't know 2 years of glopping is canon
The technology already exists. Look up new psychotronic weaponry.
- An insider
not in a million years
Would much rather do a FPS of this. A WWI VR game would be pretty cool
>You can't even do drugs or have sex with people
This is the most normie thing I've heard all day
Unless it has rape, probably not.
Then you are in?
With true VR? Why not?
Enjoy your shooter with everyone running lightsabers instead, and then they'll bitch at you for using guns.
no, it requires another launcher
furthermore i only play overpriced low-budget indie steam vr games with progressive messages
i just watched the first episode because of this thread.
Cool concept desu, i now want an MMO where you can do everything with good physics and shit. Doesnt even have to be VR. Think Zelda BOTW Online
ReZero is better desu
But the world in ReZero works more on talents and aptitudes you were born with while the nature of a game makes it possible to choose most things in SAO